One hour church

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Re: One hour church

Post by _fetchface »

What's better than 3 hour church? Two hour church.

What's better than 2 hour church? One hour church.

What's better than 1 hour church? Zero hour church. :cool:
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Re: One hour church

Post by _moksha »

A truly abbreviated experience would be showing up long enough to stuff an envelope, swipe a card, or use a fund transfer app. To satisfy any spiritual aspects, there could also be a non-compunctory prayer wheel to spin followed by the one-sentence mantra, "I will obey".
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Re: One hour church

Post by _malkie »

A couple of people have mentioned church via internet.

For anyone who is seriously interested in a mormonish internet experience, you might want to try:

  • John Hamer is the pastor
  • Inclusive services - LGBTQ+ affirming. Interfaith (CoC)
  • History And Philosophy Lectures - e.g., "Who were the Magi", "Pagan Roots of Christmas", "The Origins of King Arthur's Legend"
  • Mindfulness Meditation
  • Theology Classes
  • Retreats
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Re: One hour church

Post by _Simon Southerton »

Mormon 8 wrote:I'm hearing several reports about the 'church' piloting and experimenting with one hour church in select stakes in both Arizona and Utah - can anyone corroborate this? The scuttlebutt is a 25 minute sacrament meeting, 5 minute break and then 30 minutes alternating between SS and priesthood/RS every other week.

I can confirm from active members in Adelaide that they are trialing 1 hour church there as well.

It just makes so much economic sense. With one hour church you can squeeze more wards into fewer buildings. Naturally, there will be surplus chapels in some areas which the church can sell so it can get its hands on even more filthy lucre. Meanwhile, members will need to spend even more on travel for church meetings, ministering, seminary etc.
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Re: One hour church

Post by _selek »

2bizE wrote:I would venture that most church goers go for the social interaction. Take away that and it dies.

That, and keeping up appearances.
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Re: One hour church

Post by _cwald »

Why not? If I gave one damn, I would be vocally supportive of the program. This one hour block sounds like a pretty good idea. Stop wasting members entire Sunday. Go get your spiritual message and be seen so everyone knows you are a faithful active member, and get the hell out of there and go home and watch football with the family.
"Jesus gave us the gospel, but Satan invented church. It takes serious evil to formalize faith into something tedious and then pile guilt on anyone who doesn’t participate enthusiastically." - Robert Kirby

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