Lavina Fielding Anderson dies as an exmormon - shame on the Brethren past and present

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I Have Questions
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Lavina Fielding Anderson dies as an exmormon - shame on the Brethren past and present

Post by I Have Questions »

Though Lavina Fielding Anderson can aptly be described as an intellectual giant in the field of Mormon studies, a brave activist, and a moral force for her critiques of ecclesiastical abuse in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, she also was deeply devout and never relinquished her Latter-day Saint beliefs or practices.

Anderson was, historian Ben Park wrote on Facebook, a “titan of modern Mormonism,” whose “fingerprints can be found on so much of modern Mormon studies, even if it was often thankless and invisible labor.”

She died early Sunday of respiratory failure secondary to pulmonary hypertension, son Christian Anderson said. She was 79. ... ditor-who/

Why was she excommunicated?
In 1993, Anderson published a chronology documenting cases of what she regarded as spiritual abuse by LDS Church leaders during the 1970s, 1980s, and early 1990s. This article became grounds[1] for her excommunication on charges of apostasy in September 1993, as one of the September Six.

She was excommunicated for telling the truth. She remained active and diligent in her ward and stake despite being excommunicated.
In 2019, her local stake leaders reconvened her court, and recommended her rebaptism to the First Presidency; this was rejected without a reason, nor conditions for reinstatement.
Disgusting behaviour by the Brethren.
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Re: Lavina Fielding Anderson dies as an exmormon - shame on the Brethren past and present

Post by Kishkumen »

I doubt the ex-communication means anything in the next life. If anything, she will be praised with heavenly choirs.
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Re: Lavina Fielding Anderson dies as an exmormon - shame on the Brethren past and present

Post by drumdude »

The brethren just wanted to make sure she had all the blessings of excommunication until the bitter end.

It’s actually a form of love.
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