ajax18 wrote: ↑Fri Mar 08, 2024 11:34 am
or would have been any less likely to happen if Trump had won instead?
I was waiting for you to say it was Trump's fault. Why exactly did this happen in your opinion? Lack of social welfare program funding, rural white people who own firearms? Right wing extremism? Systemic racism in the Alabama school and legal system? It couldn't possibly be due to the abolition of religious faith and the destruction of the family unit that has resulted in a culture of morally degenerate people.
I didn't say it was Trump's fault. I only said that it would not have been any less likely to happen had Trump been President at the time. But blaming this event on Democrats and conservatives is at least as irrational as blaming it on Trump. Please note, though, that this atrocity happened in a deeply red Republican, conservative state -- not a Blue, Democrat led state.
Obviously the perpetrators were not at all worried about being caught doing what they did or whatever punishment might follow, given they documented their deeds with video for all the world to see. Why is that?
I have no idea why they were not worried about being caught, and I don't think you do either. But certainly it was stupid of them to be so confident they wouldn't be caught or prosecuted for it.
Could no fault divorce or the fact that people now feel no obligation to get legally married at all have something to do with that?
I seriously doubt that. There is no credible evidence of it.
Would this have happened in these same people grew up attending primary or seminary in your opinion?
Perhaps not, but there are certainly documented examples of people with deep religious upbringings who have done things most of us would have regarded as atrocious.
Schmo would probably tell you that religion caused them to do this and if they grew up as atheists society their superior morals would have made perpetrating such actions unthinkable.
Schmo is certainly correct that religious zealots, including some regarding themselves as devout Christians, have committed some of the most unspeakable atrocities in history in furtherance of their faith. And it is a well-documented fact that atheists are very much underrepresented in our prisons and criminal communities.
Survey reveals only .02% of prisoners identify as atheists.
What Hamasniks do is understandable. They've been trained up in a false religion and taught to hate and kill Jews from the time they're born. What these eight people demonstrated was the result of as you say, "People raising themselves." So why are people raising themselves?
What those 8 people did have nothing whatsoever to do with HAMAS. Certainly what HAMAS has done and is continuing to do is despicable. I am convinced that they have probably harmed even more Palestinians than they have Jews. But the very real atrocities that HAMAS has inflicted on both innocent Jews and Palestinians does not justify the very real and documented atrocities the Jewish IDF have inflicted on Palestinians in retaliation.
No precept or claim is more suspect or more likely to be false than one that can only be supported by invoking the claim of Divine authority for it--no matter who or what claims such authority.