Homosexuality Thread for the Celestial Forum

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Re: Official Homosexuality Thread for the Celestial Forum

Post by Atlanticmike »

I don't think I've talked about my daughter's journey In coming out to my wife and I on this board yet. So here goes nuthin Shulem. I knew my daughter was gay years before she found the courage to tell us. I spent hours studying and I even went to see therapist to get opinions about what I should do, and I can't stand going to therapist. I secretly prepared her for a life of not being accepted in certain situations because of her sexuality. We did lots of projects to build her self confidence. I always tell her I love her, multiple times a day. She's one of my queens. She knows I will always protect her because I've never missed an opportunity to tell her I will protect her. My goal was to build a foundation that could hopefully last a lifetime.
Also, there are things I didn't like about the LGBT community. So I tried to make sure once she came out to my wife and I, I could offer her guidance and advice if she felt the same way about the LGBT community as I do. All in all, she's been happy with how things are going. The hardest part for her is finding someone who isn't the exact opposite of her politically. Man I hate politics right now!! She's a strong woman and a lot smarter than I'll ever be.
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Re: Official Homosexuality Thread for the Celestial Forum

Post by Res Ipsa »

Atlanticmike wrote:
Fri Sep 10, 2021 11:02 am
I don't think I've talked about my daughter's journey In coming out to my wife and I on this board yet. So here goes nuthin Shulem. I knew my daughter was gay years before she found the courage to tell us. I spent hours studying and I even went to see therapist to get opinions about what I should do, and I can't stand going to therapist. I secretly prepared her for a life of not being accepted in certain situations because of her sexuality. We did lots of projects to build her self confidence. I always tell her I love her, multiple times a day. She's one of my queens. She knows I will always protect her because I've never missed an opportunity to tell her I will protect her. My goal was to build a foundation that could hopefully last a lifetime.
Also, there are things I didn't like about the LGBT community. So I tried to make sure once she came out to my wife and I, I could offer her guidance and advice if she felt the same way about the LGBT community as I do. All in all, she's been happy with how things are going. The hardest part for her is finding someone who isn't the exact opposite of her politically. Man I hate politics right now!! She's a strong woman and a lot smarter than I'll ever be.
Thanks, Mike. Having your support is going to make a world of difference for her.

And I hate politics right now, too.
When a Religion is good, I conceive that it will support itself; and when it cannot support itself, and God does not take care to support, so that its Professors are oblig’d to call for the help of the Civil Power, ’tis a Sign, I apprehend, of its being a bad one.

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Re: Official Homosexuality Thread for the Celestial Forum

Post by Shulem »

Indeed, thanks for sharing your daughter's coming-out experience, Atlanticmike.

I too have a hard time with politics these days. It's just overwhelming and I think we are all tired of the intense division between the parties. Wish there was more peace...
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Post by Shulem »

Here is a link that downloads a 10 page document put out by Brigham Young in 1877 entitled CIRCULAR OF THE FIRST PERSIDENCY OF THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS:


Can anyone wonder why so many people outside of the Mormon faith then and afterward considered the Church as a cult and that its micromanagement of its people was cult-like? It’s incredible that the Church was so strict in maintaining not just law and order but social behavior and general lifestyles that must conform to whatever norms and values the First Presidency considered proper.

There was absolutely zero tolerance for homosexuality in the Utah Territory and the action against those who were found guilty of practicing any degree of homosexuality was iron fisted and tyrannical to say the least. This certainly calls to mind the actions of a religious cult in which the main determination is to control the lives of its adherents in all facets of life.

Obviously the policies of the past are not the policies of today but homosexuality is still not permitted or recognized as a normal behavior and at minimum is marginalized and considered a sin worthy of excommunication.

First Presidency wrote: Many persons have claimed fellowship in the church who have not lived according to the requirements of the gospel; but this should no longer be permitted. The laws of the Lord must be more strictly enforced, and such persons must repent and bring forth the fruits of righteousness in their lives, or be severed from the church. If persons professing to be members of the church be guilty of lying, drunkenness, sabbath-breaking, profanity, defrauding or backbiting their neighbors, or any other kind of wickedness or unrighteous dealing, they should be visited by the teachers of the Ward in which they reside, and their wrongs be pointed out to them in the spirit of meekness and brotherly kindness, and they be exhorted to repent. If they should persist in their wrong-doing, then their cases should be brought before the bishop and his counselors, and they should be cited to appear to answer the charges made against them If, upon proper and sufficient testimony, it should appear that they have been guilty of acts which are in violation of the law of God, and they will not repent, then they should be expelled from the church, and their names be no longer numbered among the Saints.
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Re: Official Homosexuality Thread for the Celestial Forum

Post by Shulem »

Bruce R. McConkie wrote:Image

As the Saints prepare to meet their God, so those who are carnal and sensual and devilish prepare to face their doom.

