Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

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Res Ipsa
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Re: Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

Post by Res Ipsa »

NRnowlinMA wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:27 am
Res Ipsa is obviously a Dan Peterson/Muhlstein approved apologist for the Mormon Church Corporation, probably a BYU alumnus. I have stated the true facts and very soon the Gaddy Class-Action lawsuit will go to trial in the 10th Circuit. Here is my LinkedIn CV:
Edmonds College has an excellent paralegal program, although I don't believe it has a "School of Paralegal Studies." The paralegal certificate program includes a required civil procedure class that covers both trial and appellate courts. So why don't you know the difference between a trial and an appeal? Gaddy isn't going to trial in the 10th Circuit, which is a Court of Appeals. Unless the 10th Circuit reverses the trial court, it will never be tried.

I also found this part of your LInkedIn Interesting:
Ghost-writing services for university/college students- behavioral and social science research papers/essays/theses. $60/hour for research and writing; Online services via email attachment;
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

Benjamin Franklin
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Re: Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

Post by NRnowlinMA »

You seem to forget, or understand, that Judge Shelby of the 9th Circuit attempted to use the First Amendment to dismiss the entire Gaddy action, which was filed as a class-action lawsuit. But he didn't do it. Every class-action lawsuit has to be approved by the federal court to proceed to trial. The Gaddy Case is not a federal bench trial where a judge will make the final judgment. Kay Burningham wants the case to eventually go before a federal jury in order for the evidence to be presented and clearly heard. The Mormons don't want this to happen. The facts and the evidence will kill their case. Shelby has, therefore, dismissed in entirety and with prejudice the Mormon defendants' motion to dismiss the plaintiffs' 2nd Amendment Complaint. An appeal has been granted for the plaintiffs in the 10th Circuit court which will determine whether the Gaddy plaintiffs may proceed and overcome the defendants' use of the First Amendment as a defense. It is going to be a while before the Gaddy class-action lawsuit get to trial, but it will eventually get there, and, like I've said, the evidence of Mormon racketeering and fraud are clearly established. The First Amendment does not shield racketeering and fraud through deliberate and intentional misrepresentation. Just like Joe Smith, Jr. was convicted in a county criminal court action in 1826 of deliberately defrauding his neighbor, the Mormon corporation is going loose big-time.
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Re: Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

Post by huckelberry »

NRnowlinMA wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:27 am
Res Ipsa is obviously a Dan Peterson/Muhlstein approved apologist for the Mormon Church Corporation, probably a BYU alumnus. I have stated the true facts and very soon the Gaddy Class-Action lawsuit will go to trial in the 10th Circuit. Here is my LinkedIn CV:
A false thing to say. It means you are unfamiliar with Res Ipsa and jump to conclusions.
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Re: Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

Post by NRnowlinMA »

One more thing that needs to be said is this. Judge Shelby has already ruled that a church, any church, can be sued for deliberate fraud. Kay Burningham has alleged in her original complaint that the religious executives of the Mormon corporation have conspired with deliberate intent and duplicity to hide and obscure relevant theological facts about Mormonism from the many people, investigators, contacted by the thousands of Mormon fulltime missionaries in order to make those people believe a theology of the LDS Church that the religious executives, the general authorities of the LDS Church, don't even believe.

If the ignorant people being baptized into the Mormon Church are NOT told the material theological facts about Mormon theology and doctrine and are baptized NOT knowing the essential material facts about Mormon Church theology, which the Mormon Church executives have deliberately by conspiracy withheld from them, the tithing and other contribution monies paid by these deceived Mormon converts are accepted fraudulently and used fraudulently by the Mormon Church. The content of "Lesson 21-Man May Become Like God" will serve as a substantial list of those facts not told to Mormon investigators.
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Res Ipsa
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Re: Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

Post by Res Ipsa »

Where do I start?

Judge Shelby is not “of the Ninth Circuit.” The Ninth Circuit is an appellate Court. He is the Chief Judge of the U.S Court for the District of Utah, which is a trial court. The District of Utah is in the 10th Circuit, not the 9th.

Judge Shelby did not dismiss the Church’s motion to dismiss the second amended complaint — he granted it. He dismissed the entire second amended complaint as a matter of law. Here’s his opinion. ... day-saints

The three named plaintiffs filed an appeal with the Tenth Circuit. Unless the 10th Circuit or the Supreme Court reverses Judge Shelby, there will be no trial. Period.

If Judge Shelby is reversed, in whole or in part, then the case will be remanded to the trial court for further proceedings.

Your opinions on the merits be the question.
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

Benjamin Franklin
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Re: Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

Post by Res Ipsa »

NRnowlinMA wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 7:44 pm
One more thing that needs to be said is this. Judge Shelby has already ruled that a church, any church, can be sued for deliberate fraud. Kay Burningham has alleged in her original complaint that the religious executives of the Mormon corporation have conspired with deliberate intent and duplicity to hide and obscure relevant theological facts about Mormonism from the many people, investigators, contacted by the thousands of Mormon fulltime missionaries in order to make those people believe a theology of the LDS Church that the religious executives, the general authorities of the LDS Church, don't even believe.

