Needing to pee at the most annoying times.

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Needing to pee at the most annoying times.

Post by IWMP »

Does this happen to anyone else...

Everytime I walk in the front door I need a pee. And when I go from bed to the clothes room I need a pee so bad I nearly pee myself whilst getting all the clothes needed. But if I don't go get the clothes straight away, I don't need to pee in the morning straight away. So strange.
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Re: Needing to pee at the most annoying times.

Post by msnobody »

That’s on my list of things I hope we don’t have to do in heaven, among other things.
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High Spy
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Re: Needing to pee at the most annoying times.

Post by High Spy »

Today on KOSU some radio guy was interviewing the CEO of LL Bean and they talked about a device that allows women to pee standing up. You can’t spell JeLLy Bean without LL Bean.

BigL ruLes. :lol:
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