maklelan wrote:DrW wrote:There was no remorse, of course, because the Lafferties truly believed in Brigham Young's Mormon myth of Blood Atonement.
If you honestly believe that a man had no remorse for brutally murdering a 15-month-old girl and her mother exclusively or primarily because of an outdated and long-rejected bit of doctrine then you are just grotesquely stupid.
Out-dated and long-rejected? By the Salt Lake City branch of Mormonism, no doubt.
But that does not necessarily mean that what the Prophet Brigham Young taught no longer has any influence with groups or individuals who see themselves as just as authentically Mormon as Thomas S. Monson.
And as for "exclusively or primarily" - that of course would be hard to prove (and who is suggesting anything so naïve?). But given that Young does seem to have taught that under some circumstances the best thing you could do for someone was to spill their blood, can he be cleared of all responsibility so easily as that?