Backyard Professor Expounds on How the Church Guilts its Members

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Philo Sofee
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Backyard Professor Expounds on How the Church Guilts its Members

Post by Philo Sofee »

Shulem wrote
I express appreciation for the Backyard Professor’s latest video presentation that demonstrates how the Church works hard in keeping people down through repentance. It’s a cycle of constant and perpetual repentance wherein members of the Church are having to go through endless cycles of never being good enough. Living in guilt and fear is part of the cycle of repetitive repentance! The repentance process of Mormonism is a painful and miserable process.

I am so grateful to be OUT of Mormonism and free from the shackles and chains by which it binds one down. How many bishops have abused young men by questioning and harassing them about masturbation? The Backyard Professor tells us that his bishop harassed him when he was only 11 years old. How utterly shameful to hear how Mormon bishops sexually harass boys and girls. This has been a long standing practice in Mormonism and it is shameful and evil.

BYP Responds to Elder Jeffrey Holland, Quorum of Twelve Apostles, 2023 Worldwide Devotional

BYP - I apologize if this seems self-serving on my part for making this a separate thread, but the topic is important enough, eyes ought to be able to see there is a response to this action of the church, this continual, non-ending action throughout the entire lifetime of its members.
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Re: Backyard Professor Expounds on How the Church Guilts its Members

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Sun Jan 29, 2023 8:13 pm
BYP - I apologize if this seems self-serving on my part for making this a separate thread, but the topic is important enough, eyes ought to be able to see there is a response to this action of the church, this continual, non-ending action throughout the entire lifetime of its members.

Nothing to apologize for, brother Philo. This thread provides a special opportunity to approach the subject matter in a manner which the Celestial Forum welcomes respectful conversations between members who choose to participate.

I believe the concept of “repentance” is a good thing and is a necessary part of living a good life. But I reject the practices of repentance as prescribed by the Mormon church along with the songs, dances, and hoops one must go through in order to advance through another cycle of repentance. One cycle right after another -- the endless striving to reach perfection which is an impossible goal. Man is not meant to be perfect! Mankind is fundamentally designed to be imperfect and flawed and to learn and grow by making mistakes. The shedding of Christ’s blood or the blood of animals as in the Old Testament is religious dogma and philosophy that only serves to keep people down and constantly thinking of their sins and the need to get rid of them via blood sacrifices.

I find the doctrine of blood atonement to be repugnant and utterly distasteful for my likes. When it comes to Christ: Just say “No.” I am fundamentally a good person! I do not need Jesus to make me a better person. I can do that all by myself, thankyou. Show me your faith and works in Christ and I’ll show you mine by myself and my own good works. I feel very good about myself.
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“Etc” x 15

Post by Shulem »

Just so you know, Philo, you said “etc” a total of 15 times in one sentence.


Never tell the bishop that you masturbate or have a problem with swearing at you sister. The bishop will seek to shame you and put you on a program. Pile on the guilt and give you six weeks to work on it. :?

I listened to your broadcast very carefully, Philo, and I know wherewith what you’re talking about! I’m afraid, so it seems, you’re not worthy to pass the sacrament so you need to sit down and take the seat of shame. I’m afraid you’ve messed up, etc. Just sit down while everyone looks at you and knows you are guilty of those inappropriate transgressions. YOU know the drill! :cry:

And, it sounds like you really struggled with it!

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Re: “Etc” x 15

Post by Philo Sofee »

Shulem wrote:
Sun Jan 29, 2023 11:52 pm
Just so you know, Philo, you said “etc” a total of 15 times in one sentence.


Never tell the bishop that you masturbate or have a problem with swearing at you sister. The bishop will seek to shame you and put you on a program. Pile on the guilt and give you six weeks to work on it. :?

I listened to your broadcast very carefully, Philo, and I know wherewith what you’re talking about! I’m afraid, so it seems, you’re not worthy to pass the sacrament so you need to sit down and take the seat of shame. I’m afraid you’ve messed up, etc. Just sit down while everyone looks at you and knows you are guilty of those inappropriate transgressions. YOU know the drill! :cry:

And, it sounds like you really struggled with it!

Ha! An etc. for each of the top 15! How cool is that? Also, I did not struggle with it at all. Once I knew what it was, I did just fine! :lol:
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Re: “Etc” x 15

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Mon Jan 30, 2023 12:31 am
Also, I did not struggle with it at all. Once I knew what it was, I did just fine! :lol:
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Re: Backyard Professor Expounds on How the Church Guilts its Members

Post by Moksha »

I remember on the LDS Forum of Beliefnet reading the women talking about confessing to the bishop. The details they wanted these women to expand on and the number of times they asked them to repeat the story made me realize that some of the bishops were using the confessional as their own private Penthouse Letters. My guess is that those confessing were naïve enough not to realize what was happening.
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Re: Backyard Professor Expounds on How the Church Guilts its Members

Post by huckelberry »

Kerry, I am shocked by your presentation. I do not know if the sort of thing you describe has been growing in the church but it sounded completely alien to my experience. I was not aware of anybody being put on the shame spot.