If the ignorant people being baptized into the Mormon Church are NOT told the material theological facts about Mormon theology and doctrine and are baptized NOT knowing the essential material facts about Mormon Church theology, which the Mormon Church executives have deliberately by conspiracy withheld from them, the tithing and other contribution monies paid by these deceived Mormon converts are accepted fraudulently and used fraudulently by the Mormon Church. The content of "Lesson 21-Man May Become Like God" will serve as a substantial list of those facts not told to Mormon investigators.
Misleading things never need to be said. Long established case law holds that churches can be sued for secular fraud. They cannot be sued over matters of doctrine. That’s what the first amendment protects.
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

Benjamin Franklin
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Re: Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

Post by Res Ipsa »

huckelberry wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 7:31 pm
NRnowlinMA wrote:
Sun Nov 12, 2023 4:27 am
Res Ipsa is obviously a Dan Peterson/Muhlstein approved apologist for the Mormon Church Corporation, probably a BYU alumnus. I have stated the true facts and very soon the Gaddy Class-Action lawsuit will go to trial in the 10th Circuit. Here is my LinkedIn CV:
A false thing to say. It means you are unfamiliar with Res Ipsa and jump to conclusions.
I got a pretty good chuckle at the notion that I have received the Dan Peterson seal of approval. I did attend BYU for my freshman year, but I don’t think that makes me an alumnus. It’s U.C. Davis that hits me up for money — not BYU. :lol: :lol: :lol:
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

Benjamin Franklin
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Re: Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

Post by NRnowlinMA »

We will see.
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Re: Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

Post by msnobody »

NRnowlinMA wrote:
Wed Oct 25, 2023 9:17 pm
How has the Mormon LDS Church Corporation amassed over 600 billion dollars since the advent of the 20th Century, mainly since around 1955? Since that time, an average of 50,000 fulltime Mormon agents, called missionaries, have been going throughout the world, mainly the USA, misrepresenting Mormon theology, doctrine, and history. recruiting an average of 200,000 people, mainly lukewarm Christians to Mormonism. Like I have said in my first previous post, the deception created by a presentation of five standardized lectures, called discussions, by these young Mormon agents causes people who know nothing about Mormon theology, doctrine, and history to think that Mormonism is basically Christian, while most of the truthful factual information about Mormon basic theology is not revealed by these Mormon missionary agents. But yes, these thousands of young men and women are on a fulltime mission to recruit and baptize as many tithe payers as they possibly can. After deluding a rational person into believing that Joseph Smith Jr. was a prophet and that the Book of Mormon is the word of God, these Mormon agents pursue getting these thousands of people to commit to following the commandments of the Mormon Church, one of which is to tithe, or pay to the LDS Church, a tenth of their yearly income and to abstain completely from coffee, tea, tobacco, controlled substances, and alcohol. As I came to find out from being a Mormon stake missionary from 1972 until the year 2000, the Mormon agent missionaries would not baptize an adult who would not commit to tithing and to the Mormon word of wisdom (abstinence to the above-mentioned substances.) During the 1970s, 80s, and 90s, when Internet information about Mormonism was scarce, the greatest recruiting of ignorant Christians to Mormonism occurred. The only way a person had to find out the true facts about Mormonism was to go to public and university libraries, and during the 1970s, 80s, and 90s, Mormon agent missionaries had been instructed to go into these libraries and to covertly smuggle the anti-Mormon books out of the libraries in order to destroy them. Or the missionaries around the USA would get library cards. check out the books, destroy them and then pay the cost of the books with church funds. When only 40 percent of the adults in the USA had personal computers and access to the Internet, between 1995 and 2000, Mormon missionary yearly recruitment decreased 30 percent.

Now I want you to realize why the Mormon Church Corporation maintains a well-financed fulltime missionary program year-end and year-out. Last year, 2022, the Mormon missionary recruitment was 190,000 souls throughout the world, 120,000 just in the USA and Canada. The average per capita income of these adult men and women was $70,000/year. 95 percent of these baptized Mormon recruits commit themselves to paying a full tithe of the income and eagerly give $7,000/year to the Mormon Church Corporation for an average of seven years before these people come to a knowledge and understanding of the Mormon theology, doctrine, and history they were not told prior to their baptism. 190,000 recruits x $7,000 = 1,330,000,000/year grossed by the Mormon Church Corporation. Of course, during those seven years of faithful tithing the various other contributions requested by the Mormon Church Corporation includes over $300 more per adult person each month. If you multiply 1.3 billion dollars by 30 years, you have a grand sum of 39.9 billion dollars in three decades time. So, investing 5 million dollars/year into a fulltime missionary program is chickenfeed compared to the harvested yearly ongoing figure, which amounts over a period of seven years to over 100 billion dollars of tax-free money for approximately 800,000 Mormon recruits over a period of 7 years. Currently there are approximately only 5 million totally active Mormons, called true-blue Mormons, in the world. The 15 million Mormon population claimed by Mormon Church Corporation is a misnomer, since over 300,000 recorded adult Mormons leave the Mormon Church by either total inactivity or by demanding that their names be stricken from the Mormon records. Yet, the Mormon Church Corporation combines its money received in tithing with its invested monies obtained through the stocks, bonds, and commercial investments, so, the government does not know where the Mormon Church Corporation gets its revenue. Much like the Federal Reserve, the federal government has never audited Mormon Church Corporation finances. A federal court case in the Salt Lake City Federal District Court alleging racketeering and fraud against the Mormon Church Corporation has unveiled the illegal fraudulent use of Mormon tithing monies for commercial purposes and has exposed the tip of a behemoth fraudulent iceberg that has been exposed for over three decades. The Mormon Church Corporation tells lies and material misrepresentations to gullible people every year to defraud them into joining the Mormon Church and to give that church their money. Filthy lucre is all about what the Mormon Church Corporation seeks to acquire at the expense of human souls.
The lukewarms and the ignorant are, after all, told to be Bereans. The church isn't totally at fault.
"Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy” Jude 1:24
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Re: Mormon Wealth: A Matter of Money

