It took me a lot of trial and error to figure out methods of making them the way I wanted them to look. The dipping part was easy.
Icing...I trialed three different kinds of paints until I hit on what I wanted. The pumpkins have the first paint that I didn't like but I left them that way. The difference was the Christmas apples...Slick Puffy Paint ended up being the winner! Goes on easy...stays on...holds the sprinkles forever...and dries overnight. Nice and puffy...doesn't drip. Keep tapping the tip upside down on a paper towel or plate to get rid of air bubbles and don't squeeze too hard...bubbles again.
Sprinkles...The sprinkles are addictive. Once I started using those I thought of all kinds of projects I could use them on. Go on Amazon and look for resin polymer clay sprinkles for nail art. There's a TON of designs. Pricey but they're more fun than they have a right to be and they do go on sale.
Sticks vs. Candy Canes...
Candy Canes for the win! The sticks are hard to place and get them straight. Candy Canes...go right in perfectly! Open the hole a bit, put hot glue in the hole, and just push the cane in.
A child can do these. Would be so fun for a family and friends craft time. Or try one of my famous Paint and Pie days! Cover the table, give each person a waxed paper placemat to work on, put the apples out with sticks already in, set out sprinkles in trays or cups, with Tulip Slick Puffy paint...throw a pie on the table, paper plates, plastic forks and maybe hot cocoa or something for a drink and you're good to go.

I use cardboard flats from the grocery store lined with wax paper for sprinkling trays. Waxed paper liners help to get up the unused sprinkles to put them back in a container. Waxed paper placemats will make it easy to work on and gives children a defined space of their own.
k I'm done.