Book of Mormon Geography

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Re: Book of Mormon Geography

Post by Shulem »

TwoCumorahFraud wrote:
Wed May 10, 2023 2:27 am
You don’t believe in the RLDS Hemispheric model, which lead to the RLDS Two Cumorah Mesoamerican theory, copyrighted by L.E. Hills?

DCP and Jack Welch will call you an Apostate. Along with Heartlanders.

Nope, I do not believe in the Hemispheric or Mesoamerican models and I do not care what DCP, Welch, and Heartlanders think of me. I do no care about L.E. Hills.

I hope that answers your questions.
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Re: Book of Mormon Geography

Post by TwoCumorahFraud »

Shulem wrote:
Wed May 10, 2023 2:41 am
TwoCumorahFraud wrote:
Wed May 10, 2023 2:27 am
You don’t believe in the RLDS Hemispheric model, which lead to the RLDS Two Cumorah Mesoamerican theory, copyrighted by L.E. Hills?

DCP and Jack Welch will call you an Apostate. Along with Heartlanders.

Nope, I do not believe in the Hemispheric or Mesoamerican models and I do not care what DCP, Welch, and Heartlanders think of me. I do no care about L.E. Hills.

I hope that answers your questions.
That’s good.
But, why don’t you care about L.E. Hills? He’s the one who invented M2C.
It’s being promoted by Welch and DCP in Utah.
And two RLDS groups in Missouri.
It didn’t come from nothing.

You can then discuss intelligently that the Reorganized Church reorganized the Geography of The Book of Mormon, instead of a 45-page tome of random thoughts.

And Sorenson ripped it off.
And his Mormon’s Codex books should be thrown into the nearest recycle bins to help save the Guatemalan rain forests. :lol:

President Joseph Fielding Smith warned against this trash:
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Re: Book of Mormon Geography

Post by Shulem »

TwoCumorahFraud wrote:
Wed May 10, 2023 3:37 am
But, why don’t you care about L.E. Hills? He’s the one who invented M2C.
It’s being promoted by Welch and DCP in Utah.
And two RLDS groups in Missouri.
It didn’t come from nothing.

You can then discuss intelligently that the Reorganized Church reorganized the Geography of The Book of Mormon, instead of a 45-page tome of random thoughts.


It has not been my purpose to dive into negative attacks against the false models of the Book of Mormon, namely: Hemispheric, Mesoamerican, and Heartland. Although I have mentioned them on several occasions in my threads and recognize the various issues as they interrelate with the arguments. What I’m trying to say is that I want to keep this thread as positive as possible and my main interest is to spark interest and promote Delmarva as the real deal.

Again, I don’t care how Utah scholars steal from the RLDS and have no interest in getting into details on their accounts. I’m only concerned about Delmarva and showing how it was Joseph Smith’s private and personal model in which he worked with. You can take it or leave it. I don’t care one way or the other.
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Re: Dan Peterson Contemplates a Map

Post by Shulem »

Daniel Peterson discusses the possibility of Joseph Smith using a map to aid in producing Book of Mormon geography and stumbles upon the truth that ultimately leads to the peninsula of Delmarva:

Daniel C. Peterson, 5/11/2023, Evidence for the Book of Mormon with Dan Peterson, Mormonism with the Murph wrote:
---1 Minute Video Clip ---

There are so many places you can trip up by messing up a reference flubbing the geography -- you got all these place names and descriptors that you’ve got to keep straight. You have to have some sort of internal map in your mind, OR HAVE IT BE A REAL MAP! I mean I could talk real consistently about the geography of the western United States and am not going to mess it up because it’s real and exists subjectively outside of me, I know that Montana is north of Utah, Arizona is to the south and I’m not likely to mess that up but if it’s an entirely imaginary map I’m going to forget what was north of what? And where was this river? And even without thinking about it I’ll put the river somewhere where it simply can’t be or I’ll put a town to the west where it should be to the east or something like that.


I agree, in order for one to keep all that information straight and in good working order one would need some sort of internal map in their mind or have it be a real map. And remember, north is always north and south is always south! Likewise, west is west and east is east! So, in that vein, suppose Joseph was looking at a map of Mexico and evaluated the geography of the Tehuantepec neck. Do you suppose he would label the Pacific ocean as sea south or sea west? Which one, Dan? Do recall that in the Book of Mormon the narrow neck was in-between sea west & sea east, respectfully, therefore sea south would have no bearing along the narrow neck of the Book of Mormon! Right?
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Dan Peterson Contemplates a Map

Post by Shulem »

Daniel C. Peterson, 5/11/2023, Evidence for the Book of Mormon with Dan Peterson, Mormonism with the Murph wrote:
---Video Clip ---

Geographic picture, it’s a consistent coherent geographical picture indicating that whoever wrote the Book of Mormon HAD A MAP in his mind. Now it’s more plausible to me to believe it’s a real map in Mormon’s mind than a hypothetical map never sketched out not hanging on the wall where he’s dictating so he can look up and say, “Oh yeah, yeah, that’s right, Zarahemla’s here.” It’s easier for me to believe that it reflects a real geography as conceived by the authors. But certainly it’s an impressive feat to keep the geography straight.