Post by NRnowlinMA »

Empathy is what a person needs in order to walk a mile in the shoes of another person. So, put yourself in the shoes of a basic Christian who knows nothing about the theology, doctrine, and history of Mormonism and has not researched the Mormon Church on the Internet or in a library. This person believes in the Bible but has not read very about Jesus in the Bible. So, one day the person gets a knock at his door and finds two young Mormon missionaries standing there, who tell the person that he can be with his son forever who recently died from leukemia. The person is still grieving about his son and is very interested when he is told by these missionaries that the Bible tells about a plan of the LDS Church that will allow a family to be together forever in Mormon heaven. Hence, the person invites the Mormon missionaries into his home and the two Mormon agents begin their five programmed discussions. These missionaries don't tell this man the following things: 1, That the ultimate goal of a Mormon elder is to become as great as the Mormon father-god; 2, That the Mormon father-god was born biologically as a man on some earth-like planet in the cosmos; 3, That the Mormon father-god is separate and distinct from the Mormon Jesus and that he had a biologically born father-god who was born on another earth-like planet in the cosmos; 4, That the Mormon father-god had a female woman wife, or wives, on the planet where he was biologically born and that the Mormon father-god worked his way to godhood with his wife, who worked to become a heavenly mother-goddess in order to celestially procreate through celestial sex with the father-god all of the spirits that have been born biologically on the earth; 5, That every worthy Mormon elder has the destiny of doing everything that the Mormon father-god has done, which includes the procreation of a first-born scion spirit, which will be a version of the Jesus of this earth as a savior for the new father-god's creations, the creation, or organization, of an earthlike planet somewhere in the cosmos with trillions of spirit children; 6, The Mormon missionaries don't tell the investigator man anything at all about the Mormon heavenly mother-goddess, but only refer to (heavenly parents) in their discussions.

The foregoing theological facts were very scantily mentioned in 13 essays that the Mormon Church created and posted on the website, yet no mention of these essays is made during the time the Mormon missionaries are in the man's home NOT telling the man the basic features of Mormon theology. The context of "Lesson 21-Man May Become Like God" is not to any extent mentioned during the five discussions. ... 201984.pdf

Now, let's follow this man through the chain of thought that he has regarding what the Mormon missionaries have told him are biblical and Christian theological facts about Mormonism. During the third or fourth discussion the man is told that as a member of the LDS Church he will be expected to tithe or pay 1/10 of his income to the LDS Church in Salt Lake City, in addition to other expected monetary contributions in order to be WORTHY to go the Mormon temple to be married for time and for all eternity. The man is told that he must commit himself to tithing before he can be baptized into the Mormon Church. When I was a stake missionary elder and ward mission leader for the Mormon Church, from 1970 to the year 2000, I, with the two fulltime Mormon Missionaries, arranged for 45 men and women to write tithing checks to be given to the particular ward bishops on the day of their baptisms.

Just imagine how this man would feel if he were given a copy of "Lesson 21-Man May Become Like God" by a Christian friend a short time after baptism, and realized all the aspects of Mormon theology that he was not told by those so seemingly honest missionaries. I have seen this stark reaction and the anger provoked in the minds of these deceived individuals. Two out of three of the individuals who enter the Mormon Church through baptism without knowing the content of "Lesson 21" immediately renounce Mormonism after reading "Lesson 21." If this does not constitute deliberate fraud, I don't know how else to describe it. This is what Judge Shelby, and all other federal judges, need to realize. The Mormon General Authorities don't believe, to any degree, the spiel given by the fulltime Mormon missionaries to investigators in their discussions. These apostles, prophets, seventies, and other Mormon office holders know that if the true facts of Mormon theology are told to Christian investigators, t they would never agree to be baptized into the Mormon Church. So, these Mormon executives conspire to create a system for deceiving Christians into believing that Mormon theology is biblical and Christian. Basic empathy is what the Nazis lacked in their total disregard for human compassion and truth, and that lack of empathy is what made them disregard the suffering of the millions of Jews they slaughtered. Just like the Nazis, the Mormons have very little, or no empathy.
Last edited by NRnowlinMA on Wed Nov 15, 2023 3:46 am, edited 2 times in total.
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