Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Fri Jul 28, 2023 12:32 am
Without the dishonesty of rewriting their religious texts, why not just declare them pseudepigrapha and make their usage optional as the Community of Christ does? I think the habit of "Lying for the Church" should be broken.

That’s really the only viable choice the Church can effectively make as it continues to decide how to handle the obvious fraud in which the Book of Abraham represents. World intelligence has scientifically proven through methodical and logical means that the story is not historical or genuine. It is a fraud and can never be salvaged or vindicated but will ever remain convicted and have no place in the annals of world scholarship.

The Book of Abraham is doomed. The Church needs to let it go and move on.
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Moksha »

Shulem wrote:
Fri Jul 28, 2023 1:13 pm
It is a fraud and can never be salvaged or vindicated but will ever remain convicted and have no place in the annals of world scholarship.

The Book of Abraham is doomed. The Church needs to let it go and move on.
Additionally, it is an embarrassment to BYU to parade a never-ending series of fanciful explanations without providing the inventive authors with concomitant whoopi cushions, hand buzzers, and twirling bow ties.

Remember, Mormonism is Mormonism no matter how it came to be. So you might as well be honest.
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Fri Jul 28, 2023 3:56 pm
Additionally, it is an embarrassment to BYU to parade a never-ending series of fanciful explanations without providing the inventive authors with concomitant whoopi cushions, hand buzzers, and twirling bow ties.

Remember, Mormonism is Mormonism no matter how it came to be. So you might as well be honest.

The bar has been set right here on this board whereby those who believe in the authenticity of the Book of Abraham as a genuine historical record will have to find a way to crawl over and under and around this thread here at Discuss Mormonism which provides the ultimate critical analysis against the Book of Abraham. My threads shine as bright as the sun and reveals the Book of Abraham lies in a clear and concise manner. BYU has no power at all in making the Book of Abraham into something it is not. Its scholars and professors are bankrupt and cannot save the Book of Abraham.

See also:

“King Pharaoh, whose name is given in the characters above his head”

Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by yellowstone123 »

This…..! And I will take the penguin and shulem for a bacon cheeseburger on Friday night bought with my Othodox Visa card.
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Shulem »

Wilford Woodruff categorically appealed to the “authority” of the Book of Abraham in classifying the nation state of ancient Egypt as a man made government that came into existence through Ham’s less valiant progeny after the flood. The Egyptian priesthood ban was in effect by which the Egyptians (“Ham & his race”) could not have right to Shem’s priesthood. Woodruff wrongly alleged that human sacrifices were practiced on the “Alter of State” made of iron as depicted in Facsimile No. 1 of the Book of Abraham which he believed was “Abraham’s own writings,” written by his own hand, upon papyrus. Woodruff continues about how Abraham’s progeny is the chosen race in which the power of priesthood and government associated thereto would preside over the entire earth forever and into the next life as well. Hence, biblical Jewish racism and elitism is perpetuated anew in the doctrines of corrupt Mormon historical claims about ancient Egypt.

Wilford Woodruff, 1852 Journal wrote: Of those who survived the flood Noah was of course the lawful king Patriarch or ruler and after him the Election?] of God Continued through the loins of Shem down to Abraham. But in Abraham’s day according to his own writings lately taken from the tombs of ancient Thebees & translated and published by our great Prophet we find a man made government existing in Egypt under a race of Phariohs. This Egypt according to Abrahams account was first discoverd by Egyptus or Daughter of Ham who afterwards settled her sons in it & from whom sprang the race of Pharioh's & the Ancient Egyptians. The same authority also informs us that Ham & his race were cursed as it regards priesthood but blessed in matters pertaining to the fruits of the Earth & of wisdom. And that the Pharioh’s & their priests had not the priesthood although they pretended to have received it from Ham their progenitor. Hence we find a Government in Egypt of mere human origen and a priesthood and Religion by law Esstablished which worshiped several Gods among which was the crokadile & which sacrafized Human sacrafices upon the Alter of State. Hence the calling out of Abraham & the reesstablishing of a government of God to be perpetuated in his linage for Ever which linage is Elected to reign & rule & hold the keys of religion Priesthood Power & Government while the Earth Endures & in worlds without End.

Here we see the teachings of Wilford Woodruff are corrupt and wrong because he embraced the falsehoods formulated by Joseph Smith. The Church today and its scholars at Brigham Young University continue to feed lies to the members of the church and attempt to justify the false claims made by Smith who was wrong about *how* and *when* Egypt came into existence. Philo, are you there? Do you care about this?