I may have been lucky enough to have had bishops who were not mentally ill. Then I did not hear of anybody going to confess to the bishop and the idea ofe fallowup weekly conferences is bizarre or alien to my experience. Is this some southeast Idaho thing, a rebirth of the Utah reformation?Or is the church sliding into increasing fanaticism?

My experience was in the David O Mckay time period. I have seen people on message board reference a book on repentance by a subsequent President which turned repentance into an grim contest.

Your reference to Allan Watts makes sense to me. It sounds like a good balance.
In contrast I find myself thinking of the Lutheran liturgy, a bit of a shock to my ears when first I heard it. It is possible that it is on the other side of the Watts balance which I prefer.

the congregation states they confess they sin and fall short, then the priest standing in front of the congregation responds:'
" Almighty God in His mercy has given His Son to die for you and for His sake forgives you all your sins. As a called and ordained servant of Christ, and by His authority, I therefore forgive you all your sins in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

I gather Luther was reacting against some similar abuse as you describe. Young Luther is a breath of fresh air, before political conflict and war pushed his mind in dark ways embracing attacks on Jews.
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Re: Backyard Professor Expounds on How the Church Guilts its Members

Post by Shulem »

huckelberry wrote:
Wed Feb 01, 2023 7:38 pm
David O Mckay

Yeah, I’m old enough to remember our beloved prophet, David O McKay. I was a Targeteer!

How about this gem:

President David O. McKay wrote:Murder, adultery, cursing, hatred of God, lack of natural affection, lustfulness, infidelity, backbiting, striking, brawling, quarrelsomeness, profanity, incontinence, filthiness, filthy communications, impurity, despoiling, slothfulness, idolatry, Sabbath breaking, clamor, defiling, reviling, evil speaking, provoking, anger, hate, covetousness, bearing false witness, inventing evil things, fleshliness, abomination, insatiable appetite, instability, ignorance, masturbation, petting, fornication, homosexuality, sex perversions, hidden and secret sin, unholy and impure practices.

Murder, masturbation, and homosexuality, all in a single sentence!!!

Wow. Just wow. THAT was Mormonism!
Last edited by Shulem on Wed Feb 01, 2023 9:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Backyard Professor Expounds on How the Church Guilts its Members

Post by Shulem »

President David O McKay wrote:The Church calls upon the Backyard Professor to repent. His hands are dirty.

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Re: Backyard Professor Expounds on How the Church Guilts its Members

Post by huckelberry »

Shulem wrote:
Wed Feb 01, 2023 9:15 pm
huckelberry wrote:
Wed Feb 01, 2023 7:38 pm
David O Mckay

Yeah, I’m old enough to remember our beloved prophet, David O McKay. I was a Targeteer!

How about this gem:

President David O. McKay wrote:Murder, adultery, cursing, hatred of God, lack of natural affection, lustfulness, infidelity, backbiting, striking, brawling, quarrelsomeness, profanity, incontinence, filthiness, filthy communications, impurity, despoiling, slothfulness, idolatry, Sabbath breaking, clamor, defiling, reviling, evil speaking, provoking, anger, hate, covetousness, bearing false witness, inventing evil things, fleshliness, abomination, insatiable appetite, instability, ignorance, masturbation, petting, fornication, homosexuality, sex perversions, hidden and secret sin, unholy and impure practices.

Murder, masturbation, and homosexuality, all in a single sentence!!!

Wow. Just wow. THAT was Mormonism!
Shulem, I understand your point to mean that the basic attitude and beliefs did not change. I can see that. It is the procedures of enforcement with the youth which I was thinking had changed. I certainly do not have a wide base for historic comparisons. I am in part just asking others if my reflection fits others experience or has the church been like Kerry's experience all along in most, (many?) places.

I could propose a question. Do these heavy handed methods retain youth or drive them away?. I can imagine some pressure both ways , repulsion creating a desire to leave and fear creating attachment.

Both you Shulem and Kerry stayed with the church quite a while and defended it with passion. Holding on to the positive in the church? Personal conviction ? natural vigorous curiosity? beating back the guilt? Some of all of these? Did heavy handed guilt push you to stay longer than you would have otherwise?
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