Simon on Mormon Stories. What Say?

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Simon on Mormon Stories. What Say?

Post by bill4long »

Simon on Mormon Stories. What Say?

Problemmatic: "I firmly believe in consensus science."

I think that's the dumbest thing in the world.

The consensus is often wrong. Bias. That's why.

I've never thought he was that smart, but that statement made the roof cave in.

Mormon theology is dumb, but don't sent out nincompoops to argue against it.

P.S. I'm not a Mormon nor do I believe in any "religion" that you would recognize.

Not sure what forum this belongs in. Thy will be done.

The views and opinions expressed by Bill4Long could be wrong and are subject to change at any time. Viewer discretion is advised.
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Re: Simon on Mormon Stories. What Say?

Post by Moksha »

I hear what you are saying about consensus, Bill. What if you are at a massive Conservative Convention and they start touting leechcraft? I suppose draining a little blood wouldn't hurt, but what happens when they drone on about trepanning? I would want to be the very last person in line and I would insist the surgeon with the power drill go first. I would leave the Conservative Convention at that point and check out the rest of Florida.
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