Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

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Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Shulem »

THE ACADEMIC REVIEW., Brigham Young Academy, Provo Utah, March 1885 wrote:The mummies were identified as those of a king, a queen, a princess, and a slave.

John Taylor was President of the Church for seven years. One of his first acts as President was to canonize the Book of Abraham in 1880. Taylor assisted Joseph Smith with the original publication of the Book of Abraham including the Facsimiles in the Times and Seasons in 1842. Taylor would have known that the nose of Anubis was scraped out of the lead plate whereby the black slave was altered to appear differently than that of the papyrus. What’s interesting to note is the above statement by Brigham Young Academy was made while he was President of the Church. Taylor obviously supported the idea that two slaves were represented in Smith’s antiquities:

1. Slave Olimlah in Facsimile No. 3
2. Slave Mummy #4

Taylor would have known that the Olimlah slave was fictitious and that the appearance of the dog-headed man with a headcloth in the lead plate was altered in order to agree with Smith’s revelation given in the explanation that identifies the person as a slave. Taylor would have also supported the idea that Smith gave a revelation that one of the four mummies was a slave. This however, is absolutely ridiculous from an Egyptological point of view. Joseph Smith was wrong on both accounts with reference to slaves in his Egyptian antiquities.

Paul Osborne wrote:In conclusion, five years after the Book of Abraham was canonized under the direction of President John Taylor, the Brigham Young Academy published a statement clarifying the identity of the four mummies purchased by the Mormons. This declaration was made while Taylor was Church President, a key person who worked personally with Smith in publishing the Book of Abraham in the Times and Seasons. The President of the Church (John Taylor) got his information about the identity of the mummies and the papyrus rolls from the President of the Church (Joseph Smith) and nobody in the church then or today can refute that fact. The statement is final and stands even today.

Alteration, Deception, and Publication

The jackal nose would have been scraped out after a test run was made in which Anubis with his jackal snout would have appeared perfectly in the first printing. There are at least four persons who would have seen the original test run and would have known that the snout was hacked out of the lead plate and recommissioned for a new print.

1. Joseph Smith
2. Reuben Hedlock
3. John Taylor
4. Wilford Woodruff
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Re: Anubis in the Facsimile and Mormon Deception

Post by Moksha »

Shulem, do you think LDS Presidents took strong oaths, accompanied by penalties and signals, to cover up the mutilation of the Egyptian God Anubis?

What retribution might generations of Egyptian religionists wreak on these defilers in the afterlife?
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Re: Anubis in the Facsimile and Mormon Deception

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Sat Jun 04, 2022 6:18 pm
Shulem, do you think LDS Presidents took strong oaths, accompanied by penalties and signals, to cover up the mutilation of the Egyptian God Anubis?

There is much ground to cover in exposing the lies and deception that took place in bringing forth the Book of Abraham. *THIS* thread is about Anubis, his snout removal, and the lies perpetrated by the men who ran the Times and Seasons printing press. Joseph Smith was the editor in chief and overlord over all things pertaining to the press and publication thereof. He was in charge of everything while it was under his direct supervision during the publication of the Book of Abraham. Taylor and Woodruff worked as editors and helped managed all the affairs that were required to run the press. Hedlock was just a lackey and was hired as an assistant and also for his artistic talent and ability to produce the metal plates.

So, with that said, where do the lies begin? They began with the prophet himself! He was the translator and revelator for what would be revealed to the entire Church. They were his revelations. He produced them and he managed them. Smith micromanaged the entire project to include the Facsimile presentations. We know the revelations of the Facsimile Explanations were given through Joseph Smith just as he gave revelation in the Doctrine and Covenants. Smith was the mouthpiece and revelator for the entire Church. He was the translator and chief editor who provided *his* translations for official publication.

LIAR #1 Joseph Smith
He conceived the false translations and interpretations of Facsimile No. 3. Smith knew he was lying. He justified himself in his usual manner of lying as simply another step in moving his church forward. Lying was nothing new to the prophet. It was his custom and a habit and he did so in a self-righteous manner. It was part of the overall pious fraud.

