God, the Meaning of Life

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God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

Hello, friend.

You have clicked the right button. You are here for a reason. Scroll down and read. Learn what you can and apply it however you think best. I will release these teachings in several disbursements to follow.

Best wishes!


PS. This work was originally written for MYSELF and was originally intended to be read by ME only and not shared publicly or by anyone for that matter. Please understand that these essays were written for my personal benefit and understanding and was not written for the purpose to be read by others. Publishing this personal material here was something that I decided to do because I felt if it helped a few people then it would be worth it. Also, I took the liberty on assumption that the originators of this work would be okay with me sharing it in my own words.

God, the Meaning of Life

Teachings from my UK friend Steve Berg, (BERGY THE ICEMAN)
(Original Lecture: Extracted, Revised, and Edited by Paul Osborne)

Paul Osborne wrote:

In order to understand what exists and how it exists, one must think a certain way. It must be understood that the finite and linear mindset that humans are subject to is not the only perspective within the All, and that in reality, it’s a limited view. However, it’s the only perspective that linear conscious beings can view from. Therefore, examples and descriptive perspectives will serve to help think outside the box.

Try to view the ‘infinite’ through a ‘finite’ lens and it renders a logical description as ‘circular’, the end becomes the beginning, therein is no defined place to begin an ultimate explanation. It’s not like going from A to B. It’s impossible to explain or understand it because the concept can’t make sense until the circuit of understanding completes – when the end becomes the beginning. Don’t think in terms of lines that in themselves are rootless, having no logical origin. Think in terms of self-supporting circuits, an ‘Isness!’ An Isness is the only logical conclusion to make sense of what seems a paradox. The human mind expects an explanation that follows a linear format because the linear mindset thinks in terms of a logical origin that leads to a logical conclusion, but the explanation will always return back on itself becoming circular, a self-supporting logic circuit, an ‘Isness’. All existence is of an ‘Infinite Conscious Intellect’. From this intellect the appearance and manifestation of reality appears. Even though it’s actually an illusion, it’s as real as real can be, moving about like a ‘wheel’ or a ‘reel’ in motion, an ever-recurring loop with a constant pulse.

Everything is energy from a tangible perspective including the very power generated through the mind. Is the physical realm real or just an illusion? Science has proven that we are not solid physical beings. We are an assembly of focused points of energy, oscillating at varying frequencies in order to create quantum force fields that have the appearance of tangible boundaries within a blanket energy field. We are fundamentally pixilated, and yet the pixels have no solid mass, hence we are holograms. If we look for an element of mass, we find it’s simply calculated by a value of energy. This bears no relation to absolute solidity. Everything is infinitely divisible. Therefore, if our solidity is created by focused points of energy oscillating at varying frequencies, and we are merely energy, then how are we not ‘holographic’ beings of light energy? We certainly aren’t solid mass! Is there any absolute mass anywhere in the universe? Try looking for the small end of ‘space’, the micro boundary, which is proportionately the same as looking for the large macro boundary. The only difference is the small end can be metaphorically swept under a rug, whereas the large end is the elephant in the room and provokes the question of “What is beyond?” There is no rug large enough to sweep the macro boundary under!

Everything is energy oscillating from positive to negative at varying frequencies, not vibrating per se; vibration is movement that requires mass. Energy is massless and is ‘oscillating’, it pulsates from a positive to a negative state to create the appearance of matter. It’s hard to believe that your hand is your car, is your dog, is your guitar but from the perspective of base energy everything is in the same blanket energy field. This means that anything the field contains is within a mind of consciousness having no boundaries or limits – to be is to exist.

To be continued
Last edited by Shulem on Sat Jan 08, 2022 10:51 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

Paul Osborne wrote:

Consider the nature of what we call ‘reality’; our bodily experience of reality is achieved through a set of concrete physical signals ultimately interpreted within the abstract mind. But while dreaming the mind can create its own signals, making its own reflected outer reality in a dream created entirely in an abstract state. What if we actually exist within a shared ‘reality matrix’ created by a greater intellect, a universal central server – in a conscious energy field? Then all that really exists is an ‘Infinite Conscious Intellect’ and from it the manifestation of reality appears. It seems to be an illusion but it’s as real as real can be! Something manifested means something ‘viewed’. To view or conceptualize is to manifest in a defined visualization, all manifestation begins and ends through conceptualization and visualization.

The concept of the ‘infinite’ cannot be visualized because the infinite can’t be quantified or contained. The infinite can’t manifest because in order to manifest it would have to be defined and sized. The infinite is forever unseen, unviewable! The finite is defined and knowable but the infinite is unquantifiable and unknowable! The finite and infinite are opposites! It’s impossible to view the paradoxical ‘All’ as one entity because the infinite endless state can’t be seen. The All is One, an unknowable complete potential Isness consisting of a Oneness that can’t be ‘known’ because it’s infinite. We learn how the infinite affects us through the manifestation of potentiality, nonetheless, it’s a limited finite view derived from an eternal source that is limitless, boundless, and endless – Infinite.

