Was the "I'm a Mormon" Campaign a 'major victory for Satan'?

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Was the "I'm a Mormon" Campaign a 'major victory for Satan'?

Post by sock puppet »

During the tenure of Thomas S. Monson as the Big Dog, the I'm a Mormon campaign was started in 2010 and continued to run. When he died in 2018, new Big Dog Russell M. Nelson quickly killed that ad campaign, declaring it was a 'major victory for Satan' whenever "Mormon" was used to identify the church or a member of it. Dutifully, Mormons eschewed the title, for example Mormon Central becoming Scripture Central, and 3 Mormons became Saints Unscripted.

a) Is Elohim so fickle he turns on a dime?

b) Was Monson a knight in service of Satan like Ace Frehley?

c) Was the 2018 change just Nelson talking as a man, but the Mormons bent their knees and confessed their sin of using 'Mormon' anyway?

This still sticks in my craw, even as a FoMo. For 8 years, there was a full-throated endorsement of the nickname Mormon, to then on the death of one and ascension of another, an about-face, 180 degree turn to being hypertechnical. Is this part and parcel of Elohim's mysterious ways?
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Re: Was the "I'm a Mormon" Campaign a 'major victory for Satan'?

Post by Moksha »

The way the Church works, a new President could just as easily reverse the current Mormon dictum and declare the name acceptable at some future time. Until then, why not junk all the current Books of Mormon and publish instead the Book of Russell?
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Re: Was the "I'm a Mormon" Campaign a 'major victory for Satan'?

Post by malkie »

I haven't hears anyone talking about this specific point, but I think there must have been a large behind-the-scenes cost of the change, and a bit of a scramble in some places - IT, for example.

Perhaps someone with expertise could estimate the cost of changing all of the Mormon. and LDS. websites to domains that were considered to be inoffensive to Jesus, and thus snated the victory from Satan's claws.

It appeared to me that Mr. Nelson had not considered how this change would affect the online presence of the church, and so there were no "staged" alternative domains ready for the changeover, which is how I think professional IT folks would perhaps have liked to have done it.
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Re: Was the "I'm a Mormon" Campaign a 'major victory for Satan'?

Post by drumdude »

There are parallels to Elon rebranding Twitter, against all advice that it would be a mistake.

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Re: Was the "I'm a Mormon" Campaign a 'major victory for Satan'?

Post by Everybody Wang Chung »

I think the whole “Mormon is a victory for Satan” thing is to stop investigators and inquisitive Mormons from actually googling the word "Mormon" and coming across all the thousands of factual "anti" websites/information. The whole thing is a PR move by a multi-billion dollar company trying to hide from all its bad Google reviews.
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Re: Was the "I'm a Mormon" Campaign a 'major victory for Satan'?

Post by Dr. Sunstoned »

This is Marketing 101. When your product doesn't sell, rebrand. If your product is not achieving desired sales, a strategy to potentially revitalize it is to change its image and perception in the market by giving it a new brand identity, including a new name, design, and marketing message.

Russell Nelson isn't that clever, but apparently, he does listen to all those MBAs in the COB. Now, TSCC has a new name and logo. Even the Tab got rebranded. The product still sucks though.
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Re: Was the "I'm a Mormon" Campaign a 'major victory for Satan'?

Post by huckelberry »

I think it should be understood as a game of publicity. Mormon is not a bad word or thing but the current LDS leadership thinks it distracts from the church's message so is a victory for Satan in terms of game strategy. As a matter of strategy in a game the strategy can change in the future. It is possible that the policy will change again sometime and Mormon become ok again. I do not know the future on this, however.
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Re: Was the "I'm a Mormon" Campaign a 'major victory for Satan'?

Post by sock puppet »

Rebranding? Or was it just one of Russell's hobby horses finally getting unleashed when he at last got to call the shots.

Ref. https://www.LDS.org/general-conference/ ... d?lang=eng
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Re: Was the "I'm a Mormon" Campaign a 'major victory for Satan'?

Post by I Have Questions »

sock puppet wrote:
Mon Jan 13, 2025 3:06 pm
Rebranding? Or was it just one of Russell's hobby horses finally getting unleashed when he at last got to call the shots.

Ref. https://www.LDS.org/general-conference/ ... d?lang=eng
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Re: Was the "I'm a Mormon" Campaign a 'major victory for Satan'?

Post by Moksha »

Mormons vs Latter-day Saints
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