God, the Meaning of Life

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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by bill4long »

It doesn't seem that non-human animals even ask, "what is the meaning of my life." They just go about doing what they do.

How is it any really much different with humans? We have the rationality to ask "why", but at the end of the day, it seems to me the meaning of life for humans is for humans to do what they do, the full range of it, including asking "why?" It seems to me a big part, maybe the main part, of the "meaning" to be quite bamboozled about any "ultimate meaning", at least if one is honest. My intuition thinks there is, but my intuition could be FOS. Some people seem fine not knowing, or being nihilists, or cabbaging on to some kind of faith or "spiritual experience", or sitting around smoking weed.

Different Strokes on the multifaceted diamond of human experience I like to call, "Mind ___." You can fill in the blank.

It's what humans do. Just like the non-human animals that do what they do.

At any rate, if there's an Afterlife, and I'd like to think there is, as the great philosopher Homer Simpson once said, "you'll find out when your dead."

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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

bill4long wrote:
Sun Dec 18, 2022 4:40 am
It doesn't seem that non-human animals even ask, "what is the meaning of my life." They just go about doing what they do.
I like to think that all non-human life is precious within the sphere in which it lives, operates, and has a being. Yes, all life has meaning and purpose. The insects are an amazing collection of life forms and every single insect has purpose and intelligence within itself. Every single insect alive today exists because it’s meant to and it has the intelligence within itself to appreciate that.
bill4long wrote:
Sun Dec 18, 2022 4:40 am
How is it any really much different with humans? We have the rationality to ask "why", but at the end of the day, it seems to me the meaning of life for humans is for humans to do what they do, the full range of it, including asking "why?" It seems to me a big part, maybe the main part, of the "meaning" to be quite bamboozled about any "ultimate meaning", at least if one is honest. My intuition thinks there is, but my intuition could be FOS. Some people seem fine not knowing, or being nihilists, or cabbaging on to some kind of faith or "spiritual experience", or sitting around smoking weed.
Why do I exist? The answer is because I have to, it’s not a choice. Existence simply is. The question why existence exists is a question created within existence. The question is subject to existence. Existence is not subject to the question. Existence only has one quality – to exist. Therefore, that which exists simply exists. It doesn’t in any way, shape or form need to justify its existence by asking why it exists. Existence exists because that is the quality it exhibits: Existence.
bill4long wrote:
Sun Dec 18, 2022 4:40 am
At any rate, if there's an Afterlife, and I'd like to think there is, as the great philosopher Homer Simpson once said, "you'll find out when your dead."
Exactly, you’ll find out at that time and moment and then it will make sense. Life after death is an experience all in itself but for us until it happens it never happened. Something like that -- a blow for the nose, wow man. But, what about birth and early childhood? It happened. We just don’t remember it because those memories are blocked. Could it also be said that our memories of past lives are blocked right now because we are programmed to live in our current existence in order to achieve purpose in who we are at this time? I think so. I believe we have past lives and future lives.

But, as you seem to suggest, all things will be manifest or experienced in their proper order.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by bill4long »

Now, while you're thinking about that, think about this...

We all do what we have to do to get by.

Just don't abuse others.

Hopefully do some good while you're alive.

When you encounter sociopaths and narcissists, turn away and block/ghost them from your life.

Make good choices and be happy! You deserve it. Most humans are reasonably okay with you. Ignore the others.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

Visions of BERGY THE ICEMAN, Stephen Berg wrote:My Awakening
(Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne)


I actually experienced in mind, the Big Bang to the Big Crunch, I can’t describe it, how it was, how it felt, there are no words, but then via that experience I can now explain in detail the entire cycle of the manifest! How the one mind basically falls asleep in order to escape the total wake Oneness scenario, in order to dream that we are many, and that we can be seen, and loved…

I was systematically destroyed! I argued for reality in every possible way I could muster. I could not have been all!! There is so much of the world I don’t understand, there are those who know more than me? No….. you simply forgot and the imagined ‘teaching’ is just a dream where the ‘others’ are merely aspects of yourself. Speaking to you as in truth you are really just remembering, they are not real. Our ego’s, our characters, our separation is NOT real, it’s a temporary GIFT!

That was not teaching, they are not other than you, it’s just remembrance via the catalyst of a dream scenario!

But I saw movies, great stories that surprised and entertained me! No…It’s the same thing, I was even given a remembrance of being the writer and several actors of a movie I once saw. It was horrific, all the time reaffirming the terrible truth of oneness.

I DON’T WANT TO BE ALONE! I didn’t want this to be true, a sick cosmic joke, I was a freak, not normal, how can you be normal if there’s only one of you, you don’t BELONG! To anything you don’t belong, you are not part of anything, you are freakishly everything, and for no possible reason, it hurts… so f’ing lonely!

