Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Sat Jun 18, 2022 5:12 pm
I would like to hear Church officials or their minions address the issue of Anubis. It seems like religious desecration.

Joseph Smith was surrounded by intelligent and learned men who assisted him in examining the papyri in which the Church purchased along with the mummies for a substantial amount of money. The brethren that were involved in the translation process in which President Smith spearheaded, provided a combined and collective group intelligence which surely understood the papyri were religious and thematic in nature. The illustrations contained therein make it impossible for a group of intelligent men to not know otherwise. The papyri were obviously sacred documents buried with the mummies and expressed and illustrated Egyptian religion. It’s a no-brainer!

The desecration to the god Anubis was slanderous and outright mockery of the faithful beliefs of millions of Egyptians who have long since slept in death. It’s a desecration and disrespect to the extreme. It’s like walking on graves and knocking over tombstones just for kicks. Worse than that, it’s like stealing tombstones and repurposing them for someone else! What Joseph Smith did was simply inexcusable! There is no justification for lying. What he did was wrong, period. Anyone today with an ounce of decency should be able to recognize that Smith was pulling a fast one in order to cover his errors. It reveals the secret vanity and pride of the prophet Joseph Smith!
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Shulem »

bill4long wrote:
Sat Jun 18, 2022 5:46 am
Something tells me Paul, you've made your point. And a great one.

Maybe someone needs to get on with his life.

What say?

I’m afraid, my friend, you just don’t know me very well. I’m afraid you don’t appreciate the gravity and depth in which this discovery provides the unique opportunity in exposing the insidious nature of Joseph Smith and his ultimate desire to deceive everyone, including himself.

I’m just getting started! Watch and learn, my friend. Just watch.

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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by bill4long »

Shulem wrote:
Sun Jun 19, 2022 2:53 pm
I’m just getting started! Watch and learn, my friend. Just watch.
OK :)
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Moksha »

Shulem wrote:
Sun Jun 19, 2022 2:40 pm
The desecration of the god Anubis was slanderous and outright mockery of the faithful beliefs of millions of Egyptians who have long since slept in death. It’s a desecration and disrespect to the extreme. It’s like walking on graves and knocking over tombstones just for kicks.
Mormon desecration of other religious shrines and cemeteries is not a one-off thing: ... stigation/ ... -holy-week
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Mormon vandalism and desecration continues today

Post by Shulem »

Three Mormon missionaries follow in the footsteps of Joseph Smith, Reuben Hedlock, John Taylor, and Wilford Woodruff in desecrating the sacred image of another religion by brutally decapitating the head of a statue in a sacred Catholic shrine.

Daily Herald wrote:Photos surfaced on the Internet last week showing young men holding the statue’s severed head, preaching from an altar and pretending to sacrifice each other at the Shrine of the Mexican Martyrs.

LDS missionaries part of shrine vandalism investigation

LDS Church Public Affairs wrote:Leaders of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were dismayed this weekend to learn of the insensitivity and disrespect shown to religious artifacts...

The church expresses its profound regret and sincere apologies to the members of the Roman Catholic faith...

The disrespect depicted in photographs published on the Internet and in the news media is inexcusable. Respect for other faiths is a cardinal tenet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Isn’t it also time the Church apologize for desecrating sacred Egyptian funerary literature and for mutilating the face of an Egyptian god in order to cover the errors of one pretending to translate a language he does not know? The time is long overdue. The Church has long procrastinated its day of repentance and the night has come in which the whole world may see and judge. The shameful acts of early Church leaders and the refusal of modern leaders to intervene and make things right is truly shameful. There simply is no excuse for this whatsoever. The Church will be held accountable and voices will continue to sound loud and long in exposing this malicious act and lack of courage in modern Church leaders to do anything about it.
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Shulem »

Royal Skousen wrote: Subject: RE: Book of Abraham
To: Noel Hausler
Cc: Daniel Peterson, Debbie Peterson, John Gee

  • I definitely do NOT hold a positive view of Joseph Smith’s ‘interpretation’ of the facsimiles.
  • Yes, the facsimiles are shameful ‘reproductions’ and have been so from the 1840’s when first published in Times and Seasons.


