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Re: Award for Best Bile and Demands directed to Apologists

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:12 pm
by _Some Schmo
silentkid wrote:
cinepro wrote:Which one's Supe, and which one's Lex? It works both ways.... :confused:

That's a good question. All I know for sure is that crocket is Jimmy Olsen.


You are on a roll, man.

Re: Award for Best Bile and Demands directed to Apologists

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 10:07 pm
by _KimberlyAnn
Some Schmo wrote:ROTFLMAO

You are on a roll, man.

SK has a wicked sense of humor. Go to his profile and check out his blog. You'll love his movie reviews.


Re: Award for Best Bile and Demands directed to Apologists

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2009 11:50 pm
by _moksha
silentkid wrote:
All I know for sure is that crocket is Jimmy Olsen.

What does that leave for LOaP?


Re: Award for Best Bile and Demands directed to Apologists

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 12:47 am
by _Mister Scratch
Hi there, Bob. That was a pretty good post you wrote. Thanks for the tribute. I see that you, too, are frothing at the mouth over the prospect of the Mopologists being set apart.

Re: Award for Best Bile and Demands directed to Apologists

Posted: Fri Apr 03, 2009 2:39 am
by _rcrocket
No, I'm galled and feel a need to apologize for being galled.

Re: Award for Best Bile and Demands directed to Apologists

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 4:39 am
by _Daniel Peterson
rcrocket wrote:The award for best use of bile, go to -- yes -- Mr. Scratch -- for four separate events:

To doubleagent on April 1, 2009: "How that must gall you! "

To rcrocket on March 25, 2009: "How that must gall you."

To Peterson on March 14, 2009: "Does that gall you, or something?"

To Peterson on August 31, 2008: "Boy, it must really gall you."

The award for best fishing expedition -- yes -- for an apology, goes to Mr. Scratch!

To Peterson on March 16, 2009: "I hope that our dear Father who Art in Heaven will cause The Good Professor to realize that an apology is necessary."

To Hamblin on Feb. 27, 2009: "If I were you, I would urge Prof. Hamblin to issue a public apology on FAIR."

To SHIELDS on Jan. 31, 2009: "One wonders why SHIELDS didn't delete the material, let alone issue an apology."

To Peterson on Jan 27, 2009: "I've said it before and I will say it again: a simple apology, for your bad behavior online and in print (in the FARMS Review) would permanently end my career on the messageboards."

To Smac on Jan. 10, 2009: "No typical Mopologist would ever offer up a mature, well-meaning, sincere retraction/apology . . . ."

To Lifeonaplate, Dec. 8, 2008: "I'm afraid I cannot accept your apology."

To Peterson on Dec. 1, 2008: "No apology has, as of yet, come forth from the Chief Apologist."

To the Church on Nov. 7, 2007: "I'll happily retract and apologize profusely if you can produce one single instance of the institutional Church ever offering up a sincere apology."

To Wade on Dec. 1, 2006: "You are a liar, and you are going to need to repent for this one, my friend. An apology is in order, too."

To Plutarch on Nov. 7, 2007: "I'll be waiting, very patiently, for that apology."

To Wade on Dec 27, 2006: "An apology would be nice, Wade."

To Wade on Dec. 31, 2006: 'Face it: you were dishonest, and you owe me and others an apology. You have been called to repentance."

To Peterson on Feb. 7, 2007: "I will continue to wait for an apology, just as I have ever since he unethically smeared me on FAIR."

Frankly, I gave up after this one; there were so, so many demands for apology I just gave up. (Indeed, the indexer doesn't even index the word "apologize" as too common -- thanks to Scratch.) I wish you all would shut the heck up about telling Scratch to shut up. He's the greatest.

And here's yet another one, directed at me just today:

Mister Scratch wrote:It seems to me that your best choice in this instance is a sincere public apology.

Re: Award for Best Bile and Demands directed to Apologists

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 6:12 am
by _Yoda
rcrocket wrote:No, I'm galled and feel a need to apologize for being galled.


Re: Award for Best Bile and Demands directed to Apologists

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:18 pm
by _Daniel Peterson
Mister Scratch wrote:I see that you, too, are frothing at the mouth over the prospect of the Mopologists being set apart.


He's really, really galled by it, that's for sure.

Re: Award for Best Bile and Demands directed to Apologists

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:24 pm
by _Mister Scratch
I ought to do a search for how many times DCP says "malign," "blacken my character," "defame," or whatever his usual litany of self-serving, hyper-ventilating whining du jour happens to be.

Re: Award for Best Bile and Demands directed to Apologists

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:27 pm
by _Daniel Peterson
Mister Scratch wrote:I ought to do a search for how many times DCP says "malign," "blacken my character," "defame," or whatever his usual litany of self-serving, hyper-ventilating whining du jour happens to be.

Feel free!