Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

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Post by Shulem »

In hindsight, I think we can all see that the greatest lack of vision was from the prophet Joseph Smith who pretended to see things in the Facsimiles that never really existed and he mistakenly thought that he could say anything he wanted about them and his secret would remain safe. But what was that secret? It’s simple, his secret was that he was pulling the wool over everyone’s eyes and hiding behind the pretended powers of the Holy Ghost ® in which he claimed enveloped him with super-human abilities in which he did not possess. Smith’s self-delusion rubbed off on others and John Taylor fell for it -- lock, stock, and barrel. The second great mistake for the Church with regard to the Book of Abraham is when Taylor thought to canonize it in effort to shore up his own Presidency and remind the Church of the legitimacy of his work with the former prophet. What gave Taylor the idea to canonize it? It certainly wasn’t Brigham Young’s idea because he left it alone and did not motion to canonize the Egyptian hieroglyphics in which he knew he could not read. Young was far more practical but Taylor had an emotional attachment and was intimately involved with the first publication. So, in the end, it was the false spirit of Mormonism that moved Taylor to submit the book to the church and vote in the affirmative that the works of Abraham written by his own hand is the mind and will of the Mormon Spirit and the members of the Church *must* receive it as such. Embrace it or apostatize! That was the choice given to the whole church.

The conundrum of the Facsimiles has never done anything to advance the cause of Mormonism in modern times and are a constant liability -- and now BYU professors are fed up with the toxic results. But Church leaders are cowards and fail to act because they are afraid that the faithful will demand an explanation rather than the simplicity of now you see it, now you don’t. The action of removing the Facsimiles cannot go unnoticed and there will be QUESTIONS and the First Presidency is not prepared to offer legitimate ANSWERS.
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Legal perspectives

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The simple removal of the Facsimiles from the Book of Abraham is not something that can be done in a corner unnoticed. Such an action is not as simple as a mere First Presidency signature scribbled on electronic paper to move billions of dollars from one account to another or to invest billions here or billions there. The matter of the Facsimiles does not solely belong to the First Presidency but it belongs to the whole church, every member, male and female! When the Book of Abraham with its accompanying Facsimiles was canonized, that action could only be sustained by the general vote of the entire church through official means performed publicly at the pulpit. The general vote to accept the Book of Abraham as constituted in the Pearl of Great Price was an action put in place after the general membership approved. It is not within the scope or power of the First Presidency to foist new scripture upon the membership unless the membership affirms it by sustaining vote to approve that action.

Today, if the First Presidency removes the Book of Abraham or portions thereunto, then they do so by cancelling the vote of the 1880 First Presidency and the entire membership which sustained the action with uplifted right hands. In effect, 1880 is wiped out and the chain of authority breaks! John Taylor’s church is rendered ineffectual and any revelation or prophecy associating the Book of Abraham to the second coming of Jesus Christ is cancelled! A break in Church-run authority between generations divides Mormonism on the basis of the Book of Abraham or any portion therein being proven a fraud.

Church leadership treads on dangerous grounds when and if it attempts to circumvent the general membership without approval as prescribed in the Doctrine and Covenants which is a legally binding document between the members and the leaders. Thus, if the leaders remove the Facsimiles from the canon without a sustaining vote of the whole church, then *members* (RFM included) are entitled to sue the Church and haul its leaders into a court of law for breach of contract.
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Re: Legal perspectives

Post by Moksha »

Shulem wrote:
Sun Jul 03, 2022 5:55 pm
Today, if the First Presidency removes the Book of Abraham or portions thereunto, then they do so by cancelling the vote of the 1880 First Presidency and the entire membership which sustained the action with uplifted right hands. In effect, 1880 is wiped out and the chain of authority breaks! John Taylor’s church is rendered ineffectual and any revelation or prophecy associating the Book of Abraham to the second coming of Jesus Christ is cancelled!
What if the Church Newsroom and the apologists insisted the Book of Abraham and this so-called "John Taylor" never existed and were created by anti-church critics?
Thus, if the leaders remove the Facsimiles from the canon without a sustaining vote of the whole church, then *members* (RFM included) are entitled to sue the Church and haul its leaders into a court of law for breach of contract.
RFM is one guy, and Kirton McConkie is legion. Plus, they have the resources to hire thousands of more associates and a current Supreme Court that thinks the way they do.
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Legal perspectives

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What if the United States of America is someday dissolved and no longer a sovereign state hundreds of years from now? The USA is not going to last forever and Jesus is not coming back. The days of the USA are numbered but the second coming of Jesus are not because it will never happen. It will go on and on and on, forever.