I hear many spiritual folk speak of experiencing ‘oneness’... No…they are experiencing the connectivity of the fragmented one mind, that we are in truth one, the wonderful connectivity of that truth. The Actual truth is someone different, I mean? How can you experience true Oneness and still feel the presence of others? Oneness = ONE! All-one = alone!

How long did this go on for? LOL….. Eternity, which is not a very long time. As with the infinite, it’s not a massive thing, it has no size. It’s ‘different’, when I am there, it’s forever, it becomes my truth. It ‘is’... and this is hard to explain but every time I return to this core truth, it’s not a new experience for me. Part of me is always there, this reality is the dream immersed in time. When I wake back to the ‘core’, none of this ‘life’ even happened, that’s part of the f’ing hell of it. All my comfort, all of you, my friends and loved ones, even the Godless bastards who play the advocate, yes bastards but better than NO ONE, OR NO THING! Everyone and everything is rudely torn away from me, Eternity is all time, and so no time passing, like a static now that never changes. Pause a movie and you are all but there, you exist in the pause, outside of time, but then it’s more like leaving the movie and then holding the DVD disc in your hand. What was linear and flowing is now complete and static. No life in it…

Later you will realize that we as All in truth really aren’t linear. Which makes the search for enlightenment seem a bit foolish? If you ‘see’, then you do, you will return to that part of you that is, you can’t in fact avoid it. And this will probably show in your character, because your character, or personality is in fact a sum of your cosmic journey. A subconscious remembrance of that. If you have touched oneness in any way, or even gotten close, then you will be basically a people person, caring and you will be outraged by any form of oppression; why? Well, you will subconsciously know the truth of it, that we came here to escape the oppression of the truth of oneness, not f’ing recreate it!

To be continued...
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One & All

Post by Shulem »

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”


“What you do to others, you do to yourself”

That is the grand secret of life. Learn it and live it.

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Re: One & All

Post by bill4long »

Shulem wrote:
Sat Jun 17, 2023 10:28 pm
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”


“What you do to others, you do to yourself”

That is the grand secret of life. Learn it and live it.

Or something like that. Here's the thing. You don't even know if anyone besides yourself is conscious.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

The YouTube Channel Spiritual Dive contains many video shorts that help us understand who we are. I highly recommend them. They explain things far better than I can! Transcend and take these rides.

If you like, start with this one: You Are NOT What You Think


PS. It’s your lucky day!

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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by IWMP »

Shulem wrote:
Mon Feb 22, 2021 12:35 am
Hello, friend.

You have clicked the right button. You are here for a reason. Scroll down and read. Learn what you can and apply it however you think best. I will release these teachings in several disbursements to follow.

Best wishes!


PS. This work was originally written for MYSELF and was originally intended to be read by ME only and not shared publicly or by anyone for that matter. Please understand that these essays were written for my personal benefit and understanding and was not written for the purpose to be read by others. Publishing this personal material here was something that I decided to do because I felt if it helped a few people then it would be worth it. Also, I took the liberty on assumption that the originators of this work would be okay with me sharing it in my own words.

God, the Meaning of Life

Teachings from my UK friend Steve Berg, (BERGY THE ICEMAN)
(Original Lecture: Extracted, Revised, and Edited by Paul Osborne)

Paul Osborne wrote:

In order to understand what exists and how it exists, one must think a certain way. It must be understood that the finite and linear mindset that humans are subject to is not the only perspective within the All, and that in reality, it’s a limited view. However, it’s the only perspective that linear conscious beings can view from. Therefore, examples and descriptive perspectives will serve to help think outside the box.

Try to view the ‘infinite’ through a ‘finite’ lens and it renders a logical description as ‘circular’, the end becomes the beginning, therein is no defined place to begin an ultimate explanation. It’s not like going from A to B. It’s impossible to explain or understand it because the concept can’t make sense until the circuit of understanding completes – when the end becomes the beginning. Don’t think in terms of lines that in themselves are rootless, having no logical origin. Think in terms of self-supporting circuits, an ‘Isness!’ An Isness is the only logical conclusion to make sense of what seems a paradox. The human mind expects an explanation that follows a linear format because the linear mindset thinks in terms of a logical origin that leads to a logical conclusion, but the explanation will always return back on itself becoming circular, a self-supporting logic circuit, an ‘Isness’. All existence is of an ‘Infinite Conscious Intellect’. From this intellect the appearance and manifestation of reality appears. Even though it’s actually an illusion, it’s as real as real can be, moving about like a ‘wheel’ or a ‘reel’ in motion, an ever-recurring loop with a constant pulse.

