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Philo Sofee
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Re: LDS Thoughts and DOCTRINE.

Post by Philo Sofee »

So, in throwing all this LDS "teaching" from myriads of subjects at the wall and hoping something sticks, what is actually being said here? Why the scatter gun approach with quoting here and quoting there? I am just curious. None of this arouses me much to believe all the sudden. What are you hoping to accomplish with this banal re-quoting of "Church approved literature"? Why no use/ discussion of what the Joseph Smith Papers Project has produced? I think I grasp your zeal here, but I am left wondering about how valid your actual knowledge of whatever it is you are trying to accomplish is. And I know that makes me appear snooty, not meaning to, I just don't grasp your tactic of throwing a whole bunch of out of context scripture commentary from the LDS view out as if perhaps it will "plant a seed" in someone's breast, harvested later as a baptism... we are aware the tactic, it is the execution of it which appears questionable is all. We are all well beyond Sunday School level thinking here. We have been enjoying and savoring steak dinners loaded with a plateful of delicious varieties of vegetables and deserts in our sumptuous 7 course meals for a while, so your offer of a glass of milk, while kind, is truly ineffective when we have the clear, cold, delicious natural mountain waters to drink from.
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Re: LDS Thoughts and DOCTRINE.

Post by Shulem »

Elizabeth wrote:
Tue May 03, 2022 5:07 am
From my Patriarchal Blessing:
"You are a sweet and noble spirit belonging to the House of Israel in the lineage of Ephraim.
The Lord is very pleased with your attitude and efforts you are putting forth to serve Him and keep His commandments."

That is nothing more than the Patriarch talking as he pretends to speak by the Holy Ghost. It's a pat on the head that says, "There, there, all is well young lady, you're good because you obey the CHURCH."

You see, in Mormonism, the CHURCH is God, a super idol, and the Holy Ghost is imagination coupled with feelings. Also, Elizabeth has a make-believe friend in whom she calls, JESUS. It's all pretend and in her imagination. He never appears and never can because he's not real. Her belief is in the legend of a dead man who has been dead for 2,000 years and will never, ever, not ever, come back. Jesus *is* dead. He's gone. The Church of the Latter-day Saints will run its course and morph into something completely different as the centuries continue to unwind.

Do not fear Elizabeth. She has no power over us. Do not fear the threats of her scriptures that breathe out death and destruction upon us. They are hate filled words against those who oppose the CHURCH which is the IDOL in which members commit themselves. They give their lives to the Church and surrender everything as a show of obedience. They have no power over us. Do not fear the CHURCH or its leaders.

Elizabeth's scriptures that threaten us do not frighten me. I rebuke them! I call upon Elizabeth to lay those things down and cease making war with those who refuse to embrace her religion by using spiritual fear to threaten honest and good souls. It's wrong. It's not love. It's abusive. So please, just stop. And when you stop, let the healing process begin. Let your soul transform into universal love and understanding. Get out of that little box in which you have climbed into. Free yourself from the Church! Stop making war with those in whom you disagree by threatening us with death and destruction. *THAT* is evil. Repent, Elizabeth and say nothing but LOVE. Never threaten others with evil because they refuse to believe what you believe. That is wrong. That is what Joseph Smith did and he was wrong in doing that. Just as he was wrong when he said there was a King's name in the writing of Facsimile No. 3 above the head of lady Isis. Smith was wrong about Christ being a warmonger and a killer just as he was wrong when he said the writing above the hand of lady Maat says, "Prince of Pharaoh". He was wrong!

Repent and heal yourself, Elizabeth.
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Re: LDS Thoughts and DOCTRINE.

Post by Elizabeth »

:lol: The above post is nonsense, not suitable for this thread, and an insult to this Forum.. as is the author.
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Re: LDS Thoughts and DOCTRINE.

Post by Shulem »

Elizabeth wrote:
Sun May 22, 2022 8:38 pm
:lol: The above post is nonsense, not suitable for this thread, and an insult to this Forum.. as is the author.

And you laugh as you say that?

What kind of serious conversation do you possible expect to have with me?

You quote horrific scripture in the Celestial Forum that threatens the very lives and well being of people who refuse to accept Mormonism as if we will be killed by your God when he decides to someday make his appearance.

Nothing is more offensive then threatening the lives of others. I ask that you delete those scriptures you have cited that threaten to kill or maim those who reject Mormonism. Citations of that nature are an insult to the Celestial Forum.

To you, again, I say, REPENT.
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Re: LDS Thoughts and DOCTRINE.

Post by Elizabeth »

None.. absolutely none at all.
Shulem wrote:
Sun May 22, 2022 9:12 pm
What kind of serious conversation do you possible expect to have with me?
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Re: LDS Thoughts and DOCTRINE.

Post by Shulem »

Elizabeth wrote:
Sun May 22, 2022 9:18 pm
None.. absolutely none at all.
Shulem wrote:
Sun May 22, 2022 9:12 pm
What kind of serious conversation do you possible expect to have with me?

IF you cite any more scripture references that imply we nonbelievers will be killed by your God, I will complain to the moderator and request they be removed.

STOP doing that, now. It is spiritual terrorism and will not be tolerated.

Thank you.
Philo Sofee
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Re: LDS Thoughts and DOCTRINE.

Post by Philo Sofee »

Elizabeth wrote:
Sun May 22, 2022 9:18 pm
None.. absolutely none at all.
Shulem wrote:
Sun May 22, 2022 9:12 pm
What kind of serious conversation do you possible expect to have with me?
So, then that begs the question, just what are you hoping to accomplish quoting ding-a-ling scriptural interpretations without actually discussing why we find them truly ineffective and not realistically credible? Are you imagining that just quoting them makes any kind of difference whatsoever to those of us who have read them myriads of times? That's just positively weird.
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Re: LDS Thoughts and DOCTRINE.

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Sun May 22, 2022 11:33 pm
Elizabeth wrote:
Sun May 22, 2022 9:18 pm
None.. absolutely none at all.

So, then that begs the question, just what are you hoping to accomplish quoting ding-a-ling scriptural interpretations without actually discussing why we find them truly ineffective and not realistically credible? Are you imagining that just quoting them makes any kind of difference whatsoever to those of us who have read them myriads of times? That's just positively weird.

Exactly, I have read those verses she quotes more times then I have fingers and toes and have read them aloud, silently, in the light and in the dark. I venture to guess that I've read them more times than Elizabeth has and UNDERSTAND them far better than she does.

Anyway, she doesn't mean well so I will depart this thread again. But if she quotes more scriptures to threaten us then I will report it. We will not be threatened! She needs to stop that. It serves no purpose other than to upset people and cause ill feelings.
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Re: LDS Thoughts and DOCTRINE.

Post by Elizabeth »

It is well known that Lucifer and his followers know the Scriptures, but do not follow them.

Knowing, understanding, but not obeying, only leads to more regression and Eternal condemnation.
Philo Sofee
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Re: LDS Thoughts and DOCTRINE.

Post by Philo Sofee »

Elizabeth wrote:
Mon May 23, 2022 12:30 am
It is well known that Lucifer and his followers know the Scriptures, but do not follow them.

Knowing, understanding, but not obeying, only leads to more regression and Eternal condemnation.
Now that we know you can parrot what you have been told, are you willing to talk some things out using your own view?
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