If you are a Mormon and believe the Book of Abraham, you have been deceived! You have been lied to. You have been had.
How does that make you feel?
What will you do now?
Just a guess, but I would posit the singing of the award-winning song "I Believe" might be the desired action. Get those troubling thoughts out of your head with cheerful faith affirmations.
If you are a Mormon and believe the Book of Abraham, you have been deceived! You have been lied to. You have been had.
How does that make you feel?
What will you do now?
Just a guess, but I would posit the singing of the award-winning song "I Believe" might be the desired action. Get those troubling thoughts out of your head with cheerful faith affirmations.
It's an excellent performance. But imagine Jim Carrey doing it.
Identify as African-American Lesbian who is identifying as a Gay Man and a Gay Journalist
Pronouns: he/she/her/him/they/them/it
Rocker and a mocker and a midnight shocker
Just a guess, but I would posit the singing of the award-winning song "I Believe" might be the desired action. Get those troubling thoughts out of your head with cheerful faith affirmations.
Faithful Mormons from President Nelson down to the lowest man on the Church totem pole are lying to themselves. They willingly concoct any excuse to deny Anubis’s snout and justify the Facsimile as presently constituted. This is an amazing example to show how one will lie to themselves in order to maintain their pious beliefs that a ®Holy ®Ghost has born special testimony to them that Joseph Smith correctly translated, interpreted, and restored the papyri and the vignettes to their proper form and story. And in this, we see how Mormons sustain themselves by lying repeatedly to themselves and others. In my view, it’s a very shameful practice.
I rebuke the Presidents of the Church for their part in covering up the pious fraud in order to sustain their own faith and mislead the members of the church at large. The whole thing is repugnant and outrageous. The world will never, ever, accept the Book of Abraham which is a proven fraud.
THE ARTICLES OF FAITH, Joseph Smith wrote:13 We believe in being honest, true...
Gospel Principles, Honesty wrote:Lying is intentionally deceiving others. Bearing false witness is one form of lying. The Lord gave this commandment to the children of Israel: “Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour” (Exodus 20:16). Jesus also taught this when He was on earth (see Matthew 19:18). There are many other forms of lying. When we speak untruths, we are guilty of lying. We can also intentionally deceive others by a gesture or a look, by silence, or by telling only part of the truth. Whenever we lead people in any way to believe something that is not true, we are not being honest.
The Church has been lying about the black man (SO-CALLED NEGRO SLAVE) depicted in Facsimile No. 3 since Joseph Smith first published the Facsimile and its accompanying Explanations as an integral part of a “Translation of some ancient Records” of Abraham being represented in Egypt. You were lied to! I was lied to! Everyone has been lied to! The Church today continues to cover up its lies by relying on twisted apologists to come up with ideas to justify and excuse the original lie. But the leaders of the Church are cowards and men of low esteem when it comes to unbiased integrity and values of absolute honestly. Apologists are not interested in truth and neither are the Church leaders who are scum of the earth -- people I would not spend my time with because they vibrate on a level which is dark and dishonest. No thank you, Mormons! They are only interested in defending Joseph Smith’s obvious false translations which nobody outside the Church will ever accept as legitimate Egyptology. The spirit of lying is the very foundation of Book of Abraham apologetics. I know absolutely the Church is a corrupt organization.
How does it feel to know you have been lied to? How does it feel to know that the TRUE Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 was revealed through my instrumentality and not your own? Surely that has to stick in your craw! John, you’re not as smart as you think you are. If you were, you would have been the one to have discovered the hacked-out snout in the lead plate. The whole thing went over your head and there is nothing you can do or say to justify the EXPLANATION for Fig. 6. Olimlah, a slave belonging to the prince.
It’s over, John. Your mission as an LDS apologist for the Book of Abraham will go down in history as a failure. Surely you must know that.