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What is the Purpose of Life?

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 5:30 pm
by _truth dancer
Some folks think our earthly life is a test. Some think it is to progress to another more evolved life until we achieve Moksha. Others think it is to learn a particular lesson. Still others think there is no purpose whatsoever.

What do ya'll think?


Ohhh... I think it has to do with the further unfolding of the universe, bringing into existence self awareness, manifesting the unmanifest, and expressing a facet of infinite potentiality... or something along those lines. :-)

purpose of life

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:10 pm
by _beastie
I don't think life has a purpose in terms of an externally existent purpose, other than the drive to survive and reproduce. Sentient beings determine the purpose of their own lives.

My own purpose is to try and be self-aware, and observant of life. I also want to live my life in a way that will allow my children and others who knew me to make me "immortal" in an affectionate and loving way in their own minds after I die.

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 7:36 pm
by _Ray A
TD, this may sound trivial, but in the short term I think the purpose of life is to do all the good you can, in all the ways you can. Yesterday my eldest son's car broke down and he called for help. I picked him up, and my step-granddaughter was with him, and we came back to my place for some lunch. Then I took him to do the shopping which he couldn't do because his car was out of action (and a $1,000 repair fee as well), then we went back to his place for a while. He also repaid me $200 that I had previously loaned him, and I told him he didn't have to pay it back if he was struggling, but he insisted. When I went home later I had a very good feeling, though I did none of this for any kind of reward, except "thanks Dad". To me this is the purpose of life. When things like this happen, though unfortunate, it helps to remind me that life is about love and communication, and helping others. I haven't only done this for my children either.

On the other hand, I recall an experience I had in London in 1970, where I spent a week at my cousin's place while waiting for a connecting flight to Ireland, where I was at boarding school. I was a mere 16 years old and walking the streets of Crystal Palace at night, when a long-haired vagabond approached me and asked if I could spare a "few bob". I had enough money to give him a few bob, but I refused and lied, and said I had no money on me. The look on his face was one of despondency. I have never forgotten that night, and I have never forgotten his look. Mind you, I've done far worse things, like street fighting and pub brawling, and I'm not known to suffer fools, but I've learned to do a good thing or two. This guy could have robbed me, but he did the right thing and asked. That is not the purpose of life.

On the larger question, I don't know the answer, but I like the Desiderata. Not that I follow the advice therein, quite often I go contrary to it, but I think it's good philosophy. I would also rather have no idea what the purpose of life is than believe a false one. I can live with uncertainty.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 12:24 am
Pay it forward, pay it forward, send out good ripples not bad.

The ripples will eventually come to you if you have send out good ripples in the first place.

Oh this is so so simple and easy and requires no one right CHURCH.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 9:42 pm
My purpose in life was to bring down the FAIR BOARD.

Have I done this or not????

Once this is done I will have accomplished one of my purposes of life.

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:01 pm
by _Roger Morrison
Hi TD, Interesting question, thoughtful responses. In my vacillating opinion, on this topic, the "Purpose of life" is to be part of a 'food-chain'. Nothing lives without something dying. Soooo, life is supported by death. OK, ????? but it empirically seems plausable :-)

However, the "Purpose of "A" life" is more of a philosophical conjecture, and seems more pertinent to your question. Sooooo, "A" life is a link in the 'human-chain' linking the past with the future through the present.

As the human animal has evolved it has been to the credit of positively-significant-folks who have been supported by less significant folks. The latter group being far more numerous and possibly more problematic when without enlightened-significants to follow, they rampage in rather self destructive but socially acceptable patterns of mischief, if not mayhem following bad-guys.

All a part of the learning process over the past 10,000 years of observable human history/behaviour that has brought us to where we are today, having travelled from primitive mysticism to modern scientific times. Gaining, and losing in the process. More could be said about those trade-offs, but...

Yet within our state of human dysfunction we have evolved to an awareness/consciousness that has become less tribal and more humane. Again, thanks to rare positive significant folks who dared to question authority and disturb the existing status-quo, we enjoy not only techno stuff but liberties, and freedoms commensurate with those efforts.

This has, IMSCO, led us to considering the opening question with not only awareness but conscience. As economic and social disparities become more visible and germane to the big picture of the global village, the "purpose of life" is taking on the mortal morality that Christ intended to base society upon: namely the "Two New Commandments".

Which, IMSCO, have little to do with immortality as propogated in Corporate Christianism. Immortality is being a viable, contributing link passing goodness and grace from one generation to another. That is visible pragmatic immortality. In my seriously considered opinion. Warm regards, Roger

Re: What is the Purpose of Life?

Posted: Sun Nov 12, 2006 10:18 pm
by _Jersey Girl
truth dancer wrote:Some folks think our earthly life is a test. Some think it is to progress to another more evolved life until we achieve Moksha. Others think it is to learn a particular lesson. Still others think there is no purpose whatsoever.

What do ya'll think?


Ohhh... I think it has to do with the further unfolding of the universe, bringing into existence self awareness, manifesting the unmanifest, and expressing a facet of infinite potentiality... or something along those lines. :-)

The purpose of life is the purpose you choose to apply to it. Every person, regardless of what society would define as their ability or lack of ability, has gifts and tools with which to impact others. I think of life in this is as if we are perpetually moving about and touching others whom we come in contact with. Just what imprint we leave on others is our choice. Has our touch been helpful? Has it been affirming? Have we learned to use our experiences for the benefit of others? Even those imprints left on us by people who would harm us or whose choices have routed our lives in unexpected and hurtful ways. Have we learned to recognize those seeming negative experiences as tools and insights to the plight of others whose journey has taken them along similar painful paths? Have we taken the position of idle bystander or do we choose to stretch out our hand to others in order to lift them up, bring them along or walk by their side?

In my view, only the above considerations are what lend purpose to our lives.

Jersey Girl

Purpose of Life

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:47 am
by _Gazelam
When I think of the very beiginning of creation, I am reminded of a Apocryphal writing:

From the Psalm of Thomas

"Conciousness is expanded. the worlds of darkness gathered and beheld his brightness. They breathed his fragrance and orbited about him and bowed anew and worshipped him."

We, seeing the Father as he is, desired to be like him. In responce to this, he implemented the Plan of Salvation, with its Laws and ordinances to create a change in us that we might learn to be like our Father.

We are here to gain the atributes and habits that will help us to learn the Culture of Heaven. Jesus Christ is our example in all of this, and it is through him that the plan of salvation is made possible. Christ has achieved exaltation and become one with the Father, and we can do the same by following after him.


Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:07 pm
MY purpose in life has been to aviod all religious c*** that is out there.

I have been able to shield my children very successfully from any of that c***.

For some reason I am having a hard time avioding religious c*** that is out there.

So that has been my prupose in life and will continue to be.

I will save my childrens souls from religious c*** and religious people.

The culture of HEAVEN is exactly what they are learning right now in my home.

I am my child's example in this life and I will continue to set an example in which they can model.

[MODERATOR NOTE: Please, please no swear words--even "light" swear words--in the Celestial Forum. Thank you!]

Posted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:22 pm
by _Roger Morrison
Congrats CoffeeCat Good luck! Yer right, "...train a child and when they grow they won't depart..." Always some 'gems' in the "c***". The challenge is to avoid contamination :-) Warm regards, Roger