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Re: Mormon Christ different than Traditional Christ

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 11:46 am
by _iwanttotalk
Mittens wrote:
I have a question wrote:“Traditional” simply means the ongoing belief or practice of a group. For instance, it’s traditional to have Turkey for Thanksgiving in the USA, but traditional to have Turkey on Christmas Day in the UK. Does that mean the USA Turkey is different than Traditional Turkey?

Traditional Christ can mean different things to different groups, but those differing groups can each claim their Christ is the Traditional one. In other words, your OP is meaningless. Now if you’d opened with “Mormon Traditional Christ is different to Protestant Traditional Christ” then perhaps you’d have the start of a discussion...

Traditional, Orthodox or mainline Christianity means what 100% of Christianity teaches. Not false heresy teachings represented by the Mormon Faith

Have you even read the Bible? The new testament is basically an argument between Pual and the other apostles, peter james and john, about what “christ” they worship and what it means to be christian.

The original poster was 100%. Most evangelicals believe in a paulian gospel while Mormons did a more classical interpretation.

But there have been hundreds. Mormons are on the normal end. Try gnoticism, deism, or lucifarianism. Those i would classify as “non traditional”

Re: Mormon Christ different than Traditional Christ

Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2020 7:09 pm
by _huckelberry
Amore wrote:Christianity is so missing the mark about Christ - not just Mormonism.

Human sacrifice is evil.
Scapegoating - shifting the blame to make another pay is a definition of evil.

The Catholic Church/theocracy bent, twisted and warped “canon” to suit their own goals.

The understanding that human sacrifice is evil is probably a major reason no Christian group sacrifices people.

Repentance requires accepting responsibility for wrongs one does so that a change in course can be made. This is a basic Christian understanding.