LIAR #2 Reuben Hedlock
He reconfigured his metal plate to conform to Joseph’s wishes. He was hired for the sole purpose of serving the Lord -- but serving the Lord is to serve Joseph. Reuben knowingly and fraudulently changed the person of Anubis as represented on the original papyrus vignette because he was commanded by Joseph to do just that.

LIAR #3 John Taylor
He served as the operational manager working directly under Joseph Smith and was also the lead editor. Taylor was well aware of the Facsimile printing plate and would have seen the first print that included Anubis with a jackal head.

LIAR #4 Wilford Woodruff
He served as an assistant editor under Taylor and was involved in all operations involving the press. He was in on everything and was Taylor’s right-hand man.

These four brethren knew they were liars together for one cause. They shared that lie together in publishing the Book of Abraham by keeping it a secret as they learned to do together in the councils of Mormon Masonry. The wanton act of hacking out Anubis’s nose was a secret. Their actions were both fraudulent and immoral. But they kept it a secret and never discussed it with anyone so far as we can tell today.

Shulem wrote:
Tue Feb 02, 2021 10:27 am
The ANUBIS snout issue is much bigger than we realize. It cuts to the heart of the matter. It reveals how Smith was actually cheating and lying in knowing firsthand that he was making up his translations out of thin air and that he couldn't really read Egyptian. So, he had Hedlock hack out the snout and kept it hush, hush. Maybe John Taylor knew, and figured Joseph was correcting matters to validate his translations.
Shulem wrote:
Wed Feb 03, 2021 8:00 pm
It's interesting to note, the amigos (Smith, Taylor, Woodruff, Hedlock) who published the Book of Abraham at the Times and Seasons also managed to hurry on their way to the new Masonic lodge in Nauvoo to sign the by-laws in the Minutes Book. There are 14 pages of signatures, but note how the four amigos were there first to sign up in March when the first installments of the Book of Abraham were first published.

Page 16 (left column)
#22 Joseph Smith

Then, notice on the very next page (17) in the upper left column, both Woodruff and Taylor sign up TOGETHER!! Obviously, they must have been in close proximity to the prophet who signed moments earlier.

#3 Wilford Woodruff
#4 John Taylor

But alas, let us not forget the fourth amigo, Hedlock. He's there too (page 17), at the bottom of the page in the right column, the last signature! This is proof that the four amigos were together at the new Masonic Lodge in Nauvoo on the day they published an installment of the Book of Abraham. That's four sets of eyeballs to catch dog-headed Anubis in the Masonic hand books and make the jackal head connection in Facsimile No. 3, which they would publish in the month of May, just two months from that time! Time to hack out the snout from the lead plate! It may have been a conspiracy in which all four of them were in on it. Or just Smith and Hedlock. It's hard to say at this point but we do have a clear case of FRAUD and deception by those who were in a position to discover the true nature of the dog-headed Egyptian god of Freemasonry.
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Re: Anubis in the Facsimile and Mormon Deception

Post by Shulem »

Apologists could argue that not all of the FOUR men were in on the reconstruction of Anubis’s face. But that’s a long shot because the FOUR worked together as ONE. The fact that the snout was hacked out in the first place serves to show that Smith ordered it removed after an inky test run was already made. Upon completion of the plate, it would naturally follow that a test was performed to see how it actually looked when printed. The result of that test would have been examined by Joseph Smith as well as the other editors in the print shop.

Therefore, we can reasonably conclude the four brethren were in on it together. At minimum, the apologist could argue that only Smith and Hedlock were in on it or they could go all out and claim that ONLY Hedlock was responsible for the alteration on his own authority and of his own accord. But how could that have ever managed to pass inspection from the editors? One can never underestimate the ridiculous assertions that apologists might make in defending Joseph Smith. But the buck stops with Joseph Smith. We cannot blame Hedlock, Taylor, and Woodruff without first blaming SMITH.