What if legal challenges against Mormonism are made in several nations and future territories both now and in the future? Mormonism is shielded in its home country but the world is larger than America and quite diverse.
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Re: Oakian Legal Perspectives

Post by Moksha »

Shulem wrote:
Mon Jul 04, 2022 3:04 pm
What if legal challenges against Mormonism are made in several nations and future territories both now and in the future? Mormonism is shielded in its home country but the world is larger than America and quite diverse.
Great questions.

What if the chrono-synclastic infundibulum described by Kurt Vonnegut is located, spiraling from the Sun to Betelgeuse, and the Church of God the Utterly Indifferent is proven to be the truest?
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Post by Shulem »

(Book of Abraham waiver)

The baptismal candidate will please sign this waiver and acknowledge their preference. Baptism cannot be performed until this form is signed and submitted to the appropriate church leader for approval. THANK YOU!

I, John Doe, request baptism into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and hereby acknowledge that it has been explained and made known to me that Joseph Smith and the editors of the Times and Seasons scraped off the jackal nose of the Egyptian god Anubis in order to make him appear more like a slave and conform to the prophet Joseph Smith’s translations.

[ ] YES, I acknowledge this action

I acknowledge there are two choices available to church members in accepting the hieroglyphic translations of the Book of Abraham in explaining how this work was best accomplished. I also acknowledge that I am free to change my views or beliefs during my membership and that the following theories are strictly a matter of choice and preference. Please refer to the official Church Essay: “Translation and Historicity of the Book of Abraham” for assistance in understanding the process.

Please Check only one.

[ ] Catalyst Theory
[ ] Missing Roll Theory
[ ] Hybrid of both theories

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A typical apologetic excuse for the facsimile blunders

Post by Shulem »

Mormon apologist wrote:The explanations of the facsimiles are not necessary for my salvation as are teachings and doctrines contained in the Book of Mormon. Besides we don’t even know if Joseph Smith authored them.

The source of the explanations is from that same Spirit and given in the same revelatory manner as always being authored and expressed by Joseph the seer who proudly published them in the Times and Seasons -- he stood by them and presented the translations to the world as revelations from God. They were published and expressed as a scripture-like revelatory restoration to the Church and it was received as such. They were heralded as being just as true as anything written in the Book of Mormon. What Smith considered a truth was part of all truth in one great whole. No truth was less true than another truth! All truth is within the bounds the Lord has set and salvation therefore depends on everything that is true together. Therefore, if it is discovered and proven that one of Smith’s professed truths is found to be untrue then it can be reasoned that there are others that are also untrue -- such as the entire content and fiction of the Book of Mormon which is no truer than the Explanations of the Facsimiles.
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by dannyg43 »

Book of Abraham “translation” actually came from a common Egyptian funerary text called the Book of Breathings - and had nothing to do with Abraham. Critics argue that the Book of Abraham therefore proves Smith as a fraud. This particular papyrus (say the Egyptologists) was for a dead Egyptian named Hor. It was a pagan document designed to help Hor pass to the next world and become a deity himself.

Who is right?

Well, consider “Facsimile 3”:

This drawing was copied from the papyrus and allegedly ties directly in to the story line of the Book of Abraham. In Joseph Smith’s “version” of the scroll, Abraham teaches the Egyptians about astrology. Here is Smith’s official explanation of the drawing:

Fig. 1. Abraham sitting upon Pharaoh’s throne, by the politeness of the king, with a crown upon his head, representing the Priesthood, as emblematical of the grand Presidency in Heaven; with the scepter of justice and judgment in his hand.

Fig. 2. King Pharaoh, whose name is given in the characters above his head.

Fig. 3. Signifies Abraham in Egypt as given also in Figure 10 of Facsimile No. 1.

Fig. 4. Prince of Pharaoh, King of Egypt, as written above the hand.