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is lying. The leaders of the Church today are guilty of lying and covering up its false claims while it pretends to be led by men of conscience when in fact their conscience is collectively seared with a hot iron while being past feeling and refusing to come clean and simply tell the truth. The lies continue to this day! Dr. Muhlestein has the audacity to look the camera in the face and lie to ignorant members of the church who are seeking answers to Book of Abraham problems. Muhlestein has a lot to answer for his deceptive behavior and trampling over the memory of the ancient Egyptians as if they were garbage. Shame on you, Muhlestein. You are not fooling me! I see right through your lying eyes like a knife cutting through butter. You sir, are busted!
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Moksha »

This whole idea of creating religious writings to extol the racism of the day should be embarrassing enough for the Church to consider removing the Book of Abraham from its canon.

Shulem, should we put out an all-points bulletin for Kerry? Perhaps he is prepping for his Golden Years Thrive presentation.
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Thu Aug 24, 2023 8:08 pm
Shulem, should we put out an all-points bulletin for Kerry? Perhaps he is prepping for his Golden Years Thrive presentation.


The BYP follows his own path and decides what he does based on his passions and desire to hit upon various subjects that interest him in the moment -- opportunities arise, and he discusses such matters on his show and in other venues according to his pleasure. I’m sure he will generate more Book of Abraham discussion and fill in important missing gaps that critics and various pundits have left out while discussing the Book of Abraham. *How* and *When* Egypt was first founded is paramount to any discussion involving Smith’s Book of Abraham! For me, the most disappointing part of the whole Ritner/Dehlin show in which RFM was heavily involved was their failure to capitalize about how Smith dated ancient Egypt and wrongly birthed its nation state using the Bible as an authoritative encyclopedia of world history. The Ritner podcasts were amazing, and I thoroughly enjoyed them, but the most important element was missing and RFM dropped the ball and missed a golden opportunity. But oh well, bless his heart he did the best he could. I just wish he had consulted me behind the scenes because it was a fantastic opportunity to light Ritner up and bring to the forefront the most important blooper of the whole Book of Abraham saga! Ritner, being backed by a world body of Egyptologists, should have chopped the head off the Book of Abraham first before dissecting all the various aspects of everything else that is wrong with it.

John Gee and Kerry Muhlestein haven’t a leg to stand on when it comes to defending Smith’s false views of how and when Egypt was founded. They can’t discuss it. They have not discussed it, and neither will they. Those guys are bullies but I’ve beaten them up and have destroyed their precious Book of Abraham right here on this message board. It’s over for the Book of Abraham.

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Mormon Church vs. Egyptology

Post by Shulem »


Old Testament Chronology


The Church clearly maintains a published record which supports its doctrine and chronology of the timeline expressed in the Bible which was wholly endorsed and adopted by Joseph Smith for his own revelations. The Church does not conform to world history as established through scientific means but seeks to pervert it through religious indoctrination in order to justify Smith’s false claims. This chart published by the Church in its official manuals squarely shows that Egypt began after the flood in 2300 BC.

Can Gee and Muhlestein explain this? How about the BYP?

Gee wrote: What can I say, Shulem?

Muhlestein wrote:You want me to lie?

BYP wrote:
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Re: Historical Predynastic Egypt vs. Book of Abraham False Narrative

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Thu Aug 24, 2023 8:08 pm
This whole idea of creating religious writings to extol the racism of the day should be embarrassing enough for the Church to consider removing the Book of Abraham from its canon.


We touched a little on the awful racism that was so prevalent in Mormon doctrine in the early days of the Church in my other thread: Anubis in Facsimile No. 3 and Mormon Deception.

The Book of Mormon is not without its own problems dealing with racism and name calling in which to label people of color in a derogatory manner. Note how a fair people are cursed by having their white and delightsome skins changed into a skin of blackness whereby these wicked people are classed as a flint -- hence, the negroes flints! The expression given in the Book of Mormon is nothing short of sanctimonious name-calling! Nephi’s statement is repugnant, vial, and hateful!

2 Nephi 5:21 wrote:And he had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, that they had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a  skin of blackness to come upon them.

Nephi continues (2 Nephi 5:22-24) to rail upon the flints as a lazy and loathsome people full of all manner of wickedness. But then he takes it to a whole new level of hateful racism when he charges those who dare mix their seed with the flints and that even their children will receive the same cursing as the wicked parents. In other words, the sins of the parents are upon the heads of the children.

Book of Mormon racism reflects what was in the mind of Joseph Smith and was subsequently incorporated into Mormon doctrine and priesthood. The whole thing is disgusting. But there you have it. The Lamanites were like dirty flints -- black, loathsome, and lazy -- including, I dare say, the flint children! Welcome to Mormonism!

Jersey Girl, are you there?


A Lamanite flint:

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Liars for the Lord

Post by Shulem »

We bear testimony that the Book of Abraham reveals when and how ancient Egypt was founded and that it’s not nearly as old as science says it is. Our Church is right and the world is wrong. So join us.

The Book of Abraham reveals by revelation who the very first king of Egypt was! It was in 2300 BC! His name was Pharaoh.

We so testify in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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