*THAT* is the key!
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John Taylor

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Members of the Church today, especially apologists, who have a problem with the Book of Abraham or more notably with the Facsimiles that were included with the writings only need look back to 1880 in which to pin the blame on President John Taylor. He presented the Pearl of Great Price to the whole Church for a sustaining vote in which to canonize the Book of Abraham as scripture -- standard revelations for the Church. But isn’t this just interesting because JOHN TAYLOR knew that the face of Anubis was mutilated in order to prevent members from figuring out that an Egyptian god can’t possibly be a slave. In effect, a lying Church President is standing at the pulpit asking every member of the Church to raise their right hand to sustain his part in the original lie!

Ignorant church members in the tabernacle sustained President Taylor’s proposal to canonize material in which he knew had been tampered with in order to conceal the prophet’s errors and keep members of the Church from discovering those errors. In effect, John Taylor lied to the entire Church while piously standing at the pulpit and pretending himself to be a holy prophet. The hypocrisy is simply staggering. But it must be made clear that the Church is stuck with the MUTATED Facsimile No. 3 because President Taylor hid the truth from the members and kept it a secret in order to cover Joseph Smith’s original lie.

There simply is no excuse for lying.
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John Taylor

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Taylor kept it a secret. He dared not tell anyone. He knew!


He took his secret to the grave. His lie died with him and Woodruff was left to carry the torch.

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Wilford Woodruff

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After John Taylor passed away the next Church President would continue to keep the secret and maintain the lie. That man was one of the original FOUR liars, Wilford Woodruff. He had every opportunity to reveal what he knew about the alteration of Facsimile No. 3, but he chose to keep quiet rather than expose the truth and set the record right. The Church would never know what he knew took place in the printing office of the Times and Seasons in 1842.


Wilford Woodruff’s Journal, Vol. 2, p. 155, 19 February 1842 wrote:I have had the privilege this day of assisting in setting the TIPE for printing the first peace of the B00K OF ABRAHAM that is to be presented to the inhabitants of the EARTH in the LAST DAYS.

The Church was never told about what happened to Anubis in the Facsimile because the brethren that were sworn to secrecy never revealed Smith’s error. They hid it up and kept it a secret. Nobody would know that the snout was hacked out of the lead plate until Paul Osborne discovered and revealed it on this message board, December 1st, 2017.
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John Taylor

Post by Shulem »

John Taylor justified deception and coverup because he was instructed by Joseph Smith who claimed the Holy Ghost was behind it all. Rather than take responsibility for his error, Smith simply blamed the Spirit and led Taylor to believe it was the will of God. That was Smith’s ultimate trick -- blame the Spirit! Taylor accepted the practice wholeheartedly of handing everything over to the Spirit. Justification of deceit through the Spirt is secret Mormon doctrine. Here are a few points to illustrate Taylor’s downfall in employing this corrupt doctrine, from the Church manual: Teachings of Presidents of the Church, John Taylor. This serves to show how lying for the Lord is justified because it furthers the cause which one believes is best.
  • “I well remember a remark that Joseph Smith made to me. ... Said he, ‘Elder Taylor, you have been baptized, you have had hands laid upon your head for the reception of the Holy Ghost, and you have been ordained to the holy priesthood. Now, if you will continue to follow the leadings of that spirit, it will always lead you right. Sometimes it might be contrary to your judgment; never mind that, follow its dictates; and if you be true to its whisperings it will in time become in you a principle of revelation so that you will know all things.’”
  • “Joseph Smith had the heavens opened to him, it always required new revelations, adapted to the peculiar circumstances in which the churches or individuals were placed.”
  • “We believe that it is necessary for man to be placed in communication with God; that he should have revelation from him, and that unless he is placed under the influences of the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, he can know nothing about the things of God. I do not care how learned a man may be, or how extensively he may have traveled. I do not care what his talent, intellect, or genius may be, at what college he may have studied, how comprehensive his views or what his judgment may be on other matters, he cannot understand certain things without the Spirit of God, and that necessarily introduces the principle I before referred to—the necessity of revelation.”
  • “We did not receive our ideas from any theologian, from any scientist, from any man of renown, or of position in the world, or from any body or conclave of religionists, but from the Almighty, and to Him we are indebted for all life, all truth, and all intelligence pertaining to the past, pertaining to the present, or pertaining to the future.”

