Re: Home and Garage Organization
Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2024 6:13 am
From a post I made earlier in the thread:
So the phrases I've been mentioning are simply mantras you can use to keep yourself on track getting things done and hopefully achieve a home that is easy to maintain and live in.Let's talk Frogs! So there's this book called "Eat that Frog!" by Brian Tracy. I've never read it but a youtuber I watch regularly (Minimal Mom) covers the concept which basically like this--improvising here:
You wake up in the morning and find a frog on the kitchen counter. Someone tells you that before the day is over you have to eat the frog. The question posed is...Do you go about your day avoiding the frog while dreading it in the back of your mind all day long OR do you eat the frog right away, get it over with and go on about your day without that hanging over your head?
Then there is the "Eat the Ice Cream!" concept. I don't think there's a book about it. A youtuber (Clutterbug) I follow recently talked about it. Here's the gist:
You have a list of things to work on--Frogs. You also have a fun project you want to do. You decide you have to eat the frogs before you can do the fun thing you really want to do. In this case, you do the fun project first (eat the ice cream) because it'll give you the self satisfaction you need to continue on with the more mundane tasks.
These are taken primarily from two popular youtubers. Minimal Mom (Dawn) and Clutterbug (Cass). There are others but those are the main two influencers I've learned from. They each have somewhat different approaches but seem to compliment each other and sometimes work in collaboration.
msnobody also follows these channels. They're really good!