A little more information about "Six Days in August"

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A little more information about "Six Days in August"

Post by drumdude »

The AMC website shows a release date of October 10, 2024 and a runtime of 2 hours.

https://www.amctheatres.com/movies/six- ... gust-77150
DCP wrote:our new Interpreter Foundation theatrical film, Six Days in August, just had its first European screening. My wife and I watched it on my computer here in our hotel room. It’s the second time that we’ve seen the whole movie; we saw it the first time, in a slightly different (and very slightly longer) version, a couple of weeks ago. Six Days in August still needs to go through post-production work (e.g.. on sound, score, and color) to be fully ready for release in theaters, but it’s very gratifying to see it in its 95%-completed form.
It's no secret that cinemas are currently struggling with low attendance and a dearth of interesting content to play. Even more so than Witnesses, an important question about this film needs to be answered. Who is "Six Days in August" for? What audience is yearning to spend 2 hours in a cinema watching the Brighamite Church try to convince you that their branch is the authoritative successor to Joseph Smith's religion? This seems to be a topic much more suited for home video, played back on a rolling TV cart during early morning Seminary.

The worldwide gross for "Witnesses" is reportedly a paltry $855,765. And that was the turnout for Joseph Smith. If Interpreter is banking on Brother Brigham drawing a larger crowd, they must be hoping for a true LDS miracle.

But perhaps that isn't the point of a theatrical release. If "August" plays to thousands of empty seats, that may be a small price to pay. After all, the satisfaction of a small blog proprietor, grinning as he watches his name slowly scroll down the silver screen - can you really put a price on that?
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Everybody Wang Chung
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Re: A little more information about "Six Days in August"

Post by Everybody Wang Chung »

As one movie review wrote about Witnesses, "If Witnesses were a river it would be a mile wide and an inch deep."

I too was disappointed in Witnesses. Shallow, one dimensional cardboard cutout characters and just a series of unrelated and emotionless vignettes. Gone were any deep compelling discussions about Mormon doctrine or even discussions about the Book of Mormon itself. The movie had no passion or converting power in it. DCP blew a golden opportunity, and instead produced a total piece of crap that is already forgotten.

It will be interesting to see what DCP does with Six Days. Will the film try to make the case why the Book of Mormon and/or the Church is compelling and attractive as a belief system? Will Six Days have any passion? Will there be asphalt shingles, solar lights, plastic forks, freshly manicured lawns and hair highlights? Who the fetch knows.

I know DCP likes to record predictions made by us, so DCP here is a prediction for you. Six Days will make approximately 400k in box office receipts. DCP, you spent over $200,000 in advertising for Witnesses and less than 1% of LDS in the U.S. bothered to see it. I'm predicting even less people will want to see a movie about the leadership crisis in Nauvoo.
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Re: A little more information about "Six Days in August"

Post by Doctor Scratch »

It’s noteworthy that they haven’t released a trailer yet. I’m sure the Proprietor is still smarting over the drubbing he endured over the ridiculous and hilariously inept trailer for the last film. This BY project has been misguided from the start, and I think your guesses have some merit, Everybody Wang Chung. What’s clear is that the Proprietor has no qualms with throwing away donor money on Mopologetic projects.
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Re: A little more information about "Six Days in August"

Post by Moksha »

This might become the biggest blockbuster ever released in the Mormon corridor, eclipsing Avatar, Star Wars, and those Hogwarts movies. Dr. Peterson might be hailed as the LDS version of Cecil B. Demille. There might be sparkling grape juice flowing at the Interpreter to the Saints Foundation if only the bottles did not resemble wine. Can't have the appearance of evil so close to the BYU Campus.

Will those Mormon critics be shocked when the face of Brigham Young morphs into an approximation of the countenance of Joseph Smith utilizing the PaintNet software supplied with Windows? Their mouths will probably drop and they will tremble at the Celestial animatronics displayed! The work is expected to be comparable to that of videographer Terry Gilliam, illustrator of Monty Python, and many fine movies like The Holy Grail, Timebandits, and The Adventures of Baron Munchausen. Praise be to the crew of Six Days in August!
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Re: A little more information about "Six Days in August"

Post by drumdude »

The transfiguration scene will likely work like this:

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