Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

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The Cult

Post by Shulem »

Oaks wrote:Image
That, my friends, is a classic example of Mormon pride and haughtiness. The actions and behavior of the Mormon church is despicable.
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Re: The Cult

Post by Moksha »

Shulem wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 7:26 pm
That, my friends, is a classic example of Mormon pride and haughtiness.
But wouldn't you expect the leaders of God's true Church to be prideful and haughty? They are above any common need to be humble and repentant. They have bottomless credit cards. They are given top-end Toyota Avalons and even chauffeurs when the need arises. People stand when they enter a room. They are served first. The whole apparatus of the Church makes sure their bubble is pleasant and their words are obeyed.
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Re: The Cult

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 8:57 pm
Shulem wrote:
Thu Nov 02, 2023 7:26 pm
That, my friends, is a classic example of Mormon pride and haughtiness.
But wouldn't you expect the leaders of God's true Church to be prideful and haughty? They are above any common need to be humble and repentant. They have bottomless credit cards. They are given top-end Toyota Avalons and even chauffeurs when the need arises. People stand when they enter a room. They are served first. The whole apparatus of the Church makes sure their bubble is pleasant and their words are obeyed.
The top 15 leaders of the Church speak as a collective voice and are proven liars and are men who deserve absolutely no respect from me. I eschew them in having anything good to say about Facsimile No. 3 or for that matter, anything of reference to ancient Egypt. The leaders of the Church stand rebuked by me. I call them to repentance! I rebuke them in the name of Egyptology!

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Re: The Cult

Post by Moksha »

Shulem wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 9:36 pm
The leaders of the Church stand rebuked by me. I call them to repentance! I rebuke them in the name of Egyptology!

You can rebuke them with the holy Anubic priesthood.
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Re: The Cult

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Thu Nov 09, 2023 12:42 am
Shulem wrote:
Sun Nov 05, 2023 9:36 pm
The leaders of the Church stand rebuked by me. I call them to repentance! I rebuke them in the name of Egyptology!

You can rebuke them with the holy Anubic priesthood.
PS. I thought that was funny.

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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Markk »

Shulem wrote:
Sat Jun 04, 2022 3:34 pm
THE ACADEMIC REVIEW., Brigham Young Academy, Provo Utah, March 1885 wrote:The mummies were identified as those of a king, a queen, a princess, and a slave.
John Taylor was President of the Church for seven years. One of his first acts as President was to canonize the Book of Abraham in 1880. Taylor assisted Joseph Smith with the original publication of the Book of Abraham including the Facsimiles in the Times and Seasons in 1842. Taylor would have known that the nose of Anubis was scraped out of the lead plate whereby the black slave was altered to appear differently than that of the papyrus. What’s interesting to note is the above statement by Brigham Young Academy was made while he was President of the Church. Taylor obviously supported the idea that two slaves were represented in Smith’s antiquities:

1. Slave Olimlah in Facsimile No. 3
2. Slave Mummy #4

Taylor would have known that the Olimlah slave was fictitious and that the appearance of the dog-headed man with a headcloth in the lead plate was altered in order to agree with Smith’s revelation given in the explanation that identifies the person as a slave. Taylor would have also supported the idea that Smith gave a revelation that one of the four mummies was a slave. This however, is absolutely ridiculous from an Egyptological point of view. Joseph Smith was wrong on both accounts with reference to slaves in his Egyptian antiquities.
Paul Osborne wrote:In conclusion, five years after the Book of Abraham was canonized under the direction of President John Taylor, the Brigham Young Academy published a statement clarifying the identity of the four mummies purchased by the Mormons. This declaration was made while Taylor was Church President, a key person who worked personally with Smith in publishing the Book of Abraham in the Times and Seasons. The President of the Church (John Taylor) got his information about the identity of the mummies and the papyrus rolls from the President of the Church (Joseph Smith) and nobody in the church then or today can refute that fact. The statement is final and stands even today.
Alteration, Deception, and Publication

The jackal nose would have been scraped out after a test run was made in which Anubis with his jackal snout would have appeared perfectly in the first printing. There are at least four persons who would have seen the original test run and would have known that the snout was hacked out of the lead plate and recommissioned for a new print.

1. Joseph Smith
2. Reuben Hedlock
3. John Taylor
4. Wilford Woodruff
Hey Paul,

A bit off topic, but I believe this post begs a real question. I basically agree with everything you wrote here...objectively...but!