I have no doubt that the author of the Book of Mormon used a map -- consisting of the Delmarva peninsula and the northern lands leading up to the Great Lakes. Everything I have been able to piece together shows how Delmarva fits the bill perfectly in describing the basic landform and how it relates to the flow of what took place in the stories.

How about you, Dan, what do you think of Delmarva?
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Re: Book of Mormon Geography

Post by Moksha »

Rumor has it that Dr. Peterson will be leading a Book of Mormon tour to the Chicken Pizza ruins of Mexico to possibly unearth the second Hill Cumorah.
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Re: Book of Mormon Geography

Post by Moksha »

There needs to be a documented entry for the Delmarva Hypothesis in Wikipedia. ... al_setting
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Re: Book of Mormon Geography

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Thu Jun 08, 2023 7:44 pm
There needs to be a documented entry for the Delmarva Hypothesis in Wikipedia. ... al_setting

I agree, Moksha.

Oh but ignorance is utter bliss and that is what a lot of people seem to enjoy. Even the belief in a flat earth made a lot of people happy and they were satisfied with that knowledge.

I’ve pretty much reached the point where I don’t care anymore what people think and they can have whatever theory floats their boat. I’ve said about all I am going to say, and I feel like folding up shop and moving on. Why should I beat myself up trying to convince people that Delmarva was the very spot in which Smith fantasized? Let them have their Mesoamerica or silly Heartland neck or share the Pratt vision.

Screw it, I’m done. Let them think and believe what they want. I am picking up my toys and going home. I do not need this.
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Re: Book of Mormon Geography

Post by Moksha »

Shulem wrote:
Thu Jun 08, 2023 8:41 pm

I’ve pretty much reached the point where I don’t care anymore what people think and they can have whatever theory floats their boat. I’ve said about all I am going to say, and I feel like folding up shop and moving on. Why should I beat myself up trying to convince people that Delmarva was the very spot in which Smith fantasized? Let them have their Mesoamerica or silly Heartland neck or share the Pratt vision.

Screw it, I’m done. Let them think and believe what they want. I am picking up my toys and going home. I do not need this.
No way. You should be the person who writes the subsection for Wikipedia. I am not sure how to include it, but I suspect people like Dr. Scratch or Gadianton would know the procedures for such an inclusion.

Sounds like you are depressed and need some affirmation. Perhaps a Swedish rescue with meatballs and lingonberries. I hope Kerry reads this. He might know how to cheer you up.
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Re: Book of Mormon Geography

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Thu Jun 08, 2023 10:20 pm
No way. You should be the person who writes the subsection for Wikipedia. I am not sure how to include it, but I suspect people like Dr. Scratch or Gadianton would know the procedures for such an inclusion.

Sounds like you are depressed and need some affirmation. Perhaps a Swedish rescue with meatballs and lingonberries. I hope Kerry reads this. He might know how to cheer you up.

You’re very kind and I get what you’re saying. But I’m done. I’ve spent a enough time putting together and packaging an amazing gift to this board and few have appreciated it or comprehended that I’m just here for in behalf of Joseph Smith to set things right. It’s not just the apologists who have been brainwashed and conditioned to think a certain way but the critics have as well. I credit the critics from breaking free from the terrible grip of Mormonism but many are stuck within the cycle in which they have been fully conditioned. Take Vogel, for example, he actually thinks the Pratts represent what Joseph Smith said and thought when revealing the geography during translation. Pratt is a witness AFTER the fact and let’s not forget that Mormonism is all about concealment and lying and making stuff up on the fly as the story and situation transforms with the times. But let Vogel and others think what they want. I don’t care anymore.

Joseph Smith was not stupid; he was brilliant and methodical and to maintain the position that his geography and timeline given in the Book of Mormon from a logistical and logical point of view is what he attempted to do from a hemispheric point of view is just plain stupid. Snap out of it, Vogel. Wake up! You have been duped.

I’m out of here. I’ve given a wonderful gift to this board, compliments of Joseph Smith, and few care. So, goodbye and best of luck to everyone.
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