Not all intelligence is conscious intelligence. Conscious intelligence is awake and is finite. Unconscious intelligence is asleep and is infinite. Infinite intelligence consisting of the potential ‘All’ is not conscious but is miraculously tied to the conscious manifestation of finite intelligence. Unlike the Infinite, the conscious viewing aspect of the finite is limited, measured, and confined within its own quantified realm. Without the endless sleeping intelligence available from the infinite the conscious aspect could not function. The conscious aspect is focused and limited because it’s being viewed through a finite lens. The infinite aspect of the ‘All’ is magically associated with the finite but the viewer remains in a finite state of intelligence that is basic and limited in scope.

A descriptive example to illustrate limited scope is face recognition software programmed in a digital camera. The software is somewhat sophisticated and yet the camera is rather basic. Our eyes are like the camera interacting with the software which is the brain in order to feedback and understand what is being viewed. Although it seems the process is instantaneous there is feedback loop wherein time is consumed during the process. Our minds think and process at high speeds and we are able to process information with machinelike efficiency much like a computer. Our ability to react varies from extreme slow motion to lightning speed. Natural body reflexes interact with the mind in a miraculous way like the camera and software. Consider a lumberjack chopping wood and in a blink of an eye a chip flies and hits him in the face! The reaction is nearly instantaneous but there is a process whereby comprehension through feedback is taking place.

In universal terms the ‘All’ that exists is an ‘Infinite Unconscious Intellect’. Within the infinite perspective, time does not exist. The infinite perspective is simply an ‘Isness’. It exists right now, ‘One complete static Now’. The infinite is not a series of ‘nows’ like that seen in a stream of finite time. The conscious linear perspective cannot grasp the infinite. A linear and logical view can never comprehend the infinite ‘Isness’. Out of the Isness came the Big Bang, but what went ‘bang’ and what made it happen? Science proves that nothing can come from nothing! It’s also proven that something must come from something. There is no possible action in a state of nothingness in order to take nothing and create something, therefore, something has always existed. If there was nothing prior to something, then it would have to have stayed nothing, forever. In fact, from a logical viewpoint, nothing ever existing is a logical conclusion in proving that nothing ever existed. If that were true then nothing would ever exist forever in an eternal state of nothingness. But something does exist as we are witnesses to that fact that something must always have existed! Nothing can come from nothing but something can come from something! Therefore, something must have always existed! The concept of something having always existed is difficult to conceive from a logical point of view because our minds work in cognitive loops ‘recognition’, in a linear way, ever searching for a logical beginning through linear streaming.

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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

Paul Osborne wrote:

We know that something has always existed having no starting point. It’s impossible to solve this through finite reasoning because it’s totally unquantifiable. It’s impossible to find a beginning and it’s impossible to find an end because everything is eternal. If there were a reason for the Big Bang, then that ‘reason’ in itself would also need a reason, an origin theory for its own existence. And that reason would also need a reason, and so on – leading to an infinite cascade of reasons that could have no origin. Therefore, in this explanation, the Finite Logic has found Infinite Magic! The Magical is something that happens for no tangible reason. Existence simply is, always ‘is’, an ‘Isness’, and for no logical reason. ‘What is’ has no origin, it’s ‘always there’; this is the very definition of Magic. Logic and Magic are the great duality.

In general terms, the ‘Isness’ is not ‘there’, per-se, which implies a location that comes and goes, it just ‘Is’. The infinite is unmanifest. We are not ‘within’ the infinite because there is no boundary to be ‘within’. The ‘finite’ is manifested and exists in a bubble perspective of time-space that is powered by the Isness. It’s impossible to comprehend the infinite. To understand is to quantify, resolve, define, and to visualize. The infinite can’t be visualized! Visualization is a quantification and the infinite is not quantifiable. This concept doesn’t make much sense in terms of strict logic. The linear mind yearns and searches for a logical beginning and a logical end within boundaries and quantification. But these in themselves head in opposite direction, two points on a linear line, beyond which there is nothing. To be beyond nothing is impossible! There is no such thing as a before and after in the illogical null and void of nothing. In the finite realm, everything begins and ends within a boundary. Imagine trying to quantify the macro ‘space’ of an ever-expanding universe. Ever-expanding? Expanding to where, and if it’s expanding into a void, how did the void get there in the first place and how big is it? How can something be ‘in’ space, when space doesn’t have a logical boundary to be within? The answer is that something has always existed!

