600 Years in The Book of Mormon

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Re: 600 Years in The Book of Mormon

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Tue Feb 22, 2022 5:42 am
What if Joseph simply chose not to write about anyone without a priesthood antenna?

The point is that you’d think NEPHI would have remembered his own mother’s passing while telling the story of his life but omitting her from the record on permanent plates shows a lack of regard on his part. Who would do that to their own mother? But really, it wasn’t Nephi’s fault because Joseph Smith was the real author behind the story and he screwed up and forgot the obituary. It’s hard to keep track of everything when mumbling a story from out of a hat. It was a dreadful oversight on Smith’s part. Surely Nephi, Sam, Jacob, and Joseph grieved at their mother’s funeral. But the Book of Mormon reads like an adventure tale written by a young man about men going off on wild adventures and women just don’t factor in to the story. Poor Moroni was all alone too and could have used some company, especially while wandering about for some 20 years not knowing what would become of him. But Moroni, like Nephi, is only interested in writing about his father. We are told very little about Moroni. The whole thing follows a pattern which began with Joseph Smith Jr. esteeming his father, Joseph Smith Sr., and this praise for the father is exemplified and carried over into the general pattern of the novel which glorifies men. Women just didn’t factor into the stories because they weren’t important and had little to offer in Smith’s stories. Women in the Book of Mormon are mere footnotes and their duties were to work behind the scenes while the men got all the glory. It was all about Peter priesthood. The girls get nothing but to share in those blessings. Sound familiar?
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Re: 600 Years in The Book of Mormon

Post by bill4long »

Sidebar (possibly) amusing anecdote:

A good friend of mine, when he was still a Mormbot, was a councilor in the ward in the bishopric. He told his good buddy, the bishop:

"Ya know, whenever I read the Book of Mormon, I just don't feel right. There is something off."

The bishop said,

"Well, Dan, then don't read it." :D

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