Kwaku El posts violent anti-Dehlin video

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Dr Exiled
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Re: Kwaku El posts violent anti-Dehlin video

Post by Dr Exiled »

BlueFunk96 wrote:
Sun Dec 06, 2020 7:45 pm
I am a family law attorney who litigates domestic violence restraining orders. I've gotten DV restraining orders on weaker threats than this.
Probably temporary orders though, right, as the temporary order is merely based on a one-sided account? I could see a judge granting a temporary restraining order if there was a relationship situation, as these get volatile quickly at times. Then once the judge has both parties in front of her/him, not extending it that long if there isn't more than just a video like this one. However, the police won't waste their time on it in my experience and recommend seeking a TPO.

In this case, there isnt a relationship that we know of. Just two media hounds seeking attention.
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Re: Kwaku El posts violent anti-Dehlin video

Post by BlueFunk96 »

Permanent. The nature of the relationship, of course, depends on the credibility of the threat and its impact on the target.

Having had an opposing party make threats against my children before, despite the fact U was confident they were empty threats and I didn't think he knew where I lived, when you are the target of a threat of physical violence, it's better to take it seriously than not. You can't know if someone will try to follow through.

In any case, threats of violence, no matter the intent, should not be coming from someone purporting to speak in defense of a Christian church. I have no respect for anyone who defends or enables these things that Kwaku and his cohorts are saying.
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Re: Kwaku El posts violent anti-Dehlin video

Post by Dr Exiled »

BlueFunk96 wrote:
Sun Dec 06, 2020 9:34 pm
Permanent. The nature of the relationship, of course, depends on the credibility of the threat and its impact on the target.

Having had an opposing party make threats against my children before, despite the fact U was confident they were empty threats and I didn't think he knew where I lived, when you are the target of a threat of physical violence, it's better to take it seriously than not. You can't know if someone will try to follow through.

In any case, threats of violence, no matter the intent, should not be coming from someone purporting to speak in defense of a Christian church. I have no respect for anyone who defends or enables these things that Kwaku and his cohorts are saying.
There are degrees of response, right? I think kwaku is childish and too obvious of a media hound and he doesn't strike me as violent. Obviously, one never knows but there isnt the emotional tie to a relationship that is breaking up to warrant any action by the police without more, or the FBI. We are only talking about a borish video without more here. My guess is that nothing will come of the police and FBI reports. Now if it escalates, perhaps there might be something.

Let me ask you this as a fellow attorney that deals in domestic violence cases and criminal cases. There is a difference in making a police report and making a request for a restraining order as we know. One is more likely to get a restraining order granted at least temporarily on videos such as this than having the police do something. I'm not even sure what crime was committed by the obvious parody done in poor taste but an obvious parody nonetheless. Do you think the police will investigate Dehlin's claims? Will the FBI? Where I live, a place comparable to SLC in size, there is no chance the police will do anything and so this looks like a publicity stunt by Dehlin, a public spat that may take both he and Kwaku to a little more notariety.
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Re: Kwaku El posts violent anti-Dehlin video

Post by cwald »

TITS? Really?
lemuel wrote:
Sat Dec 05, 2020 10:15 pm

I'm just getting a boner at the prospect of the Q15 watching these videos in their weekly meeting and discussing "what should be done about this Kwaku?" And Gerrit Gong trying to explain the plot of Inglorious Basterds to the Octogenarians.
Yeah. And Packer freaking out and vomiting when the acronym 'TITS' is displayed on the big screen.
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Re: Kwaku El posts violent anti-Dehlin video

Post by Meadowchik »

Dr Exiled wrote:
Sun Dec 06, 2020 11:46 pm
BlueFunk96 wrote:
Sun Dec 06, 2020 9:34 pm
Permanent. The nature of the relationship, of course, depends on the credibility of the threat and its impact on the target.

Having had an opposing party make threats against my children before, despite the fact U was confident they were empty threats and I didn't think he knew where I lived, when you are the target of a threat of physical violence, it's better to take it seriously than not. You can't know if someone will try to follow through.

In any case, threats of violence, no matter the intent, should not be coming from someone purporting to speak in defense of a Christian church. I have no respect for anyone who defends or enables these things that Kwaku and his cohorts are saying.
There are degrees of response, right? I think kwaku is childish and too obvious of a media hound and he doesn't strike me as violent. Obviously, one never knows but there isnt the emotional tie to a relationship that is breaking up to warrant any action by the police without more, or the FBI. We are only talking about a borish video without more here. My guess is that nothing will come of the police and FBI reports. Now if it escalates, perhaps there might be something.

Let me ask you this as a fellow attorney that deals in domestic violence cases and criminal cases. There is a difference in making a police report and making a request for a restraining order as we know. One is more likely to get a restraining order granted at least temporarily on videos such as this than having the police do something. I'm not even sure what crime was committed by the obvious parody done in poor taste but an obvious parody nonetheless. Do you think the police will investigate Dehlin's claims? Will the FBI? Where I live, a place comparable to SLC in size, there is no chance the police will do anything and so this looks like a publicity stunt by Dehlin, a public spat that may take both he and Kwaku to a little more notariety.
Would you honestly not be concerned about this imagery being a catalyst for uglier and more concrete Deznat stuff?