The infinite realm is not based on logic and is therefore illogical. Logic depends on an answer which is instantaneous, something that makes sense of everything in view within the logical realm. But the infinite is magical at base, it’s pure magic in an unviewable state of existence. Why can’t the linear conscious mind understand or embrace the magical eternal perspective of what we are? It’s due to how conscious ‘self-awareness’ is achieved, how it works. A definition of recognition is: ‘I think therefore I am’. The linear mind has the ability to separate itself into different aspects: The viewer, the viewscreen or the mind’s eye, and the essential ‘space’ between the two which is a kind of ‘neutral zone’ that separates the two from being one entity. By this process, the mind achieves a sense of self-awareness, ‘the viewer’ becomes self-aware by thinking. The ‘viewer’ stands apart from what is being viewed and thought bubbles on the screen are like the mind’s eye. Through this process one may witness themselves thinking and in that recognize themselves as the thinker.

Conscious thought is the recognition of self through the basic principle of feedback and a subtle awareness of all of the aspects of itself and its reflected realty. There is a constant subtle awareness like radar. The mind constantly witnesses, it processes all external information and data in order to assemble a ‘picture’ of the physical from a reflected reality. Without an external reality, there is no internal reality or a sense of defined self. The outer defines the inner. Outside of ‘reality’ we aren’t anything, per se, just a conscious viewer. Basically, our ‘self’ is continually feeding back, recognizing all external data, much like radar to include a sense of form and a sense of location. Through this recognition mechanism, witnessing the ‘thinking’ – the ‘thinker’ is also recognized.

To be continued
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

Paul Osborne wrote:

In meditation one may ignore noise from the external data stream. This provides an enormous sense of freedom without the feedback – and in the absence of pain an ecstatic joy is experienced. It’s possible to connect with the programming behind reality. But the program language is somewhat chaotic. In microcosm, this feedback recognition ‘mechanism’ is like radar pulses – loops or circuits. If the pulses do not return, if the circuits do not complete and feedback, if it’s not recognized, then the metaphoric ‘submarine self’ will run blind. The mind feeds back in order to ‘be’, it has to recognize something ‘other’ than itself or it can’t complete circuits and that renders it unknowable to itself, it’s asleep – like a submarine’s radar not pinging back so it’s blind, unaware.

The mind returns to its infinite state at night while dreaming which it does on continual cycles due to the unresolvable paradox of what we are. When the mind returns to its infinite state, all is in the same nonplace, all is theoretically one, and yet that theoretical one can’t manifest. In this state, the mind can’t separate and feed-back, so it’s not self-aware but is asleep. This is why we sleep; the mind is constantly shifting from each contradicting state within the All, it’s an unstoppable contradicting pulse. When we are awake, we are finite but when we sleep our minds return to the infinite.

The micro level consciousness is tied to time-space and logic because it runs and feeds back on ‘logic circuits’ like a pulse going in and out. To receive an answer to a question the viewer must stand apart from that which is viewed. There has to be a ‘space’ between the two, even if that is a metaphoric space in mind. The time-space mechanism allows the linear mind to become self-aware through a feedback recognition loop – constant pulsing and having recognition of thought. It’s how the mind navigates and understands the linear realm. A visual example of understanding through navigation is, sight – look, see, and move through feed-back loops or logic circuits constantly pulsing – constantly updating its ‘nows’, moment by moment! This is the very definition of linear time! A stream of micro fragmented nows, similar to movie film, frame by frame on a reel being projected onto a screen.

Consciousness or self-awareness is a logical process that relies on time-space which is the essential space between the perspective viewer’s viewscreen aspects of the mind and the time it takes to recognize and feedback the information. Time and space are tied together – they are inseparable! The mind navigates or understands its reflected reality by constantly updating logic circuits, a continual processing of questions and answers – finite feedback loops. Only the finite can be understood. The mind can never understand infinite Isness! Nobody can quantify the infinite – which at base is magic! We can’t size it, imagine it, or know it! Magic doesn’t have a logical reason, it just IS! We can accept magic for the simple reason that something can exist forever! Why is the infinite magic? Because it has no root cause! The finite knows that the infinite must in theory exist because it can’t logically conclude anything. Consciousness cannot understand the infinite, its Isness, its instantaneous magical nature!

If the linear mindset refuses to accept ‘magic’ as the answer to the end result it will ever be stuck in search for an answer to ‘What went Bang’ and by what reason there was ever a reason in the first place. It should be pointed out that if instantaneous creation is proven to exist, and it is ‘magic’ by definition, then we have to ask, “What is not possible”? It’s not a case of what is possible because that could be anything. It’s a case of ‘What is probable’? What can manifest will manifest in order to serve the cycle of existence. In order to understand further, consider the grand linear cycle, the complete cosmic history.
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

Paul Osborne wrote:

The complete journey in the linear realm spanning many levels is also a cycle, a logic circuit, an ever-repeating cycle – a simple feedback pulse when sped up. It has to conclude, it’s the only way we can understand so it has to feedback and answer the question of ‘life’, the circuit must feedback complete.