I have been discussing the Book of Abraham with a TBM friend since July. And he came into the conversation parroting Gee and others for the long and missing scroll theory, while never taking the time to even understand the arguments. As our discussions have progressed, he is now a champion of the catalyst theory even though he denies it ( go figure). Basically his position is that he says he believes in the "long and missing scroll theory"...but claims Joseph could not read Egyptain and he produced the Book of Abraham by "the gift and power of God" alone...which is of course the catalyst theory. He a good man, just like we all were as believers, but he is tied in such a huge knot in regard to the Book of Abraham. He has to believe it is "real"...but he is in the position now of either admitting it, and walking away, or just deny the clear facts. He is in his mid 70's, his daughters married to bishops, and several grandchildren on missions. So is it really an option to "see the truth?"

I came out years before most here and I use to argue the same way with you, Kevin, and others, and you were in the same mindset then, as my friend is today.

So to my actual question or observation..."was Taylor and the others the same as my friend, and you, me, and Kevin, and basically most of us here...or was he purposely and deliberately hiding the truth knowing it was 100% BS?"

I just wonder, were these leaders as indoctrinated as we were, or were they really and knowingly deceiving the folks? As and example when Taylor and Woodruff published the appeal to the Green Mountain Boys in the Times and Seasons. Did they actually believe Joseph could speak and understand all those languages, or did they know he could not and were just confederates in the lie and hoax for gain? Wasn't it Taylor who was dirt poor and barely got by? I know one of them was.

I did not read past the OP, so if you touched on this, sorry...but reading your OP I could not help to think back at my denials of things that were really clear that Joseph was a fraud.
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Shulem »

Markk wrote:
Sat Nov 25, 2023 11:27 pm
Hey Paul,

A bit off topic, but I believe this post begs a real question. I basically agree with everything you wrote here...objectively...but!
But what? There are no buts about the Book of Abraham -- 100% fraud = 100% fake history.

I hope you take the time to empower yourself and read this entire thread. Get the inside scoop and reward yourself.
Markk wrote:
Sat Nov 25, 2023 11:27 pm
I have been discussing the Book of Abraham with a TBM friend since July. And he came into the conversation parroting Gee and others for the long and missing scroll theory, while never taking the time to even understand the arguments. As our discussions have progressed, he is now a champion of the catalyst theory even though he denies it ( go figure). Basically his position is that he says he believes in the "long and missing scroll theory"...but claims Joseph could not read Egyptain and he produced the Book of Abraham by "the gift and power of God" alone...which is of course the catalyst theory. He a good man, just like we all were as believers, but he is tied in such a huge knot in regard to the Book of Abraham. He has to believe it is "real"...but he is in the position now of either admitting it, and walking away, or just deny the clear facts. He is in his mid 70's, his daughters married to bishops, and several grandchildren on missions. So is it really an option to "see the truth?"
The Catalyst theory which I championed as an apologists is DOA and has been utterly and totally refuted more especially by this thread:

Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

The origin story of the Book of Abraham cannot be saved by any means whatsoever.
Markk wrote:
Sat Nov 25, 2023 11:27 pm
I came out years before most here and I use to argue the same way with you, Kevin, and others, and you were in the same mindset then, as my friend is today.

So to my actual question or observation..."was Taylor and the others the same as my friend, and you, me, and Kevin, and basically most of us here...or was he purposely and deliberately hiding the truth knowing it was 100% BS?"

I just wonder, were these leaders as indoctrinated as we were, or were they really and knowingly deceiving the folks? As and example when Taylor and Woodruff published the appeal to the Green Mountain Boys in the Times and Seasons. Did they actually believe Joseph could speak and understand all those languages, or did they know he could not and were just confederates in the lie and hoax for gain? Wasn't it Taylor who was dirt poor and barely got by? I know one of them was.

I did not read past the OP, so if you touched on this, sorry...but reading your OP I could not help to think back at my denials of things that were really clear that Joseph was a fraud.
Read the whole thread, my friend. You will understand the leaders of the Church were dishonest in what they knew otherwise to be the truth. Joseph Smith was dishonest to change Anubis into a slave and invent the story out of whole cloth. Hedlock was dishonest to hack out the snout and make the person appear less valiant. Taylor and Woodruff were dishonest in knowing this had occurred. The whole thing was a coverup and the buck stops with the leaders who performed it!
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Markk »

Shulem wrote:
Wed Nov 29, 2023 4:18 pm
Markk wrote:
Sat Nov 25, 2023 11:27 pm
Hey Paul,

A bit off topic, but I believe this post begs a real question. I basically agree with everything you wrote here...objectively...but!
But what? There are no buts about the Book of Abraham -- 100% fraud = 100% fake history.

