Joseph Smth innocent trials, Stats, and the Book of Mormon.

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Joseph Smth innocent trials, Stats, and the Book of Mormon.

Post by hauslern »

Interesting video on the trials of Joseph Smith. Any stats experts challenge this?
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Re: Joseph Smth innocent trials, Stats and the Book of Mormon.

Post by Zosimus »

Maybe it’s incredibly good luck, but only if escaping from prison a couple times and dodging extradition to Missouri until an angry mob shoots you while you're in jail waiting to be tried for inciting a riot count as innocence.

Also, wasn't he found guilty in a few of them? ... ice_system
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Re: Joseph Smth innocent trials, Stats and the Book of Mormon.

Post by Boomer57 »

What kind of goof ball loser makes a video in a wrinkled vest and hideously ugly tie?? His methodology is way off to begin with. You can't compare legal proceedings from Joseph's time period to how things work today. Sorry. 'DIFFERENT COUNTRY'
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Re: Joseph Smth innocent trials, Stats and the Book of Mormon.

Post by drumdude »

The person in the video conflates being found innocent during trial with being let go without further prosecution.

Joseph was let go without trial numerous times, which happens more than 1 percent of the time:
Federal Data: 16 to 50 percent of federal crimes are declined from prosecution, per “Federal Justice Statistics.”

State Data: 34 percent of state felony cases are not convicted (approximately nine percent involve a deferred adjudication or diversion outcome), per “Felony Defendants in Large Urban Counties.”
On June 3, Smith appeared before Justice Flint in a preliminary hearing. Orson Hyde testified that "Smith seemed much excited and declared that Newell should be put out of the way, or where the crows could not find him: he said destroying Newell would be justifiable in the sight of God, that it was the will of God".[22] Denton testified that he, along with Davis, were tasked with murdering Newell. According to Denton, Smith spoke of "Newell; said he had injured the society, and that it was better for one man to suffer than to have the whole community disturbed; that it was the will of Heaven that Newell should be put out of the way, and that he would take the responsibility, for the deed was justifiable in the sight of God, and would be rewarded: but when we had killed him, he wanted his body secreted if possible."[22] Smith was released on a $500 bond.

On June 9, at hearing before the County Court, Smith appeared and the charges against him were dismissed. ... rosecuted/

Kyler Rasmussen would be proud, though. This man is on track to become a world class MoPologist with his shoddy thinking.
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