Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Shulem »

The Mormon Church has for decades campaigned hard to convince Christians of other faiths that Mormonism is a Christian religion that bases its faith upon the Bible and Jesus Christ, thereafter Mormon scripture and subsequent revelations are a testament to the Bible.

But we now know in a time of modern enlightenment, the Bible and the Book of Abraham are wrong when it comes to dating ancient Egypt! It’s easy to see how Smith latched on to false information available to him about what was considered in his times as the historical beginnings of ancient Egypt because it was based on the AUTHORITY of the Bible which we now know, thanks to science, is wrong.

So, the Mormons are stuck with the Bible and its false history contained therein as well as that which was copied over into the Book of Abraham. Mormons and Christians of various sects and denominations are guilty of basing their beliefs of when Egypt was founded outside the bounds of science. This is a case of Religion vs. Science and the Mormons are on the wrong side of history! I’m afraid the Bible is not going to save the Mormons who elected to partake of its poison. The church made its bed and now must lie in it.
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Shulem »

Mormon scholars have avoided the controversy of ancient Egypt being misdated in scripture because the church bases its belief of scripture solely on the prayer of faith. The Mormon church determined to maintain a common belief held by traditional Christians who generally accept the chronology of the Bible as being the word of God. It seemed like safe haven in which to take cover -- thus, hide behind the Bible and maintain a cahoots-like alliance with fellow Christians who are also not wanting to discuss the elephant in the room! Just avoid the issue at any cost and don’t mention it. The answer is always grounded in the idea that it will all be explained in the next life, but for now, simply maintain the faith and bear testimony that the record is true.

But the testimony Joseph Smith gave is not true! The record is corrupt! It’s false history and Mormon scholars do not have a reliable or credible means to fall back and explain how the elephant in the room is taking up practically all the space in which there is no room to move.

And now, I have those sneaky BYU Egyptologists backed in a corner right where I want them.


Philo-baby, are u still there, man?


What about u, RFM? Are you following along? What do u know about ancient Egypt?

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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Shulem »

Christians of all stripes whether Catholic or Protestant or whatever type of Christianity floats their boat are welcome to think whatever they want about Egypt being dated in the Bible. It all comes down to faith and they get to choose whether they believe it literally or categorize biblical history in a symbolic kind of allegory. I think there are a great many Christians today who don’t take the Bible literally and understand that science has explained things in ways the ancient Jews couldn’t because they lacked understanding and knowledge about world history. So, it may well serve many a Christian to simply take biblical history with a grain of salt and place value in historical claims as a means of building faith and teaching principles that God wants people to appreciate and understand from a spiritual point of view.

The Mormons, however, are fully dependent on Joseph Smith’s literal approach and claims of translation of the Genesis account along with its expansion and the later mechanical translation of the Book of Abraham which he claimed to translate from papyri purchased by the church in Kirtland. Smith’s claims of being a translator and revealing correct information about ancient world history are grounded in literalism. Mormonism falls or stands on whether he was right or wrong! The world of Christianity does not report to the Mormon church but can do what they will and teach whatever floats their boat. But the Mormons are stuck with a 19th century man who claimed to be a prophet of God and those claims have been tested and shown to be false.

We know that Joseph Smith’s claims of translating Egyptian papyri into the Book of Abraham do not in reality match what was contained in the papyri and Smith took advantage in knowing that he could do what he wanted with a dead language. But Egyptian is no longer a dead language, it has been revived, and has proven once and for all that Joseph Smith could not translate Egyptian. What Smith claimed to translate is entirely wrong! And something that is wrong can never be right.

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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

You should write a book. You've demonstrated such a thorough understanding of this topic, and you have such a passion for it, I think you're there. Write a book, and reach more people.
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Moksha »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Wed Aug 30, 2023 10:27 pm
You should write a book. You've demonstrated such a thorough understanding of this topic, and you have such a passion for it, I think you're there. Write a book, and reach more people.
Great idea. Shulem has what it takes to write the definitive refutation of the Book of Abraham. Such a book may give apologists at BYU fits, but what are they going to do, try and refute it with their church testimonies?
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LDS FamilySearch Defies Bible Chronology and Book of Abraham

Post by Shulem »

The following statement is found in the Church operated FamilySearch © website more than a dozen times!

FamilySearch © A service provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wrote:
Pharaoh Mena (or Menes) who unified Upper and Lower Egypt in 3100 BC.

The Church throws the Book of Abraham and biblical chronology endorsed by Joseph Smith under the bus in presenting these dates in Noah’s family tree. Shame on the Church for practicing deception in a two-faced manner!

FamilySearch © A service provided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wrote:
Pharaoh Hor-Aha Mena


Brief Life History of Hor-Aha

Pharaoh Hor-Aha Mena was born in 2786 BC, in Egypt. He had at least 2 sons with Queen Khenthap. He died in 2755 BC, in his hometown, at the age of 31, and was buried in Egypt.

Pharaoh Hor-Aha Mena
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Philo Sofee »

I have to wonder whether the church even cares about it at this point... it really is a silly thing in Mormonismism isn't it!
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Fri Sep 22, 2023 12:21 pm
I have to wonder whether the church even cares about it at this point... it really is a silly thing in Mormonismism isn't it!

So glad you finally commented and at least I know you have all the puzzle pieces to this game within that big Book of Abraham binder you maintain. At some point you’ll want to touch upon it in one of your future presentations -- the first person to raise the issue on a podcast, I think. You would be invincible. Nobody could touch you or refute the facts.

I’ve done pretty much everything I can to hammer this point home. I’ve screamed, yelled, and stomped my feet. I guess there isn’t much left to do at this point. Nobody seems to care very much.
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Philo Sofee »

Shulem wrote:
Fri Sep 22, 2023 12:37 pm
Philo Sofee wrote:
Fri Sep 22, 2023 12:21 pm
I have to wonder whether the church even cares about it at this point... it really is a silly thing in Mormonismism isn't it!

So glad you finally commented and at least I know you have all the puzzle pieces to this game within that big Book of Abraham binder you maintain. At some point you’ll want to touch upon it in one of your future presentations -- the first person to raise the issue on a podcast, I think. You would be invincible. Nobody could touch you or refute the facts.

I’ve done pretty much everything I can to hammer this point home. I’ve screamed, yelled, and stomped my feet. I guess there isn’t much left to do at this point. Nobody seems to care very much.
Yeah, after a while Mormonism bores the hell out of everyone. It's just another run of the mill religious, social, political, and economic scam through and through.
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Fri Sep 22, 2023 12:39 pm
Yeah, after a while Mormonism bores the hell out of everyone. It's just another run of the mill religious, social, political, and economic scam through and through.

But I don’t find the unanswered contradiction outlined so succinctly and repeatedly in this thread to be boring. It serves to show that the Church is two-faced, lying, and maintaining a coverup in which educated Mormons who know better refuse to face the issue and come to terms. Did Nibley address this issue? How about Gee? What about his lapdog, Muhlestein? How about baby-Smoot? He goes on and on about how complicated the Book of Abraham is and tries to keep it out of reach of the uneducated. What has he said about the bogus numbers and the false historical chronology of the Jew’s Bible that is incorporated into Mormon theology and Book of Abraham historical claims regarding Egypt’s making?

The Mormon church hasn’t a leg to stand on in presenting their Book of Abraham to the world. It has been proven patently false and nothing, absolutely nothing, can justify the wrong numbers. There is zero chance that Egypt was first founded in 2300 BC by a man called Pharaoh. Zero chance! Absolute zero.
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