Biden spoke today

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Re: Biden spoke today

Post by Markk »

K Graham wrote:
Sun Apr 03, 2022 11:14 pm
Markk wrote:
Sat Apr 02, 2022 4:21 pm

Kevin, is there actually a plan for this or did you just come up with this?
I misspoke about the 100 sq miles, I meant to say 100 mile x 100 mile quadrant could be cut out of the southern desert and that would be enough to power the entire country. I didn't come up with the idea, Elon Musk did when he tweeted a response to Bill Gates after he called solar energy "cute."


I would also ask what would be the best way, if the plant was built, to feed the grid and actually get the power to the folks and businesses. One would have to disassemble all th e power sources.
I doubt it would require all that. Current home solar systems already tap into their public energy provider and in most states, those providers take any unused electricity and pay the homeowner for it. But naturally there would need to be more infrastructure involved that spans the country.

As far as all energy in one place, I don't see the problem with having a hybrid system. If the primary source shuts down for whatever reason, we can use the backup that relies mostly on natural gas. And as yack already stated, the bulk of our energy is already consolidated in relatively few spots which if attacked, would serve the same purpose of bringing the country to its knees.

Also do you think the environmentalists would “cut out and destroy a 100 square miles of desert, note that the Atlanta area is just over 130 square miles.
It would be 10,000 sq miles, but that's still a tiny fraction of all the unused open space we have in the South West. Look at the image above to get an idea what I'm talking about.
How many years would it take to do all the planning and environmental impact reports?
The impact on the environment should be a forgone conclusion. The time it would take to do this would all depend on how quickly we could fund it. Imagine a world where your monthly electric bill is always under $20 bucks.

Okay 10.000 square miles, about the size of Vermont….

Kevin, you have to feed the grid! The power has to get from the “plant” to homes and businesses. There are thousands of power generating plants all over the US, i googled it and there are over 11k megawatt plants in the US…and assume many under that. From each plants there are “feeders” (conductors) that go to substations and alike, and then from there to local grids and then to homes and businesses within that grid.

So my point is that from the solar farm, conductors (wire) would need to stretch out around the country and tie into the out feeders from each existing plant, so the power can find its way to each home and business.

Then every home and business that is currently not all electric….would need to be revamped. Upgraded service panels, new heaters, water heaters, dryers, stoves and ranges. Plants and factories would also need to be upgraded. Schools and universities would need to be overhauled…hospitals, apartments, hotels and motels…what about restaurants…every gas serviced restaurant in America…just think about that alone.

This would take a 20 years or more to plan and complete a Environmental Impact report, again the size of Delaware, and generations to complete. And who is going to pay for all this? Where did you come up with a 20 dollar a month bill?

Plus who would own and regulate this plant?

What kind of emergency back up would you propose in case for what ever reason the plant went down for a period of time? Today, most large city systems are looped, so if one source goes down, another can pick up the slack…what would we do if the plant went down for say a few months because of a natural disaster or attack?

by the way, do you have that link for the North African plant that is under construction that will serve all of Europe you mentioned?
K Graham
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Re: Biden spoke today

Post by K Graham »

Any solar system is going to require battery backup obviously, and according to Musk, that would only need to be about the size of 1 sq mile and it could exist underground heavily protected. When Tesla sells their solar roofs, the roofs don't produce electricity around the clock 24/7, instead they store the energy in "Tesla Walls" which then becomes the primary source of energy at night. Likewise, the system has a timer set to use battery stores electricity when electricity is at its most expensive. Electricity from the power company costs less between 11pm and 7am. A similar system would probably be used in a nationwide solar system. As far as your naysaying about it being concentrated all in one spot, that's just missing the point. The point is we have plenty of empty space that could be used to generate free energy to supply all of our needs. There is no reason for it all to be consolidated into one location. It could be divvied up into 10 locations that are only 1,000 sq miles each. There are places in California

These are the states that get the most sunlight:


No issues there. Just install a solar grid big enough in each of those states. Moreover, you can build whatever size battery backup you need. If you think terrorists are going to bring the country to its knees by bombing a solar plant, then you don't really know how easy that would be to do already right now. And if a solar plant goes down, you still have all the energy reserves saved in battery backups. How much energy gets stored is up to us. We could store solar energy the same way we store oil reserves.

As far as the solar in Africa is concerned: The colossal African solar farm that could power Europe
As well as meeting domestic needs, Morocco hopes one day to export solar energy to Europe. This is a plant that could help define Africa's – and the world’s – energy future...

The Moroccan site is one of several across Africa and similar plants are being built in the Middle East – in Jordan, Dubai and Saudi Arabia. The falling cost of solar power has made it a viable alternative to oil even in the most oil-rich parts of the world.
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Re: Biden spoke today

Post by Markk »

K Graham wrote:
Wed Apr 06, 2022 7:32 pm
Any solar system is going to require battery backup obviously, and according to Musk, that would only need to be about the size of 1 sq mile and it could exist underground heavily protected. When Tesla sells their solar roofs, the roofs don't produce electricity around the clock 24/7, instead they store the energy in "Tesla Walls" which then becomes the primary source of energy at night. Likewise, the system has a timer set to use battery stores electricity when electricity is at its most expensive. Electricity from the power company costs less between 11pm and 7am. A similar system would probably be used in a nationwide solar system. As far as your naysaying about it being concentrated all in one spot, that's just missing the point. The point is we have plenty of empty space that could be used to generate free energy to supply all of our needs. There is no reason for it all to be consolidated into one location. It could be divvied up into 10 locations that are only 1,000 sq miles each. There are places in California

These are the states that get the most sunlight:


No issues there. Just install a solar grid big enough in each of those states. Moreover, you can build whatever size battery backup you need. If you think terrorists are going to bring the country to its knees by bombing a solar plant, then you don't really know how easy that would be to do already right now. And if a solar plant goes down, you still have all the energy reserves saved in battery backups. How much energy gets stored is up to us. We could store solar energy the same way we store oil reserves.

