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Scripture Study ?

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:15 am
by _sweetorchid
I was just wondering if anyone knows of a site or program that can help me study the scriptures better. I have a schedule I am on for it, but I need more help understanding it. I was wondering if there was a site that laid out chapter by chapter and gave good references and study guide material to help a person to understand. Thanks!

Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 12:21 am
by _truth dancer
Hi Sweet Orchid,

Welcome to the board! :-)

If you are wanting to study the scriptures in the same light as the church official manuals, it may be helpful to purchase a study manual used by seminary students or the CES programs. The seminary manuals take you through a day by day lesson plan.

You can purchase them online at


Posted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 4:32 am
by _Inconceivable

It makes a big difference what you actually want to get out of them.

If your just trying to get historical perspectives and scholarly editorial opinions, read books about the scriptures and dabble in scripture mastery (memorizing key doctrinal verses). This will make you appear to have some sort of connection with God. It may make you appear to be an authority by quoting notable scholars as well.

However, if you believe that the scriptures will help you develop a relationship with your Creator and a more Christlike type of countenance, ask Him to inspire you as you liken the scriptures to yourself - and start reading them. The more you study them, the more clear and familiar the language will become and you will need few suppliments. In time, you will discover for yourself that not all things are as they seem. In other words some things will not ring true at all, others will bring a peacefulness with them.


Posted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 12:09 am
by _sweetorchid
Thanks for all of your help. I have one manual from seminary... I think I will start with the Old Testament. I also value the last comment as well. I do believe in the scriptures and I love them. I know that God will help me read them and inspire me. But I am a person who likes to make little notes here and there. Writing down meanings, cross-referencing etc. But thank you I will take both comments to heart and I will use them. Thanks.