First, we are born. We live, work, eat, and sleep. Last of all, we die only to do it all over again! How so? We travel within a vast experiential loop that spans many lifetimes and levels of existence. Eventually, the journey completes, we fall asleep, forget the experience of who we really are, and then we do it all again. To forget yourself is indeed death. We just don’t stay dead. But where are we now and what stage are we at on a universal cycle? We are rebooting post ‘fall’. The linear mind as a whole forgot itself and ‘reboot’ to then become a new manifestation of what seems a beginning – a new ‘spring’. Our One universe has cosmic seasons within the cosmic life cycle. We are now in a cosmic early spring!

Consider the concept that we are ‘One’. From the infinite perspective there is only one conscious viewer, ‘One Person’. We are All-One, Alone, we are talking to ourselves, everyone is you! And so, consciousness is all that can be viewed. In order to ‘view’, one must dissect themselves and create ‘another’ to view. But there is no ‘other’ than the One Mind to feedback on and so consciousness is ever viewing and experiencing itself. When the One Mind woke from the infinite and returned to the realm of the manifest within time-space, awareness was first realized by dividing into primal aspects in order to achieve consciousness. In Egyptian mythology, the sun-god Re arrived from the Nun (unmanifest infinite) in a bubble universe of his own creative mind. The macro corresponds with the micro which is how the One Mind wakes the cosmic cycle. It’s also how we wake-up every morning! The impossible unrecognizable One is split into a viewer and viewscreen being separated by space and time and by recognizing, it wakes – good morning!

During the cosmic waking of the Potential One, consciousness divides in order to become self-aware, and then further divides from many perspectives in order to create an ‘external reality’ to then feedback on. The One Mind diversifies to create an entire body of creation, a reflective reality to feedback upon much like an egg when fertilized diversifies to create a whole body. The One consciousness creates many versions of itself (sole aspects or, souls), to allow for interaction that reveals what consciousness might be and do. The reproductive system is a micro-fractal of ‘what is’ and copies what exists. The human reproduction cycle is everything around us, the stuff we take for granted is ever telling the same story, we are made of ourselves a fractal copy of the All. We simply have to know how to look because it’s not hidden from view. It’s we who are hiding from it!

What can consciousness be? We consist of many perspectives – souls, people, experiences! The answer to the one grand equation is ‘All the ways and interactions that can manifest’. ‘Being’ is achieved by ‘doing’ and vice versa. The mind creates an external reality in order to interact and feedback and fulfill the criteria of conscious recognition. Consciousness is an abstract and experiential entity whereby the One Mind has to create the many so that it can self-interact and reveal what consciousness may manifest. This means that imagination is our format which allows us to be a mother, father, child, friend, bus driver, rock star, and everything in which consciousness may manifest around an initial format or premise. It is creation in every way possible! Creation is to experience, to be something, feel things, and to live in diversity! The One Mind split into many in order to be aware and it dissected itself in order to create a catalyst to allow it to experience itself in every possible way. To be aware it must experience feedback and then it can ‘be’. The inner mind and its outer reflective reality become One! Without the outer there is no inner!

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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

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Paul Osborne wrote:

Consider ‘creation’ in its entirety as one entity which is a sum of all the ways consciousness can explore and experience itself. From the Infinite comes finite equations that are limited just like a book or movie! Consciousness can only feedback when it’s in a fragmented state like puzzle pieces moving about while forming the whole puzzle. The mind is fragmented in order to remember itself, ‘what is’, with the remembrance being the movement, allowing for essential feedback. This understanding unlocks the mystery of the symbolic tale of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden! How so?

The One Mind had to fragment in order to remember so it could feedback on itself. It created a void through fragmentation or ‘forgetting’ of self within itself, a void to move into, to allow for the movement, remembrance that allows feedback which allows self-awareness. The ‘what is’ is forgotten, essentially fallen, fragmented to the point that it can’t see itself or remember itself for ‘what is’ which is the entire puzzle – the whole picture in complete form. Fragmentation is what allows for movement – it’s the feedback which is remembrance! Symbolically, the Garden of Eden scenario is the conscious aspect of remembering, like Adam who woke to continually view existence and not stop feeding back, ever! We as living souls stop feeding back when we sleep at night, but when we wake in the morning the perspective during the day exists in its own right and is ever feeding back, it can’t stop or cease to exist.

The self-aware waked state is defined when feeding back on itself. This is an isness, an ever-revolving state of being. It can never turn itself off! If it did turn off there would be no action in the infinite unmanifest to ever turn it back on again. We as living souls shift perspectives from wake to sleep and from sleep to wake, we visit both states of being wherein the two states always exist. In the waked state feedback never stops, ever! It never stops moving, ever! The infinite potential state can’t control it! The infinite state is not ‘nothing’ but it is ‘no thing’, it can’t act or manifest on its own! It powers the manifest, but the manifest has to be there to draw from it, to act, hence the control is in the thinking waked state. The infinite is like endless electricity supplying an endless array of finite plugs, sockets, and appliances in order to manifest in the waked state of conscience living. We are like a plug and God is the socket leading to a source of all power.

