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Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 10:17 pm
by _Nortinski
Coggins7 wrote:Well, Nort admits to not being able to sleep at night (and this is understandable)

Sorry sport, I hate to burst your bubble but my difficulty in sleeping has nothing to do with guilt and everything to do with being a bail bondsman for 11 years and waking up about 15-20 times every single night, 7 days a week getting people out of jail. My favorite customer over the years was the Mormon missionary that fondled a teenage girl at a members house. I had a lengthy conversation with him about the cult.


Norts Faith

Posted: Mon Nov 06, 2006 6:26 am
by _Gazelam

Thanks alot for making this post. Its nice to get an Honest post from you instead of the tounge in cheek anger you express alot of the time.

Commenting on a few key lines from your "testimony" or "confession of faith", whichever title you would like to apply:

God in person vs Faith: What do you see would be accomplished if God himself were to appear in his Glory? This gets into the area of the purpose of life and personal responsibility. How do you view the idea of Faith as a tool? What is the purpose of the principle of Faith in your view? Also, how do you think our relationship to God would change if our belief grew or escalated from a faith base to a pure knowledge base? Which base would you rather be judged under? I personally feel that I have been in the presence of God when I received my witness of the Holy Ghost, which went far beyond a simple burning in the bosum. I also feel that it is that knowledge that I will now be judged by. I got what I asked for, and where much is given much is required.

Christ is his own father: What do you base this belief on? In all accounts that I have read, Christ declared himself the Fathers Son. Their oneness is explained in the intercessory prayer. Pleae expand further on this view if you would.

No belief in Noah or Adam and Eve: I hear the Noah arguement quite frequently. I contend against this with the testimony of all the different cultures around the world that have a history of the flood story as a part of their culture, despite being separated by vast gulfs. Also the Flood was a global flood that was the baptism of the earth. What is your view of the creation if you do not have a belief in Adam and Eve?

Baptist and Presbyterian: What do you find in these beliefs that draws you in as compared to your old beliefs?

15 year old daughters dateing: I am with you on this one. My dughter is 2 1/2, I dread sending her out in the future. There is an excellent talk given by Jeffrey R Holland on the Law of Chastity. I don't think theres anything overly "Mormony" that you would disagree with in it. This is one of my all time favorite talks, and I get alot out of it when I read it or listen to it.

Avoid Holier than thou: This is a huge issue. I think if more people on boards like these would adhere to that, there would be a higher level of discussion than the juvenile high-jinks we see going on. I've gotten a little atitude at times, and I've gone back and erased some of my posts. Maybe its a maturity thing, I don't know. But pride can destroy alot. it brought down Lucifer from his exalted position, and then he followed that up by convinceing 1/3 to follow with him.

Thanks again for your post,