As the meek among men make their calling and election sure, so those who worship the God of this world sink ever lower and lower into the depths of depravity and despair.

Amid tears of sorrow—our hearts heavy with forebodings—we see evil and crime and carnality covering the earth. Liars and thieves and adulterers and homosexuals and murderers scarcely seek to hide their abominations from our view. Iniquity abounds. There is no peace on earth.

The Coming Tests and Trials and Glory

It's not nice to see "homosexuals" lumped as an entire class of people being sandwiched between liars, thieves, and murderers. I take great offence to this horrible comment by a man who pretends to represent God. I find it reprehensible. It's hate speech.

I know the Church is not true.
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Re: Official Homosexuality Thread for the Celestial Forum

Post by Shulem »

Bruce R. McConkie wrote:Image

—we see evil and crime and carnality covering the earth. Liars and thieves and adulterers and homosexuals and murderers scarcely seek to hide their abominations from our view. Iniquity abounds. There is no peace on earth.

Or in other words the criminals should be arrested, locked up, tried, and cast into prison. Thieves, murderers, and homosexuals must not be allowed to roam the streets and commit crime at will. Lock them up! Throw away the key. Let them prepare for their "doom" because when Jesus returns they will all be burned up.

Isn't that what you are really preaching, elder McConkie -- hate speech against people you don't love? Against people you feel have no rights? Against people you feel must not be permitted to love according their own conscience but must submit to the Mormon religion and the moral codes of your Church? Isn't that what you're really implying? Who made your Church the law of the land! How dare you combine Church & State in an effort to round up the homosexuals and deny them their right to love?

How dare you!
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Re: Official Homosexuality Thread for the Celestial Forum

Post by Shulem »

Bruce R. McConkie wrote:Image

homosexuals and murderers

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that Bruce R. McConkie's hate speech against homosexual love was evil and religious bigotry.

The testimony given by that man may be universally dismissed as religious noise.

It is what it was. Evil.
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Re: Official Homosexuality Thread for the Celestial Forum

Post by Shulem »

Midnight Mormons Vs. Radio Free Mormon
Kwaku wrote:I believe heaven is going to be very crowded and Joseph Smith said the same sociology that exist on earth will exist in heaven and if our sexual attraction and our romantic attraction is the same here as it is there, who is to tell me that there won’t be kingdoms of heaven, that there won’t be gay people? I don’t see how there wouldn’t be, so I’m of the belief that heaven will be crowded, that there’re will be all kinds of people there and if at the next General Conference the brethren sustained a lesbian woman to be an apostle, that’s like female priesthood, and that’s like five jumpin, that’s like Kate Kelly and her wife -- you know, I would say, I’m going to take a step back, I’m going to look at what’s going on, I’m going to pray about it, but ultimately I’m not going to reject and leave the people that I’m a part of. I’m not just going to walk away and say, “Oh my goodness, how dare they let those lesbians into our church.” I’m not going to take that attitude. It’s incredible different but I think as human beings we are allowed to have maturity to take things in, to look at it, and make your own opinion. And my opinion may be different than a number of people in the audience and that’s okay, but this is a very hyperbolic question, it’s like what would you do tomorrow if you had wings and no feet, you know what I’m saying, it could be anything?

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Re: Official Homosexuality Thread for the Celestial Forum

Post by Moksha »

Historic documentary of the LDS Church in action:

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First Presidency 1994

Post by Shulem »

First Presidency Statement Opposing Same Gender Marriages

First Presidency wrote:First Presidency Statement Opposing Same Gender Marriages

The following statement of 1 February 1994 has been released by the First Presidency under the title of “Same Gender Marriages.”

The principles of the gospel and the sacred responsibilities given us require that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints oppose any efforts to give legal authorization to marriages between persons of the same gender.

Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God to fulfill the eternal destiny of His children. The union of husband and wife assures perpetuation of the race and provides a divinely ordained setting for the nurturing and teaching of children. This sacred family setting, with father and mother and children firmly committed to each other and to righteous living, offers the best hope for avoiding many of the ills that afflict society.

We encourage members to appeal to legislators, judges, and other government officials to preserve the purposes and sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman, and to reject all efforts to give legal authorization or other official approval or support to marriages between persons of the same gender.

  • require
  • oppose any efforts
  • reject all efforts
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