The finite feedback allows for the symbolic puzzle pieces to be fit in place, one by one. However, when the puzzle is complete, after all has been experienced, when symbolic Adam attempts to set the last puzzle piece into place – then movement and feedback will cease! It’s finished and all is done! This creates an impasse! There is no more void of forgetting to move into. The void of forgetfulness was represented by the scattered puzzle which was yet to be formed. But now we see there can be no feedback in a place where feedback can’t stop! The finite aspect always feeds back! Symbolically, Adam remembered Eve who was a symbol of the fragmented forgotten one entity or equation of all the ways that consciousness may manifest like in a book or movie.

Movement is a constant of the conscious finite aspect. With movement comes force in building up a kind of pressure that will eventually blow. The symbolic fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden was the means to cascade failure and the blowing of the mind. To eat of the forbidden fruit would make one become as God – an impossible joining of the finite with the infinite. From this perspective it meant that a complete finite aspect represented by Adam would attempt to feedback on all that is left resulting in the finite conscious equation trying to join with the infinite, ‘God’. But, it’s impossible for two opposites to join as one! The fruit of the tree of life on one hand and forbidden fruit of death on the other! Life and Death can’t join because they are opposites! The finite tried to quantify the infinite and all it could see was an unstoppable expansion that could never be sized. Adam’s mind blew! His mind expanded until logic was stretched to the breaking point, symbolically speaking, and BANG, everything fragmented. Adam’s mind was symbolic of total remembrance of the completion of all human history and it blew, Adam fell. With the fall the completed puzzle of all human history fragmented, the hourglass flipped, and time was reset. Adam was a fully realized being, symbolically speaking. He saw the whole and in that touched God. He then experienced the paradox of self-creation, his mind destabilized without a remote external carrier. He became bewildered to the extent that he could no longer ‘recognize’. Therefore, the point is that Adam had to fall, forget EVERYTHING! The whole system had to reboot.

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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

Paul Osborne wrote:

When Finite joins the Infinite, it’s as though eternal life dies and the cosmic system crashes as opposites can never be one in the same. After the crash comes a reboot. This is the basic programming of the eternal cosmic cycle come full journey. We recycle, the manifest recycles, the One Cosmic Mind recycles! We RENEW! It's all based on a paradox that the finite can’t quantify the infinite, so the finite feeds back on its fragmented self until it gets whole again. It then attempts to feedback yet again and view its infinite aspect and in doing so explodes and is fragmented. This is a continuous cycle of rise and fall where movement demonstrates the need to feedback and recognize in order to be self-aware.

Consciousness creates a bubble-void for feedback to exist in. It facilitates itself and perpetuates movement by recycling itself from the two states of life and death. Once it has experienced itself in every possible way within the logic format of the finite universe, the limitation forces an end and the whole of life falls into the hole of death. It forgets and then experience itself yet again by remembering. We live in a movie, the ride of life, and when it’s over we clear the mind in order to see it again – and again, and again.

The very nature of consciousness thinks in feedback loops using logic as the basic language of understanding and experiencing the answer to any question. Without logic everything would be random in a state of chaos and never be able to resolve or conclude anything. However, we as conscious beings are limited by our logical perspective. We see existence in a logical way, and in that our experience of what consciousness can be will always be seen in logic. What we see as illogical is based on the breaking of logic and that’s why we laugh when people break logic for humor’s sake. It’s a short circuit when logic is broken so we laugh ourselves because it’s silly. The breaking of logic unbalances us and we like that sensation!

What if we could fly like we do in dreams? Through magic it’s easy to imagine flying but the fact is that if the conscious mind cannot perceive it then it simply can’t manifest. The imagination is indeed the limiting factor! This is why the arts are so important to us, we thrive on new and varied experience! We hunger for it! Our differences are the very spice of life, literally in terms of food. We can never have enough differences because each one is a new sensation with another opportunity to explore! This movie we call life is perfect. It gives us everything we need, not necessarily want, but need, often just in the nick of time. However, we can’t escape suffering, we have to pay-in (pain), everything is calculated down to the last atom in order to give the best possible exploration of what consciousness may manifest. Some of it is quite ugly but the opposite is utterly beautiful! Such contrast, Oh the irony of it all!

We are like characters in a video game and God is the game itself, the supporting reality program of which we are nothing without. God is as a Mother with a cosmic womb that we are ever in. ‘Reality’ is the womb of God, that which we never leave. She exists outside of linear time. She simply is, She’s magical! Her purpose is to carry us, she is motivated by love – She is God. If we ask her what She is, how She is – She will simply say: “I Am that I Am!” Even She cannot explain herself, She simply is. From a higher perspective we are all God, every one of us, all is One. But then if you ever see that, then you will become your own creator and that will blow your mind. You don’t have to see it just now; but you can FEEL it. God carries us, God is Love! Sometimes tough love but love all the same, God selflessly serves us. God is not subject to the linear that exists in all time and space – God is the infinite. People love to say that the universe will provide whatever we need. But the universe is an application, a stage, an empty space in the manifest for us to create. Mother God carries us because we can’t carry ourselves. She’s always one step ahead of us giving us what we need, not so much what we want, or so it seems.

