Banned From NOM

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_why me
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Re: Banned From NOM

Post by _why me »

Willy Law wrote:Why Me do you have any idea what the purpose of NOM is?
It is not a bunch of anti-Mormon critics trying to prove the church false. It is definitely not a place for debate.
If you want to argue come here, go to postmo go to exmo, that is not what NOM was set up for.
You are right, people there do not want to "take the heat" they want support and understanding. Most of people arrive there as there whole world is crumbling around them.
Judging from the type of "support" and "understanding" you and Simon and gang show for those questioning I would say they are wise to keep you away.
You want to bring the heat? Bring it here.
I've seen your heat, it's meat.

When someone posts only negatives about the lds church, and then a poster posts a positive or challenges the negative, he or she should not be banned. And that was my point. I was also banned from postmo during its early days when Jeff had control over much of the forum. During its early days, and it hasn't changed much, when a negative is challenged, the postmo posters gang up on the poster and eventually a ban will follow. The exmo site is no different. I think that I was the first banning on postmo during the days that I was questioning the lds church because of what I read on the internet. And that banning brought me to FAIR and the prediction from postmo that I would be banned there also. They were not nice guys on postmo or on NOM.

I see no freedom to challenge the negatives. And the positives are certainly not allowed. I see no democracy on exmo, postmo or on NOM.
I intend to lay a foundation that will revolutionize the whole world.
Joseph Smith

We are “to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to provide for the widow, to dry up the tear of the orphan, to comfort the afflicted, whether in this church, or in any other, or in no church at all…”
Joseph Smith
_Willy Law
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Re: Banned From NOM

Post by _Willy Law »

People do not go there to be challenged, they go there for a soft landing.
I cannot speak much for postmo or exmo since I never really posted there.
NOM was my home until I was ready to have my new views and beliefs challenged, then I came here.
Not every forum has to be a free for all. Critics get all pissy over being banned from MAD. I have no problem with it. Whoever created that forum did not want it a place for honest challenges of the church and that is their choice.
People scared after just discovering the ugly truth about the church would not have a place to collect their thoughts and emotions if the board was filled with orthodox b***s*** from the likes of you, Mike and Simon.
It is my province to teach to the Church what the doctrine is. It is your province to echo what I say or to remain silent.
Bruce R. McConkie
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Re: Banned From NOM

Post by _Gazelam »

For those interested I posted there under my real name Mike Tannehill.

They apparently sent me a message, but I couldent read what they said since they blocked me before I had a chance.
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. - Plato
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Re: Banned From NOM

Post by _moksha »

I imagine this banning will be recorded at MAD and used as an apologetic (See they do it too!!!) for their own capricious actions.
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_Dr. Shades
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Re: Banned From NOM

Post by _Dr. Shades »

Gazelam wrote:As time goes on I become increasingly aware of what a rare and special place Shady Acres really is.

Damn straight, sir!!

why me wrote:Critics of Mormonism who control websites, do not want democracy but like minded people to support their new testimonies.

I beg to differ.
"Finally, for your rather strange idea that miracles are somehow linked to the amount of gay sexual gratification that is taking place would require that primitive Christianity was launched by gay sex, would it not?"

--Louis Midgley
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Banned From NOM

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »


I can only imagine what kind of exchange Mr. Tannehill had with someone on the NOM board that would lead to his banning. Hrm. It might go something like this:

NOM: I'm dealing with some amount of frustration with the way the Mormon church was involved with Proposition 8. My brother, who is gay, was attacked by some Mormon boys in Wyoming, and wound up in the hospital. I think the Mormon church fosters a hatred toward homosexuals. It's good to see, at least, one Mormon authority apologize for his church's bigotry.

Mr. Tannehill: Your brother is a perversion of nature, and it's only natural for normal things to abhor a perversion. For example, geese will attack and kill a member of its own flock if it is born with a deformity. You need to repent for thinking ill of the Lord's church.

NOM Mod: Mr. Tannehill you're banned.

Mr. Tannehill on MAD: Those anti-Mormons are such extremists!


Once again, one has to wonder about the most virulent homophobes. Case after case we see the most outspoken homophobes harboring massive homosexual inclinations. In my opinion, aided by scandal after scandal, those who speak out against homosexuality are in reality speaking to themselves, trying to quell the the quiet storm raging inside themselves.

What does Mr. Tannehill do when he's alone? I'm certain he isn't passing time reading the scriptures. That's for sure.

Dr. Cam
In the face of madness, rationality has no power - Xiao Wang, US historiographer, 2287 AD.

Every record...falsified, every book rewritten...every statue...has been renamed or torn down, every date...altered...the process is continuing...minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Ideology is always right.
_why me
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Re: Banned From NOM

Post by _why me »

Dr. Shades wrote:
why me wrote:Critics of Mormonism who control websites, do not want democracy but like minded people to support their new testimonies.

I beg to differ.

With the exception of Mormondiscussions. Does that work?
I intend to lay a foundation that will revolutionize the whole world.
Joseph Smith

We are “to feed the hungry, to clothe the naked, to provide for the widow, to dry up the tear of the orphan, to comfort the afflicted, whether in this church, or in any other, or in no church at all…”
Joseph Smith
_Paul Osborne

Re: Banned From NOM

Post by _Paul Osborne »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:Hello,

What does Mr. Tannehill do when he's alone? I'm certain he isn't passing time reading the scriptures. That's for sure.

Dr. Cam

Perhaps he surfs the net looking at hot pics of naked men when the wife is out shopping. Maybe he is pretending to clean the closet while he shuts himself in.

Think of the flames and coals the angels are stoking as they prepare the furnace to toss all the homosexuals in at Judgement Day. There should be plenty of screams and agony then! The homosexuals are going to pay for their acts as they suffer in all that guilt. Such horrible people!


Paul O

Re: Banned From NOM

Post by _Yoda »

Gazelam wrote:Apparently the women in charge of NOM can't handle a friendly and intelligent exchange of ideas. They claim I was debating on their forum, which I was not. I was asked questions there and responded to them.

As time goes on I become increasingly aware of what a rare and special place Shady Acres really is. I disagree with the positions of most people here, but at least it is a place where the positions and thoughts can be discussed.

Sorry about your banning, Gazzy. :(

You know you always have a home here! :)
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Banned From NOM

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »


To quote Christopher Hitchens (reference the latest anti-homosexual Preacher):

... Bishop Eddie Long of the New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Georgia preaches that Bayard Rustin was a vile sinner who suffered from the curable "disease" of homosexuality. I have a rule of thumb for such clerics and have never known it to fail: Set your watch and sit back, and pretty soon they will be found sprawling lustily on the floor of the men's room.

People like Mr. Gaz (replace the z with a y and one might have discovered an enciphered message!) & Mr. Englund tend to overreach with their anti-homosexual hatred, and that in of itself tips their hand on their true agenda: Convincing themselves that they're not Gay.

Well, Sir. You are as gay as the day is long. Both of you. Deal with it in your own way, but stop messing with their civil liberties. They pay taxes. Their citizenship is as valid as yours, and they're entitled to all the rights and liberties as you enjoy. Think about that next time before you cross the line again.

Dr. Cam
In the face of madness, rationality has no power - Xiao Wang, US historiographer, 2287 AD.

Every record...falsified, every book rewritten...every statue...has been renamed or torn down, every date...altered...the process is continuing...minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Ideology is always right.
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