I hope you take the time to empower yourself and read this entire thread. Get the inside scoop and reward yourself.
Markk wrote:
Sat Nov 25, 2023 11:27 pm
I have been discussing the Book of Abraham with a TBM friend since July. And he came into the conversation parroting Gee and others for the long and missing scroll theory, while never taking the time to even understand the arguments. As our discussions have progressed, he is now a champion of the catalyst theory even though he denies it ( go figure). Basically his position is that he says he believes in the "long and missing scroll theory"...but claims Joseph could not read Egyptain and he produced the Book of Abraham by "the gift and power of God" alone...which is of course the catalyst theory. He a good man, just like we all were as believers, but he is tied in such a huge knot in regard to the Book of Abraham. He has to believe it is "real"...but he is in the position now of either admitting it, and walking away, or just deny the clear facts. He is in his mid 70's, his daughters married to bishops, and several grandchildren on missions. So is it really an option to "see the truth?"
The Catalyst theory which I championed as an apologists is DOA and has been utterly and totally refuted more especially by this thread:

Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

The origin story of the Book of Abraham cannot be saved by any means whatsoever.
Markk wrote:
Sat Nov 25, 2023 11:27 pm
I came out years before most here and I use to argue the same way with you, Kevin, and others, and you were in the same mindset then, as my friend is today.

So to my actual question or observation..."was Taylor and the others the same as my friend, and you, me, and Kevin, and basically most of us here...or was he purposely and deliberately hiding the truth knowing it was 100% BS?"

I just wonder, were these leaders as indoctrinated as we were, or were they really and knowingly deceiving the folks? As and example when Taylor and Woodruff published the appeal to the Green Mountain Boys in the Times and Seasons. Did they actually believe Joseph could speak and understand all those languages, or did they know he could not and were just confederates in the lie and hoax for gain? Wasn't it Taylor who was dirt poor and barely got by? I know one of them was.

I did not read past the OP, so if you touched on this, sorry...but reading your OP I could not help to think back at my denials of things that were really clear that Joseph was a fraud.
Read the whole thread, my friend. You will understand the leaders of the Church were dishonest in what they knew otherwise to be the truth. Joseph Smith was dishonest to change Anubis into a slave and invent the story out of whole cloth. Hedlock was dishonest to hack out the snout and make the person appear less valiant. Taylor and Woodruff were dishonest in knowing this had occurred. The whole thing was a coverup and the buck stops with the leaders who performed it!

Please read my post again. You as an apologist thought you were "right", and we're dead question or "wonder" is, are these guys in the same boat that WE were when WE were TBM...or are hey just flat out frauds?

My whole family are basically TBM, and they buy into this crap, honestly, they are deceived, they are great people. So, do these guys buy into this crap,or are they knowingly deceptive?

It is easy to say yes, they know it is wrong...but it is really no different that when You and I were defending the lie...I use to say the same things about you, that you are now saying about them.

Honesty, I go back and forth on this...Oaks in my opinion knows this crap is wrong, Bednar knows, and a few others, but I am not so sure about all these men...they may be in the same boat We were.
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Shulem »

Markk wrote:
Fri Dec 01, 2023 4:58 am
Please read my post again.

Judging people individually for their beliefs and false ideas of the Book of Abraham can be tricky. Personal testimony coupled with cognitive dissonance is the main operating force that allows members of the church to faithfully embrace the Book of Abraham as scripture regardless of evidence to show it’s a fraud. It’s a clear case of faith vs. science and science wins hands down! I knew that as an apologist but put things on the back burner and my faith seethed while embracing lies.

A prime example to show how the Church and members alike reject proof outright is by denying the numbers and refusing to embrace mathematics which proves the Book of Abraham is false. Please see my other thread entitled “Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative” and zero in on the the 2300 BC vs. 3000 BC discrepancy.
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Shulem »

Book of Abraham Translation
BrotherOfJared wrote:Facsimile 3 Printing Plate The “slave” with what looks like a spike on it’s head should be Anubis. The different tool marks near the nose indicate that his snout was originally there but was removed near the end before printing. We would also expect another ear. The small notch in the head suggests the original location of the second ear. Printing Plate for Facsimile 3
BrotherOfJared wrote:● Deliberate changes were made to Anubis in facsimile 3 to alter what would originally be there. Implying conscious deception.

If you are a Mormon and believe the Book of Abraham, you have been deceived! You have been lied to. You have been had.

How does that make you feel?

What will you do now?

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