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Post by Elizabeth »

“I get along great with Ron (DeSantis),” Trump said. “Ron was very good on the Mueller hoax. He was right in front along with Jim Jordan and all of the rest of them.”

“Ron said last week publicly, ‘The press is never going to get in the middle of my friendship with Donald Trump. We are not going to do that stuff,'” Trump said on Hannity. “He said it very strongly. I thought that was very interesting and very nice. He said that, and I agree 100%. I have a very good relationship with Ron and intend to for a long time.”
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Post by Elizabeth »

The Biden Administration has canceled a planned oil and gas lease sale in Alaska.
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Post by Elizabeth »

Heard / Depp.

The premise of the lawsuit and entire series of events were around defamation.
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Post by Elizabeth »

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Post by Elizabeth »

Amber Heard is a serial liar and manipulator.

- Her own witnesses contradicted her stories.
- Voice recordings show she physically attacked Depp.
- Her accusations - such as Depp pushing Kate Moss down the Stairs in the 1990s - were refuted (in that instance by Moss herself on video call).
- Female psychologists testified that Amber Heard has various psychological issues that contextualise her prolific lying and may explain it.
- She was shown to have doctored photos of the alleged 'abuse'.
- The photos she did provide which were not doctored were shown to be very inconsistent with the abuse she alleged.
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Post by Elizabeth »

"From tax hikes to drastic increases in the minimum wage, there are many "changes" Joe Biden hopes to impose in his Presidency.

But at the very top of his list are measures to vastly increase the money and forced-dues power of the Big Labor Bosses.

Why? Because Biden knows that pushing his radical agenda will be far easier with the money and manpower of Big Labor on his side.

That's why candidate Biden promised to grant Big Labor literally EVERYTHING it has ever wished for...

... more forced union dues...

... more power over the lives of American workers...

... more control over our economy...

... and higher taxes from you and me to pay the tab.

To make matters even worse, Big Labor radicals Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer now control Congress.

And they're eager to deliver the Union Bosses' wish list to President Biden for him to sign into law. “

Rand Paul, M.D.
United States Senator.
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Post by Elizabeth »

"When Jane Fonda said Covid was "God's gift to the Left," she gave everything away.

In case you doubted it before, doubt no longer. There are people who will exploit, or indeed in some cases even create, crises they can take advantage of to bring about the kind of radical social changes they favor.

If you read, for instance, what so many left-wing intellectuals in the United States were saying about the urgency of entering World War I, much of it had to do with the opportunity it would provide to create precedents involving the domestic use of political power, so as to acclimate Americans to a more vigorous and interventionist government at home.

It's all right there in the New Republic magazine from those years. "Why should not the war serve as a pretext to be used to foist innovations upon the country?" the magazine demanded to know.

Then, too, there are people who want artificially high gas prices, because they think those high prices can pave the way for their so-called green future.

It is time to consider the possibility that the people in charge aren't fools who don't know what they're doing, and are causing suffering by accident. They know very well what they are doing.

Woods, you say, that's too cynical.

But if it were just stupidity, wouldn't they occasionally, if even just by accident, do something sensible that doesn't hurt the average person?

Mere stupidity isn't this consistent.

Now we get this from the New York Times, just yesterday, letting us know that in fact price inflation can have a beneficial effect because it will lead us to the kind of society they want:

"Inflation has the potential to drive welcome change for the planet if Americans think differently about the way they eat. Climate change has motivated some to eat less resource-intensive meat and more vegetables, grains and legumes, but this movement has not reached the scale necessary to bring needed change—yet."

Who thinks like that?

"Inflation has the potential to drive welcome change"? Get bent.

One of the worst parts about price inflation, though, is that most Americans have no idea what causes it. Some think it's because of greedy corporations (which doesn't explain why the price inflation didn't start three years ago -- were those corporations less "greedy" then?). Or they've bought into the nonsense that it's a sign of a strong economy. Or some people just have an inchoate sense that it's natural for things to get gradually more expensive over time, as if this is some law of the universe.

To the contrary, before the Federal Reserve took over, the general trend was for things to get less expensive over time.

The more we can shine a light on the Fed, the better. It thrives in darkness.

So remember, coming up very soon is the world premiere of the Money 2022 docuseries --

You can watch the whole series for free if you register in advance. After that, they start charging for it.

What we are supposed to do in the current circumstances is a darn good question, and this series seeks to answer it.

The company making it is full of friends of mine, and has featured me in their documentaries as well. They have to deal with Big Tech censorship, so they rely on friends like me to spread the word about their important work."

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Re: Moved: THISandThat

Post by Elizabeth »

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Re: THISandThat.

Post by Morley »

Elizabeth wrote:
Sat Jun 04, 2022 12:06 am
Tom Woods
Great. Tom Woods. One of the founding members of The League of the South. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/League_of_the_South
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Re: Moved: THISandThat

Post by Gadianton »

Never heard of the guy. Had you not responded Morley, I wouldn't have read the post. Since I can't go back in time five minutes, I guess I'll respond to one part that struck my funny bone.
Who thinks like that?
This question was raised to the New York Time's opinion piece that said the price of meat and energy could be the path to a sustainable environment.

To anybody who thinks like that, Woods says, "get bent".

Woods is a big libertarian, apparently, and this is funny because he's furious over -- libertarianism? There was a time when being a libertarian didn't mean being a pathological liar or an unhinged culture warrior, a 24/7 meme circulator, or a science denier. In conservative circles, it most often meant a belief that markets optimize best and government needs to stay out when it comes to money. (it certainly didn't mean live and let live, for everybody)
As resource economist Julian Simon taught us years ago, we never have, and never will, run out of scarce resources like oil because as a resource becomes more scarce, its price will rise, which will set in motion a series of actions that will counteract the scarcity. For example, higher prices for oil will increase the incentives to: a) find more oil, b) conserve on the use of oil, and c) find more substitutes.
I quoted from a right-wing Think Tank for context. Here's what Friedman and everybody of the "Chicago School" used to preach, and so now, this same message reaches the desk of this Von Mises guy, and he doesn't recognize the message is from his own team? Maybe he's not used to the messenger being delivered with a smirk.
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