There ARE some scary Mormon elements right now, especially if you're a public figure. An otherwise harmless person could set them on someone due to his influence.
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Re: Kwaku El posts violent anti-Dehlin video

Post by Moksha »

Dr Exiled wrote:
Sun Dec 06, 2020 4:52 pm
I think Dehlin shouldn't have called the cops on this childish meme. I don't think there is any real danger to Dehlin from this and I suspect reporting this to the cops is a way to bring attention to the video so Dehlin can play victim. It makes him look weak and plays a little bit into Kwaku's fantasy that somehow Dehlin is on the run.
Over at the Great and Specious board, Cinepro made the point that the video used the real-life names John Dehlin and Jeremy Runnells in showing their deaths at the hands of FAIRMormon and Kwaku, rather than Mormon Stories and the CES Letter. How would you respond to a character bearing your real-life name getting snuffed out? How would one craft the correct response? Obviously, you are not going to bitch slap Honorentheos, so wouldn't the next logical step be to call the Cache Valley 911 number?
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Re: Kwaku El posts violent anti-Dehlin video

Post by Kishkumen »

Moksha wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 7:04 am
Over at the Great and Specious board, Cinepro made the point that the video used the real-life names John Dehlin and Jeremy Runnells in showing their deaths at the hands of FAIRMormon and Kwaku, rather than Mormon Stories and the CES Letter. How would you respond to a character bearing your real-life name getting snuffed out? How would one craft the correct response? Obviously, you are not going to bitch slap Honorentheos, so wouldn't the next logical step be to call the Cache Valley 911 number?
Before 2016 I doubt I would have thought much of it. Maybe I was naïve, but I doubt it ever would have crossed my mind to take it at all seriously. That was before QAnon, Trumpism, and DezNat. Since these phenomena have cropped up, and we have seen people radicalized by conspiracy theories and weird nationalist cults, I think one does have to take these things seriously. Kwaku and his pals are opportunists, so it is not like I think they are, in and of themselves, doing much more than making a name for themselves in order to create their own profitable brand. Kwaku in particular obviously wants to be a celebrity. That is not directly dangerous.

What is dangerous is the fan who gets whipped up by the misinformation, tribalism, and violent imagery to do something tragically stupid and deadly. To ask whether we should be concerned about Kwaku as though Kwaku would show up at John Dehlin's house with an assault rifle is to ask the wrong question, and anyone who has been paying any attention for the last four years knows this. What we should be concerned about is more complicated. It is that wanna-be online celebrities who have no scruples radicalize others for their own gain. Kwaku and friends are not stupid either. What they are, as has been plainly shown by their actions--think of Kwaku's maskless dance parties--is totally irresponsible. The people they inspire will be the ones who are directly deadly.
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Re: Kwaku El posts violent anti-Dehlin video

Post by Shulem »

Exactly. Quacko is a silly buffoon out to have a good time and make a ruckus doing it but the political and social environment is changing and that is widely a result of Trump who has changed the playing field.

Quacko is inciting violence in a indirect way but that can have serious consequences because his messaging carries across the waves and is picked up by others who will carry the ball, act it out, and are capable of committing the dastard deeds in some form or another.

If something does happen to Dehlin -- there will be a court and Quacko will be hauled in and tried and very likely be held responsible for whispering "fire" in a crowded theatre.

Oh, I think we will see legal charges in some form or fashion.
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Re: Kwaku El posts violent anti-Dehlin video

Post by Moksha »

Kishkumen wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 1:18 pm
What we should be concerned about is more complicated. It is that wanna-be online celebrities who have no scruples radicalize others for their own gain. Kwaku and friends are not stupid either. What they are, as has been plainly shown by their actions--think of Kwaku's maskless dance parties--is totally irresponsible. The people they inspire will be the ones who are directly deadly.
Republican state officials in Georgia are being mau-maued on a daily basis because someone totally irresponsible set them on this course of action. People can get pretty extreme when religion is involved.
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Re: Kwaku El posts violent anti-Dehlin video

Post by Kishkumen »

Moksha wrote:
Mon Dec 07, 2020 4:39 pm
Republican state officials in Georgia are being mau-maued on a daily basis because someone totally irresponsible set them on this course of action. People can get pretty extreme when religion is involved.
Indeed, Moksha! That is why the church is run by milquetoast managers and works through lawyers and pencil-necked geeks. They generally keep things as mild and restrained as they can. It is the membership that is more likely to take things to extremes. Now that so many of them have been Trumpized, this Kwaku stuff looks like the ticket to protecting the Church from critics. In reality it is potentially dangerous.
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