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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

Not gonna lie here and will only share some. A week ago I reached the end of myself. I'm not talking about mental health exactly, but sheer exhaustion. Absolute exhaustion. I can't take one step further under my own power kind of exhaustion.

"I can't" isn't something people hear me say. I can't think of when I might have said it last or even ever. It's more like me to say "I'll figure it out" or "I can do it, just give me a minute".

It's funny how you (or I, at least) think you can push through things. Instead of pushing through, last week it felt like I was being pushed around and runover repeatedly. I'm not an overly dramatic person. I mean what I just said there.

Hitting the highlights (or low lights, real low ones this time)...I may have mentioned that the Boy slipped and fell out of a truck 4 weeks ago and sprained his ankle. Hold that thought. I did all the First Aid things for him that you do for a sprain. RICE for 24 hours, then heat, etc., and helped with practical things he needed done. Even with a sprained ankle he'd still been shoveling snow, doing the things that he does, going places that he goes and only occasionally resorting to strong meds. This one day, well, the pain got to him. Nothing bad happened. It just wore him down. Again...nothing bad happened. He was mainly exhausted from it. Hit the wall type exhausted.

I think it was that night that I developed severe pain in the abdomen or tummy area, that wrapped around to the right side and to the back. I did all the things I knew to do to resolve it but it only got worse. And worse and worse and worse until probably 4 a.m. when I felt like I couldn't take it any more and then I remembered one time last winter I was in Afib/rvr, didn't want to wake up the Boy or go out in the cold, and tried to ride it out, self cardiovert techniques, and then it came to me that maybe I wasn't trusting the Lord. Maybe the Lord had something for me at the ER that I didn't know about. We ended up going out on a winter's night and although I don't recall the exact thing because so much has happened in the past year it's a blur, there WAS something there for me that I didn't know about. I wish I could remember what it was but I can probably locate it if I have time to look through my notes.

This was like a replay of that night.

Here I was again on the tail end of 2-3 days of snow, in the dead of night, trying to avoid the ER with a guy on strong pain meds, sleeping and exhausted himself and reaching the end of myself. I didn't hit the wall, I felt like I got slammed through it. I knew I couldn't drive so I decided to head out on my own with 911 transport. Made the call, then told the Boy I was leaving and why, and just stay in bed. They came, they assessed, and off we went. by the way, my heart was perfectly fine. No flipping around. Just throwing that in. I'm not going to give the exact blow by blow or a ton more detail here. It was hard enough living it and it's not important to this post.

So besides excruiating pain (scale of 1-10...between 9&10.) what also got me out the door was thinking that the Lord might have something for me to learn or know about.

I found out what was at the end of me.

He is. The Lord is.

A bunch of things happened that confirmed that to me. Big things. Little things. Let me say right here and now that some people were jerks to me. Communication in the ER between staff members was substandard. And a bunch of well rehearsed responses that didn't land with me. I'll leave it at that. It was an ordeal, like trying to climb a mountain in a landslide and then...

God showed up: The ER dosed me up with morphine (which I had once before years ago and loved it) that felt like it lifted me out of my body "My God! My God!" (me talking. I guess addicts love that rush but that's not me--watch what happens next) and right after that I had a CT scan whereupon I lost it completely. I **never** lose it completely. The CT scan tech was SO kind to me I cannot even tell you. He kept calling me sweetheart. "It's okay if you can't move to the table (pain), you're small I can move you no problem." "I got you sweetheart, don't worry". He put my sweater over my legs on top of the warming blanket. "Thank you so much, it's my comfort item like a teddy bear". "Do you want me to run to the gift shop and get you a teddy bear? Will that help?" (he meant it, too) "Thank you, no, you don't have to do that. (sobbing) I think I can be okay. (sobbing) It's not like me to fall apart like this. (sobbing) I've been in pain for over a year now (sobbing) and I'm just battle weary." "Now, I can't be right here when the machine scans, but I'll still be right here behind you, sweetheart. I'm not gonna leave you." So reassuring. So kind. So compassionate. So encouraging. I needed that.

John `4:18

I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you.

Oh I better just include this. I was sobbing like a hurt child in the CT room. And even though the Boy tends to aggravate me in the ER, I was wishing he was there with me and then...

God showed up: I have had 2 other CT scans in my whole entire life. The machine talks you through 2 practice runs and then it talks you through the actual scan. Always has a sort of digital voice, right? Like a robot talking to you. Not this time. The machine sounded exactly like the Boy's younger voice so it was as if he was there with me. I didn't have the panic attack that I had last time, I just listened in amazement and did it.

Now you can say it was the morphine. Say whatever you like. I say God showed up and if anyone wants to debate that they can debate it with themselves because I'm not playing.

