Morley wrote: ↑Mon Aug 12, 2024 10:36 pm
What materials did you use? What kind of paint? I would love to see your process!
Oh wow! Someone noticed the thread!
So I watched various videos and then proceeded to break the "rules" to try to get the look that I wanted. Also found a paint color that wasn't mentioned in the videos and used that for the first go round because the youtuber's color seemed non-authentic to me. They mixed up various colors and I found
one paint color that I thought would work.
Fake apples
Candy apple sticks
Mod Podge gloss
Crafters acrylic (I think it's Hobby Lobby's store brand) in
Cedar Bark
Bowl with lid (used Cool whip)
Soft paint brush
Sponge applicator (cheap ones)
Waxed paper
Corn cob small pet litter (nuts)
Plastic tray small (microwave meal throwaway size)
1. Pull out the fake stems and open the holes a bit more with a screw driver or whatever you have. Put some E6000 on the end of the stick and
hammer it in.
2. Cover the whole apple with a coat of Mod Podge gloss using the sponge applicator. Let dry on waxed paper.
3. Mix up the paint in a bowl using approx. 3/4 Mod Podge and 1/4 paint color and mix.
4. For the dipping, actually dip it in the bowl like a real caramel apple.
5. For the drippy one, use the soft brush from the stem area working dabbing not brushing dab it on thick where you want the drips to start. Add more if it's not dripping enough.
6. For the
dipping apple, roll it in the corn cob litter in the tray. For the
dripping apple...sprinkle it on with your fingers.
7. Let dry on waxed paper.
I coated the apples with Mod Podge because I wanted them to shine. I don't usually work with Mod Podge but it seems like that's pretty universal for these.
I used a much higher ratio of Mod Podge: paint than I saw in the videos because all the apples looked "muddy" to me and I wanted it to look a bit transparent like real caramel apples. It's mostly Mod Podge with a few squirts of paint.
The dripping apple is going to get some "icing" on it using puffy paint or something like it. The youtubers also mixed up paint with silicone caulking in a ziploc, cut the corner and piped it on like icing. I don't see me doing that but if I do I'll add the gloss Mod Podge so it shines. The youtubers apples were consistently dull looking to me.
For sales they will get some kind of country style tag and a bow. Might sell them in real candy apple bags or boxes and hope they don't get mixed in with the real ones!
If I don't like the way these turn out, I'm going to try resin mixed with craft paint. I've been wanting to learn how to use resin for a long time and this would be perfect. Also...if you want to make a red candy apple the resin would be perfect!
Update: They're drying down and looking pretty darn good since I posted the pic! The paint color right now leans more brown and they shine which is what I hoped for!