From this we can easily gather that John Taylor justified the deception and coverup because it was all for the purpose of building Joseph Smith’s vision of Zion through prophetic interpretation of the Spirit ®. We can be sure that John Taylor would have defended the Explanations of Facsimile No. 3 as pure revelation given from God and that the world is wrong and that Joseph Smith was right. The members of the Church who sustained the action of canonizing the Book of Abraham as an authentic and genuine historical record written by Abraham’s own hand were duped, first by President Joseph Smith, then by President John Taylor.
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Hypocrisy of John Taylor

Post by Shulem »


John Taylor wrote:Let us be men of truth, honor and integrity ... We are trying to raise up a people that shall be men of God, men of truth, men of integrity, men of virtue, men who will be fit to associate with the Gods in the eternal worlds.


John Taylor wrote:God expects to have a people who will be men of clean hands and pure hearts, who withhold their hands from the receiving of bribes, ...


John Taylor wrote:The great difficulty with us is that we are too fond of catering to the world, and too much of the world has crept into our hearts; the spirit of covetousness and greed, and—what shall I say?—dishonesty has spread itself like a plague throughout the length and breadth of the whole world in every direction, and we have drunk more or less into that spirit.


John Taylor wrote:It is proper that men should be honest with themselves, that they should be honest with each other in all their words, dealings, intercommunication, business arrangements and everything else; they ought to be governed by truthfulness, honesty and integrity, and that man is very foolish indeed who would not be true to himself, true to his convictions and feelings in regard to religious matters.


John Taylor wrote:We should be strictly honest, one with another, and with all men; let our word always be as good as our bond; avoid all ostentation of pride and vanity; and be meek, lowly, and humble; be full of integrity and honor; and deal justly and righteously with all men.

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Re: Honesty vs. dishonesty

Post by Shulem »

I feel it necessary to compare the difference between being genuinely honest in good faith vs. being deceptively dishonest in bad faith by using an example of Smith and his assistants working with iconography within the papyri itself. To do this we may compare the difference between adding missing heads in Facsimile No. 2 and removing the snout and headcloth from Anubis’s head in Facsimile No. 3.

To do this, I refer to Fig. 1 in Facsimile No. 2 in which heads were added to the lacuna to complete the bodily image. This was an act of good faith in order to restore the missing head to what might be considered an appropriate presentation intended by the original artist.

Fig. 1 is located in the center of the round Hypocephalus and is flanked by two ape-like baboons. Note the drawing of the original papyrus shows how it was damaged wherein missing portions are glaringly obvious.


Note in the finished print it shows how the two-faced head of Fig. 2 (directly above Fig. 1) was essentially copied and drawn into the person below to complete the missing head for Fig. 1. This is what may be considered a good faith effort. Although it is incorrect from an Egyptological point of view and is the wrong head, it was done in good faith for the purpose of adding content to complete the image of what may have originally existed. It was an honest to goodness effort in recreating the missing heads.


Here is a closeup of the recreated two-faced head of Fig. 1:


A correct restoration of Fig. 1 should have employed four goat heads as shown in other Hypocephali:


Nonetheless, the restoration of Fig. 1 was a good faith effort in attempting to restore the original image to something that would appear authentic so they simply used other imagery within the papyrus and it became a borrowed effect. The same thing was done for Facsimile No. 1 in which the missing head of Anubis was given a head that looks virtually the same as the man (Osiris) lying on the lion couch. That too, could be considered a good faith effort to restore a missing head with something that looked authentic to the scene at hand.

Be it as it may, the alteration of the jackal head in Facsimile No. 3 was NOT made in good faith. The deliberate deletion of the snout and headcloth was intended to change the original PERSON drawn by the Egyptian artist. This was not done for the purpose to add aesthetic design or restore a genuine view of what was original to the vignette. It was a wanton desecration of what the papyrus originally portrayed and was done to deceive everyone who would see the final print in the Times and Seasons. Thus, the deletion serves to implicate Joseph Smith and the printing staff of knowingly committing fraud and withholding the truth. There is no other explanation for this malicious act other than it was done in order to deceive everyone.
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