I've been diagnosed with cancer

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Re: I've been diagnosed with cancer

Post by msnobody »

tagriffy wrote:
Sat Mar 09, 2024 2:16 am
msnobody wrote:
Sat Mar 09, 2024 12:54 am
Tim, have you read Michael Heiser’s, The Unseen Realm?
I have not. Can you tell me what it is about?
I’m not even sure I can articulate it very well, and don’t feel like any of the descriptions I read online do a thorough job either. I feel like a person just needs to read it. I’ll give it a try, however.

IIUC, per Heiser, much of our understanding of the Bible is filtered through the lens of our traditions, presumptions, creeds, confessions, denominational preferences, and training to think that the history of Christianity is the true context of the Bible. Heiser asserts that “the proper context for interpreting the Bible is the context of the biblical writers.” In other words, the author’s goal is to help readers understand how biblical writers thought, as men who lived in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean between the second millennium BC and the first century AD— a supernatural worldview.

In the book, he tackles those weird, difficult to understand passages that we tend to brush aside. The book starts out, as did Heiser’s watershed moment, with an examination of Psalm 82 [in Hebrew]. In the book, he discusses God’s disinheritance of the nations and allotment of the nations to these fallen elohim, how evil proliferated on the earth, the hierarchy and jurisdictions of the elohim. Israel’s as God’s own portion. I could go on.

I’m really tired, and it’s getting late. Basically viewing the Bible through the culture and times of the biblical writers. The book is so packed full of peer reviewed research, and Heiser’s 15 years of compiling the data.

I’d be happy to gift you with a copy, Tim, if you’d like to read it. I think everyone should read it. If not, there are podcasts online as well. The author is right, that readers should come away with viewing scripture through an ancient mindset.

It’s hard to summarize a nearly 400 page book that is so packed full. It is a fascinating read. I’d love to have a book discussion about the book with others.
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Re: I've been diagnosed with cancer

Post by IWMP »

tagriffy wrote:
Fri Mar 08, 2024 2:08 am
Philo Sofee wrote:
Fri Mar 08, 2024 12:53 am
This would be a very fun discussion with you amigo! I have never thought of it as being genius they changed, but writing and the gradual increase of written language had something to do with it, no doubt.
That certainly does have something to do with it, of course. Obviously, this is a really big oversimplification, but let's compare the Greek myths. They kind of ... float out there, if you will. You have these stories, say of Pandora's box. The Greeks may well say they really happened, but it was something that occurred some vague long ago time. They explain why things are the way they are, but still being somewhat detached their here and now.

Probably the Hebrew myths and legends started out much the same way. They were disconnected stories told around the campfire to explain why things are the way they are. But as the Israelites started to develop their saga in written form, they incorporated the myths and legends into a story that stretches from creation to the exile in a more or less coherent fashion. Now the myths of creation, the Flood, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are no longer just myths. They are history. And it doesn't matter how strictly accurate the history is. The point is what this says about God. It brings God to the here and now, and posits God has always been and here and now. While the gods of Olympus mostly remained on their mountain, and their forays into the world of man was usually capricious and often disastrous, the Israelite god was far different. This is a God that wants to have an intimate relationship with us.
I sort of always wondered if there was a connection between the stories. There are a lot of parallels. Could even be the same myths but gradually altered like Chinese whispers.

I do wonder why God appears present and involved in the Bible but not in these times. I also don't understand why an all-knowing God in the old testament would need to get involved if God knows everything.
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Re: I've been diagnosed with cancer

Post by IWMP »

tagriffy wrote:
Fri Mar 08, 2024 11:04 pm
Bit of an update.

I had my oncology consultation today. Bit of good news here. They seem to have established that my type of cancer may well respond well to immunological therapy, so now the plan is to do both that an chemotherapy at the same time. Next step is to get planted with a tube to facilitate the treatments. Then the plan is to do radiation one week, chemotherapy the next. Theoretically that will help my body to adjust before the next round.

Plus, pain pills. I might actually be able to start sleeping easier now!
Sounds like a little bit of good news. Hope it all goes well. X
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Re: I've been diagnosed with cancer

Post by tagriffy »

msnobody wrote:
Sat Mar 09, 2024 4:58 am
tagriffy wrote:
Sat Mar 09, 2024 2:16 am
I have not. Can you tell me what it is about?
I’m not even sure I can articulate it very well, and don’t feel like any of the descriptions I read online do a thorough job either. I feel like a person just needs to read it. I’ll give it a try, however.

IIUC, per Heiser, much of our understanding of the Bible is filtered through the lens of our traditions, presumptions, creeds, confessions, denominational preferences, and training to think that the history of Christianity is the true context of the Bible. Heiser asserts that “the proper context for interpreting the Bible is the context of the biblical writers.” In other words, the author’s goal is to help readers understand how biblical writers thought, as men who lived in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean between the second millennium BC and the first century AD— a supernatural worldview.

In the book, he tackles those weird, difficult to understand passages that we tend to brush aside. The book starts out, as did Heiser’s watershed moment, with an examination of Psalm 82 [in Hebrew]. In the book, he discusses God’s disinheritance of the nations and allotment of the nations to these fallen elohim, how evil proliferated on the earth, the hierarchy and jurisdictions of the elohim. Israel’s as God’s own portion. I could go on.

