Book of Mormon Original Manuscript

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Re: Book of Mormon Original Manuscript

Post by Shulem »

I know by a spiritual feeling and insight that the Book of Mormon was Smith’s fictional work in an effort to make money and create a religious enterprise run by his family and associates. I have felt the spirit of truth ring through my soul that the Book of Mormon is a lie. It is a plagiarized 19th century work and is totally untrue, from the beginning to the end.

Even so. Amen.
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Re: Book of Mormon Original Manuscript

Post by Shulem »

To be perfectly honest, I think Joseph Smith just wanted to get rid of the manuscript and pitch it in a place he thought it would be safe in a self-preserved condition. Smith did not want to hold on to the manuscript any longer because he felt he had outgrown it and the memories of the translation of a stone in the hat was something he wanted to put behind him. I think Smith thought the manuscript was a burden and carrying it around and keeping it locked up was something he no longer wanted to do. Get rid of it and move on! He wanted it covered up and buried. He did not want people looking at it. He did not want to discuss it or *how* he translated! I think he was embarrassed :oops:.

Smith hoped to provide other translations to include the Book of Joseph from the papyrus and the lost tales of the Egyptian Jaredites compliments of the Kinderhook plates. Although the Book of Mormon was Smith’s original masterpiece, he was ready to move on and the manuscript served as a memory of those days long ago when he fooled Cowdery with the head in the hat trick and secret cheat sheets in keeping his stories and numbers straight.

Bottom line: Smith got rid of the manuscript because he did not want it, nor did he want to discuss it.
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Re: Book of Mormon Original Manuscript

Post by Moksha »

Should the Deseret Alphabet be canonized?
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Re: Book of Mormon Original Manuscript

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Sun Jul 10, 2022 5:28 am
Should the Deseret Alphabet be canonized?

Nope, the Deseret alphabet was Mormon dodosim that flopped. Whether translated by Joseph Smith or Brigham Young, it flops.

Everything Smith ever translated was a flop. :oops:
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Re: Book of Mormon Original Manuscript

Post by bill4long »

3 Nephi:40 "And whoso shall adeclare more or less than this, and establish it for my doctrine, the same cometh of evil"

Joe: "I have had trouble enough with this thing."

Well, by the time of the Nauvoo period it's understandable.

We get it, Joe. We really do.
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Re: Book of Mormon Original Manuscript

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Sun Jun 04, 2023 2:17 pm
That is an absolutely *****SUPERB***** description, explanation, and run down of D&C 124 Shulem. Very well done! I am going to make a video of that information. THANKS for your hard work on that, I had not quite seen it put the way you, and only you, can do. You are to be commended thou good & faithful servant! Proceed forth to the rank of Brigadier General of the legions of truth.

Plenty of grist for the mill in this thread! ;)

In the end, Brigham Young elected to abandon Nauvoo and flee to Winter Quarters under brutal conditions in February 1846 whereafter ultimately hundreds of saints lost their lives under Young’s poor management and ill-conceived idea to trek over ice. But did Young retrieve the manuscript for safe and secure possession? No, he did not! He left it to rot. But he did take the Egyptian Kirtland Papers west and secured them in the vault of the First Presidency which only proved to be a thorn in the side of the Church to this day.

False prophecies and false translations go hand in hand in the world of Mormonism.
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