God showed up: Did the Lord have something to show me that I didn't know about? YES. First I had no obstruction or blockages but a treatable thing that wasn't serious or horrible or fatal, and believe it or not labs were pretty stellar. What else? The CT scan showed something that previously had NOT been discovered or ever mentioned. If it was on the September CT scan I didn't see it, it was never discussed, and I haven't pulled it out because quite frankly, I'm not up to it at the moment and it can wait.

Here is what it on the digestive tract your food/waste travels up the ascending colon, across the transverse colon, and finally, down the descending colon until it leaves your body. So where it makes the turn from the ascending colon on the right to the transverse colon, MY turn makes a SHARP turn. :o That's exactly the area of my worst of all pain, the same pain in the ER. Right there on the right side. Again, never discussed and never identified previously. So that could be a contributing factor (correctable or otherwise) or part of an explanation for how I developed SIBO to start with. If stuff gets stuck in there or hangs around for too long (causing slow motility?), bacteria would begin to form.

Something to discuss with gastro at the next follow up. I'm not done yet.

Big controversy about my transport home. They were trying to shove me out the door. They wouldn't let me call an UBER because apparently I had to go with a responsible adult and UBER drivers who are responsible for the safe transport of passengers aren't responsible adults. Go figure. I was hardly able to advocate for myself (kept looking at my UBER app and couldn't even think much less could I walk) anyhow long story short, the Boy who was on his way to something important to him to do (a ministry) turned around and came and got me. Walks into the ER with a cane and says he's my UBER driver. 8-)

I don't remember getting into the car. He said I fell asleep within seconds and slept the whole way home. Got inside the house, decided to fix a cup of tea when I realized that morphine is NOT propofol, this isn't business as usual, felt like I was going to toss my cookies, sat with my head on the kitchen table, broke out in a cold sweat and tried to fend off hurling into the universe. Sounds funny now, it was absoutely miserable. After all the things I've written about on this thread, trust and believe...the one thing I really can't hack is nausea. That's the one thing that sends me moaning and crying out to God. I know it. The Boy knows it. My whole family knows it. He said he never saw me so sick in our whole entire lives.

Dragged myself upstairs, got my warming thing for the microwave, dragged myself back down warmed it up and then back UP the stairs and collapsed into bed. And I mean collapsed. I slept for 24-36 hours, pretty sure. I still had after affects the next morning when I woke up, had breakfast and off we went to an ortho/surgical appointment to assess the sprained ankle about 40 minutes up the interestate from home. The Boy hates interstate driving. I happen to love it. I slept all the way up there. He got an xray for the sprained ankle which we learned was not sprained. He'd been walking around for 3 weeks on a fracture. :o Casted him and then I had to drive home in a vehicle I despise. Drive home with Mr. Interstate Anxiety personified trying to direct my every maneuver. Words were said. No one here wants to know what back and forth between two sick/in pain/at the end of both their ropes Jersey kids trapped in a car truly sounds like. Let's just say that one of us was going to shut up and so he finally did.

So for the past week or more (I don't know what day it is half the time right now) I've been trying to recover my own self, assisting him, went through another snow storm, I had to shovel snow several times, drag the humongous trash dumpster out to the curb in the snow felt like I was going to collapse but I still haven't and to my credit I have not killed the Boy.

Kid comes to visit to see how we're doing. Very nice visit and so good to have her all to ourselves. She's an RVT. I mention two symptoms I'm seeing in the cat. She replies "Kidney cat"...he needs a vet check and lab work. So then...I had to make off with the cat in the cold, in a kennel he's never been in before (isn't this all so interesting? feel free to stop reading if you still are.) to get assessed. On the way back I had to load the trash back into the humongous dumpster and manhandle it to the curb through the snow and over the icy hump that the snow blade leaves at the end of the driveway. Pick up delivered packages because they can't drive up our driveway with snow but I can. I was pretty sure the dumpster was winning the fight. It's heavier than I am. At one point I stop with my head against the car and say "Lord I can't do this." Breath. "Yes you can." and I did.

Labs come back from the cat. Early stage kidney disease. He's taking a med to help unlock his digestive tract. He had the same issue that sent me to the ER. Like mother, like son.

Did I mentiont that it's Christmastime? After last night (symptoms for me) when I finally passed out asleep about I dunno...4 a.m? I made a command decision. I'm taking a page out of a book by one of my favorite philopher/authors and simplifying everything. Simplify! Simplify! Simplify! 50 Monopoly bucks to anyone who can identify the author. I am not baking, I am not making a big meal, I am not trying to make everything perfect according to my definition. Christmas is going to be merry and bright, and blessedly simple. Like the first Christmas was. :) Started decorating a bit here and there. Almost done and happy with it. He (the philsopher/author) was right. After that it's make a little wrapping station and do it a bit at a time. And after that it's whatever we need to do like rest and enjoy the peace and quiet, focus on gratitude and the Lord making a way for us to get through this season of struggle and the struggles we all have here on Earth-->His Son.

