I've been diagnosed with cancer

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I've been diagnosed with cancer

Post by tagriffy »

I've been absent for a while and much of that is due the fact I've been very sick. This last week, I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer with known spread to the adrenal glands and brain. We are still beginning treatment so right now an exact prognosis will have to wait for treatment to work or not.

Given the uncertainties, it seems clear that I'm not going to accomplish what I wanted to do scholastically. But I have lots of reflections about how my Mormonism has affected me that I want to write about. If I can beg your indulgence, I pounded out a post on my blog discussing the some of those topics. Please ask questions.

https://tagriffy.blogspot.com/2024/03/i ... ancer.html
Timothy A. Griffy

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Re: I've been diagnosed with cancer

Post by Jersey Girl »

I hate this for you more than I have words to express it, tagriffy. I have no firsthand experience with cancer treatment but I know plenty of folks who have been through their own journey. My heart goes out to you and yes, I will read your blog! Please stay with us as you are able and let us walk with you as a community in our own way.

Would you like us to comment on your blog content on this thread?

Prayers for strength, comfort, and wisdom on the part of your providers,

Jersey Girl

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Re: I've been diagnosed with cancer

Post by tagriffy »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:20 am
I hate this for you more than I have words to express it, tagriffy. I have no firsthand experience with cancer treatment but I know plenty of folks who have been through their own journey. My heart goes out to you and yes, I will read your blog! Please stay with us as you are able and let us walk with you as a community in our own way.

Would you like us to comment on your blog content on this thread?

Prayers for strength, comfort, and wisdom on the part of your providers,

Jersey Girl
Thank you for your support! Feel free to comment in either forum. Chances are, I'll bring some of those topics here to help me gather my thoughts when I do explicate on them.

Also, please feel free to call me Tim.
Timothy A. Griffy

Be the kind of person your dog thinks you are.

American conservatives are a paradox (if you want to be polite) or soulless expedient cynics (if you want to be accurate).--TheCriticalMind
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Jersey Girl
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Re: I've been diagnosed with cancer

Post by Jersey Girl »

tagriffy wrote:
Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:55 am
Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Mar 07, 2024 1:20 am
I hate this for you more than I have words to express it, tagriffy. I have no firsthand experience with cancer treatment but I know plenty of folks who have been through their own journey. My heart goes out to you and yes, I will read your blog! Please stay with us as you are able and let us walk with you as a community in our own way.

Would you like us to comment on your blog content on this thread?

Prayers for strength, comfort, and wisdom on the part of your providers,

Jersey Girl
Thank you for your support! Feel free to comment in either forum. Chances are, I'll bring some of those topics here to help me gather my thoughts when I do explicate on them.

Also, please feel free to call me Tim.
I have no experience with the medical challenges you are facing still, I'm always willing to support a fellow traveler here, Tim.

I'll give your blog a read tonight and likely comment afterwards or tomorrow.

I'm assuming you are a regular poster in Terrestrial where I don't read often. Do you mind saying if you are believing LDS or ex LDS? Do you identify with another faith tradition or atheist or agnostic these days?

I will get back to you!

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Re: I've been diagnosed with cancer

Post by tagriffy »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Mar 07, 2024 2:23 am
I have no experience with the medical challenges you are facing still, I'm always willing to support a fellow traveler here, Tim.

I'll give your blog a read tonight and likely comment afterwards or tomorrow.

I'm assuming you are a regular poster in Terrestrial where I don't read often. Do you mind saying if you are believing LDS or ex LDS? Do you identify with another faith tradition or atheist or agnostic these days?

I will get back to you!
I am a believing Mormon, but I am by no means a TBM. Today, I usually call myself a Mormon-at-large. My basic beliefs track LDS Church doctrine, but I am at best heretical. I have no doubt many LDS would have no problem calling me apostate. There are already enough articles about my Mormonism on the blog to give you a flavor.
Timothy A. Griffy

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American conservatives are a paradox (if you want to be polite) or soulless expedient cynics (if you want to be accurate).--TheCriticalMind
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Jersey Girl
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Re: I've been diagnosed with cancer

Post by Jersey Girl »

tagriffy wrote:
Thu Mar 07, 2024 3:07 am
Jersey Girl wrote:
Thu Mar 07, 2024 2:23 am
I have no experience with the medical challenges you are facing still, I'm always willing to support a fellow traveler here, Tim.

I'll give your blog a read tonight and likely comment afterwards or tomorrow.

I'm assuming you are a regular poster in Terrestrial where I don't read often. Do you mind saying if you are believing LDS or ex LDS? Do you identify with another faith tradition or atheist or agnostic these days?

I will get back to you!
I am a believing Mormon, but I am by no means a TBM. Today, I usually call myself a Mormon-at-large. My basic beliefs track LDS Church doctrine, but I am at best heretical. I have no doubt many LDS would have no problem calling me apostate. There are already enough articles about my Mormonism on the blog to give you a flavor.
Oh good, thanks! I think knowing more helps me to communicate and relate better. Will take a look around!

We only get stronger when we are lifting something that is heavier than what we are used to. ~ KF

Slava Ukraini!
Philo Sofee
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Re: I've been diagnosed with cancer

Post by Philo Sofee »

I have always enjoyed your intellect Tim. I am sincerely so sorry to hear of your prognosis. I am thrilled you are sharing your intellect with us, and I shall try my best to interact with you meaningfully. I wish you the very best and somewhat understand from my wife's getting cancer and going through serious treatments. Looking forward to reading your materials!
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Jersey Girl
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Re: I've been diagnosed with cancer

Post by Jersey Girl »

I love that man! ^^^^

We only get stronger when we are lifting something that is heavier than what we are used to. ~ KF

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Re: I've been diagnosed with cancer

Post by tagriffy »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Thu Mar 07, 2024 4:53 am
I have always enjoyed your intellect Tim. I am sincerely so sorry to hear of your prognosis. I am thrilled you are sharing your intellect with us, and I shall try my best to interact with you meaningfully. I wish you the very best and somewhat understand from my wife's getting cancer and going through serious treatments. Looking forward to reading your materials!
Thank you!
Timothy A. Griffy

Be the kind of person your dog thinks you are.

American conservatives are a paradox (if you want to be polite) or soulless expedient cynics (if you want to be accurate).--TheCriticalMind
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Re: I've been diagnosed with cancer

Post by msnobody »

You are certainly in my prayers, Tim. So sorry you’ve been ill and have received this difficult diagnosis. Praying that the Lord would make His presence known to you in a very tangible way, and that you would look to Jesus, our Lord and Savior, as He is all you need.

I wouldn’t be a good nurse if I didn’t point you to patient resources. NCCN, in my opinion, was the best resource out there for me back in 2013. You can create an account as a healthcare professional to access more in depth data, such as treatment protocol, next steps along the journey, etc.

https://www.nccn.org/patients/guidelin ... atient.pdf

I look forward to reading your blog, dear sir. May the Lord bless you, Tim. If I can do anything for you, please let me know.
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