Everything is energy from a tangible perspective including the very power generated through the mind. Is the physical realm real or just an illusion? Science has proven that we are not solid physical beings. We are an assembly of focused points of energy, oscillating at varying frequencies in order to create quantum force fields that have the appearance of tangible boundaries within a blanket energy field. We are fundamentally pixilated, and yet the pixels have no solid mass, hence we are holograms. If we look for an element of mass, we find it’s simply calculated by a value of energy. This bears no relation to absolute solidity. Everything is infinitely divisible. Therefore, if our solidity is created by focused points of energy oscillating at varying frequencies, and we are merely energy, then how are we not ‘holographic’ beings of light energy? We certainly aren’t solid mass! Is there any absolute mass anywhere in the universe? Try looking for the small end of ‘space’, the micro boundary, which is proportionately the same as looking for the large macro boundary. The only difference is the small end can be metaphorically swept under a rug, whereas the large end is the elephant in the room and provokes the question of “What is beyond?” There is no rug large enough to sweep the macro boundary under!

Everything is energy oscillating from positive to negative at varying frequencies, not vibrating per se; vibration is movement that requires mass. Energy is massless and is ‘oscillating’, it pulsates from a positive to a negative state to create the appearance of matter. It’s hard to believe that your hand is your car, is your dog, is your guitar but from the perspective of base energy everything is in the same blanket energy field. This means that anything the field contains is within a mind of consciousness having no boundaries or limits – to be is to exist.

To be continued

I read some...

Why do you (the writer) assume the human mind is linear?

Time is a social construct. Have you ever had a dream and in that dream the person you are has instantly got an entire memory different to that of who you are in your conscious life? It feels linear in the dream but we know when we wake that our amazing minds created the entire system in a matter of seconds. We are only dreaming for a short time but the scenario in the dream can feel lengthy.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Sun Sep 17, 2023 7:53 pm
Paul Osborne wrote: PART I

In order to understand what exists and how it exists, one must think a certain way. It must be understood that the finite and linear mindset that humans are subject to is not the only perspective within the All, and that in reality, it’s a limited view. However, it’s the only perspective that linear conscious beings can view from. Therefore, examples and descriptive perspectives will serve to help think outside the box.

Try to view the ‘infinite’ through a ‘finite’ lens and it renders a logical description as ‘circular’, the end becomes the beginning, therein is no defined place to begin an ultimate explanation. It’s not like going from A to B. It’s impossible to explain or understand it because the concept can’t make sense until the circuit of understanding completes – when the end becomes the beginning. Don’t think in terms of lines that in themselves are rootless, having no logical origin. Think in terms of self-supporting circuits, an ‘Isness!’ An Isness is the only logical conclusion to make sense of what seems a paradox. The human mind expects an explanation that follows a linear format because the linear mindset thinks in terms of a logical origin that leads to a logical conclusion, but the explanation will always return back on itself becoming circular, a self-supporting logic circuit, an ‘Isness’. All existence is of an ‘Infinite Conscious Intellect’. From this intellect the appearance and manifestation of reality appears. Even though it’s actually an illusion, it’s as real as real can be, moving about like a ‘wheel’ or a ‘reel’ in motion, an ever-recurring loop with a constant pulse.

Everything is energy from a tangible perspective including the very power generated through the mind. Is the physical realm real or just an illusion? Science has proven that we are not solid physical beings. We are an assembly of focused points of energy, oscillating at varying frequencies in order to create quantum force fields that have the appearance of tangible boundaries within a blanket energy field. We are fundamentally pixilated, and yet the pixels have no solid mass, hence we are holograms. If we look for an element of mass, we find it’s simply calculated by a value of energy. This bears no relation to absolute solidity. Everything is infinitely divisible. Therefore, if our solidity is created by focused points of energy oscillating at varying frequencies, and we are merely energy, then how are we not ‘holographic’ beings of light energy? We certainly aren’t solid mass! Is there any absolute mass anywhere in the universe? Try looking for the small end of ‘space’, the micro boundary, which is proportionately the same as looking for the large macro boundary. The only difference is the small end can be metaphorically swept under a rug, whereas the large end is the elephant in the room and provokes the question of “What is beyond?” There is no rug large enough to sweep the macro boundary under!

Everything is energy oscillating from positive to negative at varying frequencies, not vibrating per se; vibration is movement that requires mass. Energy is massless and is ‘oscillating’, it pulsates from a positive to a negative state to create the appearance of matter. It’s hard to believe that your hand is your car, is your dog, is your guitar but from the perspective of base energy everything is in the same blanket energy field. This means that anything the field contains is within a mind of consciousness having no boundaries or limits – to be is to exist.

I read some...

Why do you (the writer) assume the human mind is linear?


Well, as expressed above, we go through life using linear means to measure, comprehend, and sort things out. But the linear is only one perspective as expressed in the paragraph above. It’s a limited way of looking at things and that is part of the human experience. And yes, time is a social construct.

Fundamentally, I absolutely believe the mind is infinite.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by IWMP »

I have never imagined the mind to be linear. I can see that I likely misinterpreted the way I'm which it was meant.

The mind has to be something akin to quantum physics, it's full of waves. I think when we define these things, measure them, etc, we surely must cause a change in what we perceive, like Schrödinger and his cat.
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