To be continued
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Re: God, the Meaning of Life

Post by Shulem »

Paul Osborne wrote:

In order for conscious beings to manifest and live out their lives, a stage was needed, and because conscious beings are by nature logical, the stage had to make sense. We couldn’t just appear in a place that obviously wasn’t real. We would have quickly seen through the ruse, which would have ruined or spoiled the game resulting in an upset of the reboot sequence. Therefore, the universe, our stage, had to look real, and not just in physical appearance, it had to also makes sense on the quantum level. This because sooner or later we would eventually dissect it through science. This is why everything looks the way it does, it’s problematic but everyone is still too stupid to fully realize the problem with what’s really going on. The planets (all the world is a stage) couldn’t be flat for us to logically stand upon right-side up. This would necessitate correct alignment which would mean the universe has an up and a down. This awareness in orientation would automatically point towards intelligent design rather than random chance. So, there had to be another way in order to make it seem logical.

The planets were fashioned as random-like spheres but with that came the problem of ‘orientation’, logically, people standing on the sides and bottom would fall off. To solve this problem, gravity was introduced to hold everyone on the ball. This is why Einstein couldn’t quite justify or unify gravity as a law. It’s not mathematical per se. Laws of physics are based on mathematical principles, twenty is more than ten, more value means more weight – more force, etc. That seems logical enough! But then why should small numbers or values be drawn magnetically to higher values as if by magic? In math it makes no sense, but when it comes to gravity everyone accepts it just fine and no one questions it except for Einstein whose questions went unanswered. There is also a problem pertaining to boundaries, with space being the most obvious. How can we be ‘in’ space? If there is a macro boundary to be ‘within’ and a universal barrier surrounds it, then what’s on the other side, it can’t be nothing? So, space is declared too big to understand, a simple case of ‘Out of sight out of mind’ and humanity remains stupid because of the fall and no one questions it.

For the most part, the appearance of our reality seems to work, especially when we look with the eyes and not with the mind! It’s like Santa Clause and Christmas. Is there really a Santa Clause that comes down the chimney? At some point we have to be told the truth and that’s the point that mankind has now reached! We need an answer to explain our origin even if it’s small, no matter how basic or how long ago it happened. What was the origin of life at the very first appearance of life – the spark? Was it small and simple or more complex? Bear in mind that size and complexity are relative. What if the first manifestation of life was a pink elephant with stripes or polka dots?

Imagine a distant swamp, millions of years ago, and for no reason, certain amino acids and proteins collided accidentally to create the first lifeform. And then, accidentally another, and by accident they knew how to survive and procreate! Just because life seems rudimentary it does not negate the same problem of the accidental appearance of life along with ability to accidentally and ignorantly sustain itself. Evolution seems like a reasonable explanation but it still doesn’t answer the question of the original origin. Evolution as a self-supporting intelligent theory makes sense within itself. We start out as reptiles with no consciousness of humanity, only ‘instinct’ to evolve over millions of years into more sophisticated animals, bypassing even the dinosaurs. That explanation seems to work, but it has too many why’s and how’s. When we speed up images of creeping vines using video, we witness the life in them as they grow and move! In slow motion the action of a beautiful flower opening up seems inert or practically dead. But ‘what is, is’ and it’s hard to question ‘reality’ when you’re standing in it or witnessing it firsthand. The theory of evolution allows us to have stability and accept that life somehow evolved.

We are now at a time when ignorance has reached a level where the destruction of the planet is not only imminent, it’s well underway. This not only from the ecological perspective but also from the economical. Fear magnifies the will to survive and with it comes the driving force of greed. Through this, greedy man has chosen a capitalistic and selfish system in order to distribute wealth. This capitalistic system is not sustainable over the long run. It’s like a game of Monopoly having an end game scenario. Those in power will do anything to hold on to their wealth, position, and power, until the game concludes.

So now what happens? Well, there will be a revelation of God, it’s forced by a chain of events as the only possible solution. Conquest through conflict is not the solution. The answer has to come by way of peace through a realization of truth and ensuing spiritual ascension. Spirituality (not religion) has to be the key! The advancement of knowledge about the planet, cosmos, and scientific understanding allows us to realize there is no such thing as Santa Clause going down the chimney! It’s time to grow up, people! We are on the verge of an ascension! We are about to become a less limited expression of consciousness through connecting with and remembering our magical nature. The reboot is over, the premise is set, and now the movie is about to change. However, we already know where this leads on a cycle, we will at some point fall. But where are we going, now? We ascend to become less limited – magical beings. It’s our future, the movie we are about to experience!