He is a God who hears me, who sees me, a God who knows what human suffering and pain is because he experienced it himself. A God who know what it's like to feel temporarily abandoned or that God was distant...because he felt it himself.

Isaiah 53:3

He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not.

What is my life about anyway? Here lately it's been about pain, suffering, exhaustion, reaching the end of myself only to find the Lord waiting for me there. Still showing me what it means to come to him as his child and that I have more to learn. That's what it's about at least for now. I might not feel ready but I'm willing.

(Listen there might be typos in this. I'm not going to fix them. After all, I'm not writing a book. I?) ;)

We only get stronger when we are lifting something that is heavier than what we are used to. ~ KF

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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Marcus »

Bless you, Jersey Girl, you've had overwhelming challenges but you keep going. You are amazing.
...and to my credit I have not killed the Boy...
:lol: Well now we know you're simply a saint!
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by IWMP »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Fri Dec 13, 2024 4:04 am
IWMP wrote:
Thu Dec 12, 2024 7:12 am
Some people back then were just abusive, or maybe just one person in particular. But you've always come across to me as a person of light. Like a sort of, gentle energy but very wise and strong. I know life's kicking you down at the moment but you are strong and kind and wise.
One person, yes.

That is so beautiful what you said about me being a person of light and having gentle energy. I'm going to copy your words and keep them for myself! I don't know how strong I am. I think my strength is love.

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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

I'm not ignoring replies here, I promise. I'm never ignoring you all, I see the posts and the messages. I'm only pacing myself. I just want to add a report about something that happpend today since I was talking about how God showed up for me. He did it again.

Out of the absolute blue, I got a Facebook message today from my friend since forever who has disabled her messages for years now. This is not the toxic childhood friend that I talked about in Paradise some years back and let her depart from my life on her own.

This is my BFF from childhood. The one that I was most close to all my childhood and into adult years. Ma and I invited her to church with us and she became a devout Christian. We did everything together. Church, school, she was raised an only child just like I was only she's not an only child just like I am not either. She was the closest thing I ever had to a sister throughout my life and I was that for her. We played together at everything, fought like sisters and then made up, we challenged each other in so many ways such as school work, choir, memorizing scripture, doing our SS lessons, just everything to do better, even penmanship! I was competing with someone who was 2 years older than me. I don't know how I managed to do that but I did. We relied on eachother through so many things. We were the constants in our lives.

And she showed up today. All I could think was Lord, Patty showed up, my precious Patty, and felt a sense of relief and gratitude. We are friends who can tell eachother anything and we have. We know where we both come from because we were there together. We've loved each other our whole entire lives and I can NOT describe exactly how I felt when I saw that message and knew that Patty was here. Comfort and reassurance! Mercy! Like God sent the cavalry in for me! <3

I told her that we were both struggling and suffering over here with health issues. You would never know that by seeing my Facebook because I just don't disclose on there and she doesn't either. I let her know I would catch her up in messages tomorrow because I just can't manage it right now. She sent me a reply that said "Us too!" and that she'd catch me up about that.

I just wanted to report that event here because something so deeply meaningful and unexpected happened today and that's all I want to say right now.

We only get stronger when we are lifting something that is heavier than what we are used to. ~ KF

Slava Ukraini!
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

So this just happened.

Me: Upstairs in my little craft studio. Watching craft videos.
Him: Downstairs. Wreaking havoc.

He's using a walker and I'm trying to fend off tummy symptoms.

Him: Yells up Hey Girl.

Me: What. :roll:

Him: The butter just fell out of the refrigerator and it's all over the kitchen floor.

Me: I'll get to it. Hang on. :roll:

So I go down there and it is indeed all over the kitchen floor.

Me: Oh great. Let's just throw butter all over the floor and see who dies first! Nice game we got going on here!

Butter. Whipped Butter. Make an attempt to clean up using paper towels. Nope. Spray soapy water mixture all over it while the steamer heats up. Nope. Spray Oxiclean something. Make Alexa play Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. Dance around with the steamer, change the pad, keep dancing and steam it again. And again and again.

Me: Stay OUT of the kitchen until I tell you it's safe to walk on and DON'T ask me to make coffee. It's not happening.

Him: Okay.

I test it out. Seems alright to walk on. Probably try krud kutter tomorrow just for good measure.

Me: Seems okay but when you walk in there, walk like a penguin like I showed you how to do on ice.

Him: I'm using a walker. I'm already walking like a penguin.

Me: Okay fine. Just be careful.