Fig. 5. Shulem, one of the king’s principal waiters, as represented by the characters above his hand.

Fig. 6. Olimlah, a slave belonging to the prince.

Abraham is reasoning upon the principles of Astronomy, in the king’s court.

Egyptologists could not disagree more with Joseph Smith’s explanations.

Dr. Robert Ritner, a renowned Egyptologist at the University of Chicago, explains the real meanings of the labels on the drawings:

Label for Osiris (Fig. 1 of Facsimile 3): Recitation by Osiris, Foremost of the Westerners, Lord of Abydos(?), the great god forever and ever(?).

Label for Isis (Fig. 2 of Facsimile 3): Isis the great, the god’s mother.

Label for Maat (Fig. 4 of Facsimile 3): Maat, mistress of the gods.

Label for Hor (Fig. 5 of Facsimile 3): The Osiris Hor, justified forever.

Label for Anubis (Fig. 6 of Facsimile 3): Recitation by Anubis, who makes protection(?), foremost of the embalming booth
So, the labels which exit in Facsimile 3 PRECISELY MATCH the text of the papyrus in the possession of the LDS church. It is a funerary procession for the deceased Hor. The picture matches the existing papyrus.

No part of the existing papyrus has anything to do with Abraham, so Mormons sometimes argue, “Well, we must be missing some of the papyrus.”

Given Facsimile 3, whether some of the papyrus is missing or not seems irrelevant. The picture directly matches the existing text. The labels in the picture match the existing text.

The labels claimed by Joseph Smith are simply incorrect. Isis is “Isis the great, the god’s mother.” Figure 2 is assuredly not “King Pharaoh, whose name is given in the characters above his head.”

I have never heard a reasonable explanation for how Joseph Smith got these labels wrong. If he could read the characters above the head of figure 2, he would have “translated” just like professor Ritner, “Isis the great, the god’s mother.”

Smith did not.

Is there any reasonable explanation which can logically reconcile Joseph Smith’s mistakes on Facsimile 3?
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Shulem »

dannyg43 wrote:
Tue Jul 12, 2022 2:56 pm
Is there any reasonable explanation which can logically reconcile Joseph Smith’s mistakes on Facsimile 3?

The only logical explanations that decipher and explain hieroglyphic text and iconography of the Facsimile come from scientific proofs derived from Egyptology. The Explanations given by Smith are NOT derived from Egyptology and neither are they logical. They cannot be reconciled, nor can a lie be made true! The mistakes made by Joseph Smith are numerous and everything he said about the Facsimile is wrong. Nothing on God’s green earth and no power in heaven can justify or make any sense of the ridiculous musing of Joseph Smith.

I say this by the authority of every living Egyptologist except for Gee & Muhlestein who don’t deserve to be counted among their colleagues and have shamed the memory of ancient Egypt. They have sold their souls for a mess of Mormon pottage. Shame on them! They have been absolutely and positively refuted.

Gee and Mulhestein -- you stand rebuked! You two are dead wrong.

Last edited by Shulem on Tue Jul 12, 2022 4:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception

Post by Shulem »

dannyg43 wrote:
Tue Jul 12, 2022 2:56 pm

Fig. 6. Olimlah, a slave belonging to the prince.

Dr. Robert Ritner, a renowned Egyptologist at the University of Chicago, explains the real meanings of the labels on the drawings:

Label for Anubis (Fig. 6 of Facsimile 3): Recitation by Anubis, who makes protection(?), foremost of the embalming booth

The above translations are OPPOSITES. They cannot be justified together. They both can’t be true. It’s impossible. One is HOT and the other is COLD. One is FALSE and the other is TRUE. Smith’s interpretation is misery and pain while Ritner’s is joy and pleasure:

Smith wrote:Olimlah, a slave belonging to the prince. :evil:
Ritner wrote:Recitation by Anubis, who makes protection(?), foremost of the embalming booth :)

I testify by the science of true Egyptology that Joseph Smith was wrong and his interpretations were false and that he knew he was lying. I am 100% sure that the person in the Facsimile is Anubis. I know that with every fiber of my being and with all the spiritual knowledge I have as a human being and the spiritual essence within me confirms -- earth and heaven and all the power of the universe combined that he is Anubis!

I lift my hands up and say, “Amen”.
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