As far as the solar in Africa is concerned: The colossal African solar farm that could power Europe
As well as meeting domestic needs, Morocco hopes one day to export solar energy to Europe. This is a plant that could help define Africa's – and the world’s – energy future...

The Moroccan site is one of several across Africa and similar plants are being built in the Middle East – in Jordan, Dubai and Saudi Arabia. The falling cost of solar power has made it a viable alternative to oil even in the most oil-rich parts of the world.
Addressing that latter first…You wrote…”
A similar project is in the works to use the North African desert's sunlight to power all of Europe.”
Kevin…the link you gave me is not a plant that will supply power to ALL of Europe…not even close. You are either flat out lying, or you were just very very sloppy in what you wrote. Which is it?

Did you stop to think this out at all? How are you going to get enough power from this farm to power all of Europe…even if it could generate enough power to supply electricity to ALL of Europe.

France alone has over 50 nuclear reactors…are they just going to shut them down anytime soon? Then here is the question of how is th e power going to get From NA toALL of Europe Kevin? How many transmission towers would that take and through whos country would they go through to feed all the local feeder locations? Do you think Spain will allow all these towers to go through their country?

I am not sure if you understand how electricity works, but lets say that there was a plant that did feed ALL of Europe in Africa…this plant would have a series of “switches” , just like a light switch in your house…but in a much larger scale…We install switches all the time on projects I work on for isolation needs. In other words if you want to work and transformer or switch gear, you can switch power off to it and isolate it so you don’t have to turn off the power to the whole city or grid.

MY point …do you really think that Europe would be stupid enough to have their power supply in Africa, where who ever is in charge of it could simply switch it off if they wanted too?
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Re: Biden spoke today

Post by Markk »

K Graham wrote:
Wed Apr 06, 2022 7:32 pm
Any solar system is going to require battery backup obviously, and according to Musk, that would only need to be about the size of 1 sq mile and it could exist underground heavily protected. When Tesla sells their solar roofs, the roofs don't produce electricity around the clock 24/7, instead they store the energy in "Tesla Walls" which then becomes the primary source of energy at night. Likewise, the system has a timer set to use battery stores electricity when electricity is at its most expensive. Electricity from the power company costs less between 11pm and 7am. A similar system would probably be used in a nationwide solar system. As far as your naysaying about it being concentrated all in one spot, that's just missing the point. The point is we have plenty of empty space that could be used to generate free energy to supply all of our needs. There is no reason for it all to be consolidated into one location. It could be divvied up into 10 locations that are only 1,000 sq miles each. There are places in California

These are the states that get the most sunlight:


No issues there. Just install a solar grid big enough in each of those states. Moreover, you can build whatever size battery backup you need. If you think terrorists are going to bring the country to its knees by bombing a solar plant, then you don't really know how easy that would be to do already right now. And if a solar plant goes down, you still have all the energy reserves saved in battery backups. How much energy gets stored is up to us. We could store solar energy the same way we store oil reserves.
LOL changing you mind now. So much forMusk’s plan and 20 a month power. How are you going to do this?

Just build inverter systems…no problem…Kevin you have no idea what you are saying here. How long do you think the batterie charge would last? CFR?

Kevin…Georgia is up there for sun…what system are you getting? I am getting the Tesla system but I doubt if I will get the inverter back up…still on the fence on that. I should have it by next year.

I first put new high dollar windows through out last year, put more insulation in my ceiling two year sago. And I had to re-roof my house 6 month ago, in that besides it just being smart many solar companies require it. I next have to upgrade my current 100 amp panel to a 200 amp panel…and then per the permit process install things like automatic lights in my bathrooms and kitchen…

Kevin it is easy to just speak talking points, that you hear and read about from the left…but it is another thing to understand there is a little more to it, in fact a lot more to it…and then actually live it. Most can’t afford it.

I have a natural gas dryer, oven and stove, heater and water heater…it would cost me more that 20k to replace all that easily counting new conductors, conduits and remodeling misc walls and ceilings. The solar system I am looking at is about 25-30K..the new 200 amp panel will cost me 3-4 K plus permits. My roofing if I did not get a deal from a friend would have cost me 15Kish insulation I did myself about 800 bucks, windows I did myself about 6k….

So that what…about 50k ish? My current electricity bill averages about 240 dollars a month…I will never recoup my money Kevin if I went all green. I probably would not with just what I have invested so far and the Solar I am getting. Add the electric car we will get…no way we will never recoup this.
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Re: Biden spoke today

Post by Doctor Steuss »

In searching for another thread, I happened upon this one, and thought it’d be interesting to kind of revisit, based on where we are at as of this moment.

The US is currently energy independent, and there have been record levels of domestic oil production over the last year. Almost as many rigs have gone back into production as were lost under Trump (due to COVID and him sabotaging the US’s oil industry in order to make the Suadi’s happy). The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is being refilled at the fastest pace possible right now, at a lower price than it was sold off at (i.e. a fiscal conservative’s fever dream).

Status quo neoliberals gonna status quo neoliberal.
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