Joseph Smith & Entheogens by The Backyard Professor

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Philo Sofee
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Re: Joseph Smith & Entheogens by The Backyard Professor

Post by Philo Sofee »

Hales is presenting a flippin idiot argument. It is NOT contaminated bread and wine with entheogens, it is GRACED with them. The entheogens is the entire point. His argument is dopey at the minimum.
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Re: Joseph Smith & Entheogens by The Backyard Professor

Post by Philo Sofee »

Wouldn’t it prove interesting if Hales wrote about his own visionary experiences while being sober compared to his visionary experiences when dropping acid?

You are incorrectly equating dropping acid with taking entheogens. The entheogens are not our modern drugs out on the street. The entheogens are considered Manna, Soma, Nectar, the sacred foods and drinks of the Gods, not some hippie dope acid to take a trip. One ought not to equate them. The LDS have this problem and hence they won't ever get the point until they cleanse their perceptions to realize the Soma, the Manna, the entheogens are sacred. Literally sacred. They are meant to facilitate an ascension into heaven and of uniting with God as gods. So long as Mormons incorrectly associate them with wickedness they shall remain ignorantly in the dark about this most ancient and most holy practice which has been the foundation of religion for many millenia. We have an enormous amount of evidence for this these days, as Ruck, Muraresku, Wasson, Kingsley, Wolf, Hancock, and many others have shown.
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Re: Joseph Smith & Entheogens by The Backyard Professor

Post by Philo Sofee »

Brian C. Hales wrote:
Spiked Sacrament Wine and Infested Bread?

The most popular connection, mentioned dozens of times in EOMWH, is “sacrament” bread or wine contaminated with a hallucinogenic substance.

How hardly would Smith or any of his four physicians had used the words “infested” and “contaminated” while preparing specially prepared sacred bread and wine for members of the Kirtland Temple congregation.

This little trick up Hale’s apologetic sleeve is not fooling me! Doesn’t this just irk you a little bit, Philo?
No, it doesn't irk me at all. It is amusing how biased and wrong headed Hales is presenting the evidence. It is truly no surprise however. The Mormons are terrified of Godly things, it's why they would rather collect the hundreds of billions of dollars instead of teach others how to have their own celestial ascents to God. They can't do the ascents, so they damn sure don't want that known, so they turn around and stupidly accuse the way to God of being evil and Satanic, the dopes. The apologists and leaders continue to twist the evidence and mislead everyone, no surprise anymore. Also no reason to take their word for anything, which I don't do.
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Re: Joseph Smith & Entheogens by The Backyard Professor

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Mon Sep 12, 2022 1:26 am
"You over there with some white salamander extract in your Temple wine, come over here and let us play a couple of hands of canasta before we go buzz the Kirkland maidens and propose marriages. What say you?"

Here is an article from Mormon Think that addresses entheogens being used in the Kirtland temple as the brethren were tripping out and seeing all kinds of manifestations. Religious cult members consuming wine laced with acid in order to induce visions in one big drug-fest!

Mormon Visions and the Gift of the Holy Ghost

Read the above and enjoy all the goodies!

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Re: Joseph Smith & Entheogens by The Backyard Professor

Post by Philo Sofee »

You mentioned something about visions all starting with Joseph’s parents insomuch as Joseph Sr. and mother Lucy had their own special little visions. Do you think they may have been eating mushrooms? Certainly, there were magic mushrooms within the vicinity in which they lived. The Smiths were farmers and knew the land probably as well as anyone. Knowing the land means, one also knows nature and is familiar with the herbs and fungi that spring forth out of the earth. They knew which ones were edible and which ones were poisonous. They also knew which ones produce hallucinogenic effects.

Yes, this is where the evidence leads, the evidence Mormons have ignored in order to present their own sanitized version of history, which is incomplete, and deliberately misleading. It will be a very looooooong day before I believe what Mormons write ever again. I have access to the real and more accurate history, thank God! I don't need to follow their deceptive leads on things.
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Re: Joseph Smith & Entheogens by The Backyard Professor

Post by Philo Sofee »

Here is an article from Mormon Think that addresses entheogens being used in the Kirtland temple as the brethren were tripping out and seeing all kinds of manifestations. Religious cult members consuming wine laced with acid in order to induce visions in one big drug-fest!