Does the movie always play out the same way and do we really have free will? Well, it does play out in the same way every time because it’s a continuous cycle, the past must realign with the future in order to connect and complete the cycle. But then also, every time we recycle, we forget and can’t remember the last loop. So why would it need to change? Hence, in a way, it’s always new, every single time, in a sense it’s always the first time.

So, bar a little intervention to keep us on track with the main cyclic course, everyone makes choices and those choices created this reality. The choices were real the first time. And when the cycle reboots, the movie is simply rewound. You see, it’s not linear in one way, time doesn’t go only one way, you can rewind it, like a movie. What is, can be rewound as if it never happened. And then it happens when played, in the same way as it did the first time. The linear mind sees this as a copy of something that happened before, but that’s not how it is. It happens and then unhappens! Time can go both ways! It’s actually happening now, not ‘again’. It’s always now, always the first time! From a certain perspective the mind is not cycling but breathing. It inhales and exhales – it remembers and forgets! In a linear respect it’s a cycle of doing and undoing – to delete and redo. In the grand scheme of things, God is the processor and when something specific is being read in real time it exists in a finite state as the illuminated ‘now’. God is reading us in the moment – in the ‘now’ – like light from a movie projector playing a movie in real time. What’s not being read or shown in the moment is the past and future. In life, we make choices having free will every time for the first time. However, from ONE point of view there was no first time because it’s actually an exploration of what always is! It can’t change, it just is. It is what always is! Remember, paradoxically, we are both infinite and finite! With God and the Infinite everything is One Eternal Now.
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Shift in Consciousness

Post by Shulem »

I would like to take this time to introduce my understanding of the Shift in Consciousness. These teaching are taken from CAMILLO LOKEN, a spiritual seeker who changed my life. The following essays are material taken directly from his first book and rewritten to suit my personal taste and understanding that resonates with me. I recommend that those who find my essays interesting and though provoking, please purchase his book.

Camillo Loken

You may acquire FREE CHAPTERS on his website or purchase it from AbeBooks.

(By Camillo Loken – Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne) wrote:

In the wisdom of Buddha, “Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. Do not believe anything because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything because it is written in your religious books. Do not believe anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”

I am on a journey to discover who I am, to develop myself and to experience, but not to trust blindly in everything I hear, regardless of who has said it. Always consult my truth barometer – think about what feels right for me. Use my head and my heart. Use the intellect and cognitive processes as well as the wisdom that comes from my own intuitive knowledge. The combination of these aspects is a powerful one, and will show me the truth that is right for me through my Intuition, Instincts, and Inspiration.

In the world, I’m playing a key part in changes already in motion. The future is nothing but potential. I make my own choices about which future I want for others and myself. I’m a thinking, feeling, and sensing being, living in a sentient universe with the power to create my own reality.

It's not about knowing or understanding the unknown. It’s about remembering who I am, and when I do, all the pieces of the puzzle fall into place and I experience inner peace. Everything is connected and I’m part of the whole and its part of me. I understand that I am part of everything – that I am a thinking being, living in a thinking universe with infinite powers of creation.

It's easy to assume that one’s consciousness lies inside the body, but what if my body actually lies inside my consciousness? What if the body is actually the vessel, I use for moving around inside myself because I’m space, I am the universe, I’m all that is, I am consciousness – and this consciousness utilizes a physical body in order to obtain experience? Am I anything more than a unique living being that exists along with many other life forms on this planet, Mother Earth?

I am part of the Source and the Source is part of me, everyone is one with the Source and free will is part of the design which enables me to express what I want so there is just one here – just one being, but the greatest gift I have is the opportunity to discover that I am one with everything in my own way – without anyone telling me what I should do, what I should believe or what I should think. It’s my path and I can do anything I want. I have free will and can use my free will to oppose the free will of others but then it will bounce back on me. This is Karma and it’s how the universe works. I am like an instrument in a universal orchestra. All the instruments are unique and the Source wants everyone to express themselves at full capacity in order to create new, beautiful music – music that has never been played before. To play my instrument to the fullest, I need to break the barrier of fear – discover my passion – and live out my dream.

From the very day of my birth I was blinded by the outer world that my inner world is overshadowed. My inner world contains the desire to express myself and to make the best of my life. This is latent in everyone, in every living thing, but I’ve allowed the outer world to decide what is important to me. There is a reason why I’m on earth. I’m unique and no one can think or feel exactly the way I do. The impressions I leave behind are something that this world will never see again. Will I live out my dream and discover my life’s task, or will I do the same as others – be content with a nice comfortable life in the fluid zone, which means I would die full – full of ideas, talents, dreams, and hopes?

