Responses to the LDS Instagram post on Women

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Responses to the LDS Instagram post on Women

Post by Meadowchik »

You may have heard about the LDS Instagram post claiming the church gives women more power than any other religion. Then the thousands of comments.

Here is one blogger responding to a post by an LDS chaplain, therapist, and relief society president who wrote shaming LDS feminists.

Please check it out: ... #more-4496

I know the author and she truly is a bridge builder. She's put in the work and actively brings women together, listens, and advocates for them. I love her courage and persistence. She is love in action.
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Re: Responses to the LDS Instagram post on Women

Post by Marcus »

That's an incredibly powerful essay, thanks for bringing it to our attention. This especially:
...I graduated from BYU and married in the temple in 1986. In 1987, church president Ezra Taft Benson, delivered the address, “To the Mothers of Zion,” which clearly told me by prophetic call that a woman’s duty is to remain unemployed in order to stay home with her children and best support her husband, particularly in his priesthood duties. Let me assure you, working women experienced guilt and shame for decades because of this talk. Not only that, LDS Temple Recommend holding women who had professions outside the home were rarely called to positions of leadership in the local RS, Primary, and YW organizations. I didn’t see working women in church leadership for decades, and when I finally did, they were women whose children were adults. Today, the women’s church-wide organizations are often led by women who have worked their entire married lives. They are my peers in age. Each of them went against the prophet’s teaching of their time and are now rewarded for it.

Do not think it is lost on those of us of a certain age that your opportunities to serve in the church as a working wife and mother came on the backs of obedient women who taught the Church the dangers that financially dependent women often face.
[bolding added]
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Re: Responses to the LDS Instagram post on Women

Post by Marcus »

The church created a class of dependent women and shamed us for doing what you can now do and be celebrated for. For those of us familiar with the frequency of these types of problems (and we don’t have to be therapists to have familiarity, I promise), being told we have equal power, or equitable power, in the church is laughable.
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