I’m really tired, and it’s getting late. Basically viewing the Bible through the culture and times of the biblical writers. The book is so packed full of peer reviewed research, and Heiser’s 15 years of compiling the data.

I’d be happy to gift you with a copy, Tim, if you’d like to read it. I think everyone should read it. If not, there are podcasts online as well. The author is right, that readers should come away with viewing scripture through an ancient mindset.

It’s hard to summarize a nearly 400 page book that is so packed full. It is a fascinating read. I’d love to have a book discussion about the book with others.
I would be very interested in this. Your description tracks well with my own thinking on the subject, and the work will help me with specific examples that I can use. PM me so we can arrange getting it?
Timothy A. Griffy

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Re: I've been diagnosed with cancer

Post by msnobody »

tagriffy wrote:
Sat Mar 09, 2024 5:47 pm
msnobody wrote:
Sat Mar 09, 2024 4:58 am
I’m not even sure I can articulate it very well, and don’t feel like any of the descriptions I read online do a thorough job either. I feel like a person just needs to read it. I’ll give it a try, however.

IIUC, per Heiser, much of our understanding of the Bible is filtered through the lens of our traditions, presumptions, creeds, confessions, denominational preferences, and training to think that the history of Christianity is the true context of the Bible. Heiser asserts that “the proper context for interpreting the Bible is the context of the biblical writers.” In other words, the author’s goal is to help readers understand how biblical writers thought, as men who lived in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean between the second millennium BC and the first century AD— a supernatural worldview.

In the book, he tackles those weird, difficult to understand passages that we tend to brush aside. The book starts out, as did Heiser’s watershed moment, with an examination of Psalm 82 [in Hebrew]. In the book, he discusses God’s disinheritance of the nations and allotment of the nations to these fallen elohim, how evil proliferated on the earth, the hierarchy and jurisdictions of the elohim. Israel’s as God’s own portion. I could go on.

I’m really tired, and it’s getting late. Basically viewing the Bible through the culture and times of the biblical writers. The book is so packed full of peer reviewed research, and Heiser’s 15 years of compiling the data.

I’d be happy to gift you with a copy, Tim, if you’d like to read it. I think everyone should read it. If not, there are podcasts online as well. The author is right, that readers should come away with viewing scripture through an ancient mindset.

It’s hard to summarize a nearly 400 page book that is so packed full. It is a fascinating read. I’d love to have a book discussion about the book with others.
I would be very interested in this. Your description tracks well with my own thinking on the subject, and the work will help me with specific examples that I can use. PM me so we can arrange getting it?
"Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy” Jude 1:24
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Re: I've been diagnosed with cancer

Post by Jersey Girl »

Tim, I want to discuss/ask questions about your thoughts on Israel and its accounts. Is it okay with you if I copy/paste some of the paragraphs here for discussion or not okay? I don't know exactly what your boundaries are regarding blog v. message board and I don't want to assume and inadvertently take control away from you.

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Re: I've been diagnosed with cancer

Post by Jersey Girl »

tagriffy wrote:
Fri Mar 08, 2024 11:04 pm
Bit of an update.

I had my oncology consultation today. Bit of good news here. They seem to have established that my type of cancer may well respond well to immunological therapy, so now the plan is to do both that an chemotherapy at the same time. Next step is to get planted with a tube to facilitate the treatments. Then the plan is to do radiation one week, chemotherapy the next. Theoretically that will help my body to adjust before the next round.

Plus, pain pills. I might actually be able to start sleeping easier now!
Ah I'm glad to hear you've got a working schedule for your treatment plan. It does seem to make sense. I know of other treatments where docs alternate methods like that. I hope you and your team can stay on top of pain management. Restorative sleep is important to everyone but I think it must be even more important to you as you go into warrior mode.

Prayers up for you, Tim.

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Re: I've been diagnosed with cancer

Post by Jersey Girl »

You doing okay over there,Tim? Did you go full on warrior? Thinking of you...

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Re: I've been diagnosed with cancer

Post by tagriffy »

Jersey Girl wrote:
Sun Mar 10, 2024 5:54 am
Tim, I want to discuss/ask questions about your thoughts on Israel and its accounts. Is it okay with you if I copy/paste some of the paragraphs here for discussion or not okay? I don't know exactly what your boundaries are regarding blog v. message board and I don't want to assume and inadvertently take control away from you.
Basically, go with whatever works best for you. I'm keeping my eye on both forums, with the basic idea that when I post to the blog I put a notice here. I don't know what my own boundaries are yet, so that is something worth exploring all by itself.
Timothy A. Griffy

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Back in the hospital

Post by tagriffy »

Wound up in the emergency room Sunday for what ultimately turned out to be a collapsed lung. The treatment for that is going pretty well, but it is delaying everything else when it comes to treating the cancer. A case of one step forward and two steps back. I'll be in the hospital until at least Monday. I have my laptop but most of my material is at home, so many of my posts both here and on the blog are necessarily off the cuff. Keep asking the questions though. The will help me clarify my thoughts and give good presentations.
Timothy A. Griffy

Be the kind of person your dog thinks you are.

American conservatives are a paradox (if you want to be polite) or soulless expedient cynics (if you want to be accurate).--TheCriticalMind
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