Him: And don't buy that butter again. It's garbage!

Me: The butter was fine. Stop touching the food!

This is my life right now. Is anyone getting out of here alive?

[/Jersey humor]


We only get stronger when we are lifting something that is heavier than what we are used to. ~ KF

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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by IWMP »

:lol: never known butter to be so chaotic lol.

That is so exciting that your friend messaged. I hope you guys have a lovely catch up.
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

Sick of it all again. Angry. Ready to make another push forward. Making a grocery order.

Geen beans
Sliced carrots
(All frozen because wasting food is a sin in my book and I've wasted several pounds of it.)

Fresh Red Grapes
Honey Gold potatoes
Aged cheddar cheese slices
(all supposed to be okay in small amounts, we'll see)

English muffins making a return

What's the worst that can happen? I get shot up with morphine?

Oh honey, that's already been done. I press on.

(What I really want. Dreaming about: Biscuits with butter. An oatmeal cookie. Cranberry bread. Cinnamon roll. Pumpkin pie. Omelet with tomatoes, green peppers and cheese. Spaghetti with meat sauce. Hot cocoa with whipped cream. Chicken noodle soup. Minestrone soup. Lentil soup. A big salad. And I'd like a homemade blueberry muffin if you don't mind!)

We only get stronger when we are lifting something that is heavier than what we are used to. ~ KF

Slava Ukraini!
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

I'm just saying this year because...I'm just saying it here. ;) If I owe anyone a reply in messages I promise you I didn't forget you. I'm only doing what I can when I can do it. Also (and I may have said this to folks before) if you see me making posts when I still haven't messaged back, that's just me hacking around for no good reason and making posts I don't have to think about. It's not because I don't's because I DO care to make my message replies more meaningful and I wait until I can do that.

Go in peace my friends. :)

We only get stronger when we are lifting something that is heavier than what we are used to. ~ KF

Slava Ukraini!
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by IWMP »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Mon Dec 23, 2024 3:49 am
I'm just saying this year because...I'm just saying it here. ;) If I owe anyone a reply in messages I promise you I didn't forget you. I'm only doing what I can when I can do it. Also (and I may have said this to folks before) if you see me making posts when I still haven't messaged back, that's just me hacking around for no good reason and making posts I don't have to think about. It's not because I don't's because I DO care to make my message replies more meaningful and I wait until I can do that.

Go in peace my friends. :)
Hey, I don't think you need to worry about things like that. I think for the most part people understand and know how things are. I personally don't take it personally if someone doesn't reply. I have read your posts above but haven't had a chance to reply. It's been pretty nonstop around here and I'm fatigued. Kids are a little overexcited.

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.

I hope all is well at home.
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Re: Help wanted (Score so far related)

Post by Jersey Girl »

Update: Gastro Follow Up

I went in with a hit list and directed my own appointment. No one seems to mind when I do it. I was after something again and...I got it, too.

Basic hit list:

1. Hashimoto's link to SIBO.

I've known about this for perhaps 6-10-ish months or more. 80-ish % of SIBO patients (or related) Have Hashimoto's--mostly women. Kept getting pushed aside for something else. Had copies of 3 studies. I can articulate the reasons why there's a link and I did. I'll put the links here.

Solution: Switch from Levothyroxine in table form to oral solution with no additives. Tables are poorly absorbed, liquid is easily absorbed. Candidates noted improvement in symptoms in 2 weeks time, 6 & 12 weeks...good to go! Complete thyroid panel including antibody test for Hashimoto's. Follow thyroid panel at 6-8 week intervals.

Gastro can't do it, Primary can and I know she'll do it.

2. Testing for pancreatitis. Hold that thought.

3. Consult with staff dietician to assist in weight gain.

4. Follow up with Gastro Doc: The NP knows when she's out of her depth and I like that about her. Time to trade up to the Doc. Same Doc who did the scopes. BYU grad. Jan 28th.

I got all of the above dealt with in one go.

Farm labs/RX out to Primary and the Gastro Doc will know exactly what I'm talking about with Hashimoto's, pancreatitis's all linked together and you can draw a line between the onset of Hashimoto's directly to SIBO. We'll just see how this goes.

Feels pretty good to address all of those concerns!

One good thing: I can eat original Ruffles potato chips. Low FODMAP. Been stuffing them in my face the past 2 days. NO reaction whatsoever. Being conservative about it--I'm lying. Eating something normal makes me feel human.

(Noticing typos in my posts and messages. The keys stick on this chromebook plus some significant keys have worn off labels. Also I type fast and there's a delay in the response on this sad little thing. So it's either my brain or the computer. Just mentioning.)

It's the computer.

We only get stronger when we are lifting something that is heavier than what we are used to. ~ KF

Slava Ukraini!
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