Mormon Visions and the Gift of the Holy Ghost
That is a very important article. Well done
Here is the link ... 0Ghost.htm
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Re: Joseph Smith & Entheogens by The Backyard Professor

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Mon Sep 12, 2022 4:42 pm
You are incorrectly equating dropping acid with taking entheogens. The entheogens are not our modern drugs out on the street. The entheogens are considered Manna, Soma, Nectar, the sacred foods and drinks of the Gods, not some hippie dope acid to take a trip. One ought not to equate them.

I don’t know about that. Isn’t acid just acid in all its varieties and used to expand the mind and experience another level? What’s in a name? Orange Sunshine, Purple Microdot, and lest we forget good ole paper Blotter. What was done anciently is done in modern times too -- it just has a different name and a different composition.

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Re: Joseph Smith & Entheogens by The Backyard Professor

Post by Philo Sofee »

Shulem wrote:
Mon Sep 12, 2022 4:59 pm
Philo Sofee wrote:
Mon Sep 12, 2022 4:42 pm
You are incorrectly equating dropping acid with taking entheogens. The entheogens are not our modern drugs out on the street. The entheogens are considered Manna, Soma, Nectar, the sacred foods and drinks of the Gods, not some hippie dope acid to take a trip. One ought not to equate them.

I don’t know about that. Isn’t acid just acid in all its varieties and used to expand the mind and experience another level? What’s in a name? Orange Sunshine, Purple Microdot, and lest we forget good ole paper Blotter. What was done anciently is done in modern times too -- it just has a different name and a different composition.

Acid has bad connotations, and I rather am fond of the word entheogen myself. Acid brings in modern baggage which is on a negative side rather than the holy positive entheogens are about.
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Re: Joseph Smith & Entheogens by The Backyard Professor

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Mon Sep 12, 2022 5:53 pm
Acid has bad connotations, and I rather am fond of the word entheogen myself. Acid brings in modern baggage which is on a negative side rather than the holy positive entheogens are about.

I know. I understand that. And I purposely did so to be offensive for the sole reason to point out that drugs are drugs and acid is acid -- period. What I stress is that we understand that ingredients found in the entheogen are pretty much the same class as found in good ole LSD -- but the purpose and mission of the user differs. For some it may be holy and others it expands the mind and provides freedom to explore like flower children.

The word acid has gotten a bum rap. It’s not fair! It’s the negative connotation of hippies dropping acid that suggests a bias compared to sanctified religionists using entheogen for holy purposes. But in the end, everyone who does it is doing it for pretty much the same reason which is to expand their minds or meet whatever god they like best.

I think you understand where I am coming from. I just think the name acid has gotten a bum wrap and for good reasons which we are all too aware of.
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This is to expound, not to offend!

Post by Shulem »

I feel it necessary to express myself a little further and maybe help some poor reader here better understand my position. Entheogens and acid are pretty much the same thing.
  • entheogens = acid
  • acid = entheogens
Look, Joseph Smith was an entheogen head or an acid head. Same darn thing, period. He used the drug and pushed it on others to achieve a higher purpose which was to induce visions and experiences that could be tied to the supernatural in order to elevate himself as prophet, seer, and revelator. Joseph Smith was the king of Mormon flower children and a master dope pusher -- kingpin doper. All in all, he lived a life of using deception in order to advance his cause and glorify himself.

So, he drugged his apostles and they were up all night in the Kirtland temple tripping out and having visions. It’s obvious what’s going on there. It was one big spiritually induced holy party-fest in which hallucinations was the key and tripping out and seeing God and angels was the sole purpose for causing this mind-altering experience via the use of drugs. How else did they stay awake all night long by candle light in the Kirtland temple while praying and celebrating their amazing religious experience had it not been for entheogens = acid? Wake up, Brian Hales!

Up all night till 5AM. Can Brian Hales explain that one? He’s an anesthesiologist for crying out loud. He should see the red flag for what it is and put the pieces of this puzzle together in seeing that the brethren were up all night because they were under the influence of drugs. Normally the wine would have put them to sleep. Wine is a depressant and brings relaxation and a certain level of intoxication. But entheogens = acid are a whole other ballgame, baby! You’re up all night long and you can see visions and hear voices and even see God! You can hallucinate to high heaven!

Yeah, I get it. Joseph Smith was a pusher and what he pushed was getting high in order to come to terms with his brand of religion. He doped his followers and turned them into religionists who depended on entheogens = acid in order to cement their testimonies that Joseph was a prophet and that they had experienced God in the Kirtland temple.


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