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Outside the bounds of truth

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The brethren hacked the snout off the jackal-headed man in order to defend the interpretation that he’s a mortal slave rather than a divine god. But unbeknown to the vandals, the label above the person gave a full description of who that person is and bears his name, Anubis. The vandals did not know that, neither did they comprehend that someday the world would decipher those very hieroglyphs and discover a snout was hacked out of the face. Thus we see, the Mormons were wrong in everything about the Facsimile. Truth is knowledge of past, present, and future, and we hereby discern that Mormonism *is* outside the bounds of truth. Truth is like one great whole! Smith’s revelations of the Facsimile are not within that whole. The spirit of Smith’s revelations are outside the bounds of truth and are altogether lies.

I so testify and I know my witness is true.

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Re: Nothing, nada, zilch, zero

Post by Shulem »

No President of the Church has ever made a public statement regarding the controversies surrounding the Book of Abraham. Never have they addressed the problems or acknowledged that nobody outside the Church lends any credibility whatsoever for the Book of Abraham and the Explanations of the Facsimiles. Church Presidents have sat on their hands and have zipped their mouths shut -- refusing to say a single word as if God is restricting them. Furthermore, it seems as if all Church leaders are forbidden to express their own opinions and thoughts on the matter. By default, the responsibility fell to scholars and the arm of flesh within Mormon academic arenas to settle controversy and answer questions. Church leaders refuse to step up to the plate and assume the mantle. But the buck stops with the President and when he refuses to speak then nothing is ever settled. The controversy hangs over the entire Church.

The Church recovered the missing papyri in 1967 in which the controversies involving the Book of Abraham exploded and many questions remain unanswered. What has the President of the Church ever said on this subject?

X = Nothing

[X] David O. McKay
[X] Joseph Fielding Smith
[X] Harold B. Lee
[X] Spencer W. Kimball
[X] Ezra Taft Benson
[X] Howard W. Hunter
[X] Gordon B. Hinckley
[X] Thomas S. Monson
[X] Russell M. Nelson
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Re: Mormon vandalism and desecration continues today

Post by Marcus »

Shulem wrote:
Mon Jun 20, 2022 12:18 pm
[from article]...Respect for other faiths is a cardinal tenet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Isn’t it also time the Church apologize for desecrating sacred Egyptian funerary literature and for mutilating the face of an Egyptian god in order to cover the errors of one pretending to translate a language he does not know? The time is long overdue...
That "Respect for other faiths" that is "a cardinal tenet" would seem to require it. It would have to be admitted first, though. And since that "cardinal tenet" has never actually been one, it seems unlikely.
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Re: Nothing, nada, zilch, zero

Post by Shulem »

Shulem wrote:
Tue Jun 21, 2022 6:21 pm
[X] David O. McKay
[X] Joseph Fielding Smith
[X] Harold B. Lee
[X] Spencer W. Kimball
[X] Ezra Taft Benson
[X] Howard W. Hunter
[X] Gordon B. Hinckley
[X] Thomas S. Monson
[X] Russell M. Nelson

Countless thousands have left the church because of the controversies of the Book of Abraham and countless more will leave in the future. Church members are divided among themselves on how to resolve serious questions and in deciding which theories work best for them in order to settle matters that threaten their faith. Therefore, members of the household of faith remain divided and in want of direction from the Church President via the Lord. In other words, the Church is in dire need of revelation in order to bring the saints into unity. Then, let the chips fall where they will and members can choose to sustain or reject the new revelations.

It seems highly unlikely that President Nelson is going to turn a new leaf and provide instruction to the Church on how the controversies and difficult problems with the Book of Abraham may be resolved. Nelson doesn’t strike me as one who knows much about these matters and I have no confidence in him whatsoever that God will help him. I don’t think the lighted pen will provide any inspiration for him. He’s too wrapped up in other matters to be bothered with the Book of Abraham. I don’t believe he cares one bit and he will not intervene in any way.
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