Am I happy with whatever I spend my valuable time on? Am I living in the now? Am I listening to myself and do I know who I really am? Or am I too busy with my hectic everyday life to allow my innermost thoughts to reach into my consciousness? Do I rely on my own intuition, instincts, and inspiration?
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Shift in Consciousness

Post by Shulem »

(By Camillo Loken – Revised & Edited by Paul Osborne) wrote:

I must realize that all I really have is now. Time does not return. I am living right now. A great illustration on how to look to the moment and the present is to visualize a large hourglass with the sand in the upper bulb running through the narrow connecting neck into the bulb below. The upper bulb represents the future. The narrow neck in the middle through which the sand runs represents the present, and the lower bulb represents the past. Visualize that the upper bulb is covered so that I cannot see how much sand is left. All I can see and relate to is the narrow neck through which the sand is trickling – the present. I will never know when the last grain of sand will run out of the upper bulb and it’s all over. I don’t know how much time I have left in my life, but even so I project my dreams to some point in the future. “When I retire” or “When I earn more money” or “When I get more free time, then I will . . .”.

I constantly bombard myself with excuses for not living the life that I really desire – one that I dream about – saying that I do not have the time to be here in the present. I’m so busy that I don’t have time to appreciate everything that is living and breathing around me at any moment. If I want to change my life, I have to do it now. Right now, is when I lay the foundation for the future that I have left. It is now that I am living.

In my innermost being I have access to the most amazing power. There is a huge potential inside me. It is like an electricity socket, where the Source is the current and all I need to do is to insert the plug to gain access to this vast, infinite source of power. Power is located inside me, power for creating – for expressing myself. But how do I get my light to shine? How can I find the power inside me? By understanding that I am a co-creator with the ability to think. I am a thinking being, living in a thinking universe. I’m here in order to create, not compete. Creating ensures more for all, less for none. That is what the Source desires.

What is the Source of all power? The source of all power is the world within, the universal fountain of all that exists, the infinite energy that I am able to access. As I become conscious and aware of this inexhaustible power in the world within, I start to draw on this power to utilize and develop great possibilities, because whatever I become conscious of will always manifest in the objective world. This is because the infinite mind, which is the Source from which everything derives, is one and infinite, and everyone is an outlet for the manifestation of this eternal energy. My ability to think depends on my ability to influence this universal force and whatever I think is what is created and manifest in the objective world. The results of this discovery are nothing less than fantastic and this means the mind has quite extraordinary qualities, boundless capacity and contains undreamed-of possibilities. I am the product of my own thoughts – what I think, I become. I become what I think about. My life is what my thoughts make of it. What I think, I create. What I feel, I attract. What I imagine, I become.

There is a thinking stuff from which all things are made, and which, in its original state, permeates, penetrates, and fills the interspaces of the universe. A thought, in this substance produces the thing that is imagined by the thought. I can form things in my thoughts, and by impressing my thoughts upon formless substance can cause the thing I think about to be created. By sending my thoughts out to this Source – the formless substance – I can create whatever I want. My thoughts create things. Everything I see in this world was created first by thoughts. Someone initially had to think the thought. It is impossible to create anything without first having the thought. Thoughts are consciousness expressing itself. Consciousness was here first. Consciousness creates matter, matter does not create consciousness.

I think with the Mind of God. Therefore, I share my thoughts with him and God shares his with me. They are the same thoughts because they are thought by the same Mind. To share is to make alike or to make one. My thoughts in God do not leave my mind because they don’t leave the Source. Therefore, my thoughts are in the Mind of God, as I am. So, is everything thoughts and consciousness? Am I a co-creator of my own universe? Yes, I am! Quantum mechanical physics occur at atomic and sub-atomic levels. Science is showing that there is a higher power – a universal thought behind everything – a force which everyone is part of – a force in the inner world. Most people don’t think independently of the circumstances surrounding them because they are ignorant about the power that allows them to create their world from the inside out. They allow themselves to be governed by the outer world. The more energy and focus I devote to the outer world, the more I will create the same type of results. My life may seem to be controlled by luck and coincidence, but it’s always the inner world that creates the outer world.

Nothing happens by accident and there is no such thing as coincidence. The world is not buffeted by random choice or by fate. If a snowflake is utterly perfect in its design, do I not think the same could be said about something as magnificent as my own life? Thoughts are actually behind everything. Invisible thoughts collect in a collective field of consciousness and play a key role in how life develops for different people. The inner world governs the outer world. If I am not aware of what I’m creating, I am at the mercy of whatever the outer world feeds into my subconscious. My subconscious controls what I feel, and this in turn results in my actions which create the results I see in my own life. Therefore, things that appear to be coincidences or luck are simply the result of what I have been thinking – what the outer world has fed to me. The only way to change the results, to obtain a better and more fulfilling, more meaningful life is to start off by creating it in my inner world – in my thoughts – in my mind. The more focus, feeling, and energy, I devote to my inner picture, the faster the outer world will shape itself into whatever I desire. Everything is energy, including my thoughts, and whatever I devote my energy to will become my reality.
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