How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

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Re: How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

Post by _Thama »

My experience was alternatingly enjoyable and miserable: I took a while to get adjusted to the work, and I faced bouts of depression at times during the first year. The second year was actually a lot of fun, as I realized that I was happier when in a bike area (exercise mitigated my depression and insomnia), and I had a lot of "success". I still keep up with one of my convert families to this day, and I'm glad that they are still happy in church even as I've found more happiness away from it.

Like others here, I wish that the 2 years of service had been used to something more inherently productive. Nonetheless, I think that many of those I baptized improved their lives by joining the Church, and I was never the sort of missionary to ram an investigator through the process that didn't really want to be there in the first place. I learned a lot of skills, from breaking and entering apartment complexes :twisted: to fluent Spanish, and I think my priorities and outlook on life were drastically changed for the better by 2 years of genuine service, regardless of its level of efficiency.
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_Always Thinking
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Re: How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

Post by _Always Thinking »

While I enjoyed my mission in general, I really wish I hadn't gone.

I am female. I felt it was more important to get married and/or go on a mission than it was to finish my degree. I don't know that I ever said it to myself in those exact words, but now it is obvious that finishing school was not as much a priority as going on a mission or getting married. So, I half heartedly went to college, and then went on a mission, got married, and had babies.

The mission was fun, socially, but overall, it was pretty worthless. I hated (hated!!) being a sales person, and that is exactly what I was! I was selling a product. I had one comp in particular who was very good at it, and it made me so uncomfortable. I hated doing role plays, I hated being pushy, I just didn't like it.

I served stateside, so I didn't really get to experience any other fun, exciting culture, either.

Overall, I enjoyed the social aspect of it. I truly thought I was doing God's work, so I valued it for that reason, too. Now that I'm out of the church, I can see what a waste it was and how much I forced myself to try to believe that it was worthwhile to be an annoying, pushy salesperson.

A few years ago, I reconnected with a Catholic guy I had dated when I was younger. He went to Notre Dame University, and then he went to Chile for two years to work in an orphanage! No proselytizing, just true charity work. I was so jealous!

And, the bottom line is that I really really wish I had finished my degree during that time. It is much harder to finish now that I have a family that needs my attention!
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Re: How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

Post by _KimberlyAnn »

silentkid wrote: I just hope that his experience wasn't as miserable as mine.

I hope he didn't have to eat goat face.

Good thread, Roger.

_Black Moclips
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Re: How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

Post by _Black Moclips »

Generally, I thought it was a great experience. I went to Spain, Las Palmas, and it was very challenging to say the least. When I arrived, the mission was at the tail end of a "baptize at any cost" cycle, and we felt the effects our whole mission. Our mission went from baptizing hundreds to barely double digits each month. The branches were small, there wasn't a strong core of local leadership, and members didn't trust you as much because of all the crazy things the previous missionaries did before, etc. My time was a clean up mission. We also knocked doors (tocango puertas) almost every day, and had to keep records because it was possible to clear a whole area in some locations. It was an island, laid back culture, where people were deeply, inactively catholic. So in my entire 2 years, I only made it through all the discussions twice. One lady was the sister of a member and she and her small children joined. The other individual that was baptized was a single guy, who became very dedicated and actually later served a mission, but then left the church because he was gay.

But all of that said, I really valued the experience. I believed in what I was doing at the time, so I can't say I regret it now that I've sort of moved away spiritually from the church. But it was hard, very hard though. Like going off into the desert without water to see how long you could last. Those tiny sips of water went a long way when you finally got them. But such is life, and you learn the most in times of hardship like that. I also learned the value of community service, as that was the one thing we could actually do consistently without being rejected. For several months, I was in an area where there was a Catholic church/old folks home residence. At lunch time, we would go help the staff serve meals to the elderly, and boy was that a great experience. No selling the church, no other motives than to spend some time with people and help them out.

And the ultimate best part about it, was that I met my wife there! She was a sister missionary, and we served together several times. All above board by the way, not shenanigans while we were out there. But afterwards, we kept in contact and eventually got together. So if I had to do it all over again, I would! (ssshhh, she is watching me type this...) :lol:
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_Jason Bourne
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Re: How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

Post by _Jason Bourne »

bcspace wrote:I feel pretty good about mine. I very quickly became able to defeat any other christian lay person or minister in religious debate. I was privileged to have a significant part in over 40 baptisms including whole familes. I am still in contact with most of them and there is not an apostate among them. In fact, there are several generations of missionaries, bishops, and stake presidents.

We baptized, white, black, latino, asian, jew, croatian, armenian, male, female, gay, and straight.

If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't fear it so much at the beginning. You know, the public speaking thing.

Well said Ammon.
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Re: How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

Post by _Inconceivable »

Jason Bourne wrote:
bcspace wrote:I feel pretty good about mine. I very quickly became able to defeat any other christian lay person or minister in religious debate. I was privileged to have a significant part in over 40 baptisms including whole familes. I am still in contact with most of them and there is not an apostate among them. In fact, there are several generations of missionaries, bishops, and stake presidents.

We baptized, white, black, latino, asian, jew, croatian, armenian, male, female, gay, and straight.

If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't fear it so much at the beginning. You know, the public speaking thing.

Well said Ammon.

I don't think Ammon was a masterdebater.

I was taught that even though you might feel good when your doing it, you lost the spirit until you repented.

Please clarify, was this a Mormon mission, BC?

(by the way, the big horn you're blowing sounds a little flat)
_Jason Bourne
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Re: How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

Post by _Jason Bourne »

I don't think Ammon was a masterdebater.

HAaaaaahahahaaaaaaa! :lol:

I should have said Ammon wannabeeeee..................................
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Re: How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

Post by _bcspace »

Please clarify, was this a Mormon mission, BC?

Yes. LA

(by the way, the big horn you're blowing sounds a little flat)

Only to the deaf.
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_Roger Morrison
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Re: How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

Post by _Roger Morrison »

bcspace wrote:I feel pretty good about mine. I very quickly became able to defeat any other christian lay person or minister in religious debate. I was privileged to have a significant part in over 40 baptisms including whole familes. I am still in contact with most of them and there is not an apostate among them. In fact, there are several generations of missionaries, bishops, and stake presidents.

We baptized, white, black, latino, asian, jew, croatian, armenian, male, female, gay, and straight.

If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't fear it so much at the beginning. You know, the public speaking thing.

Avitars are so confusing. For a while I wasn't sure of your gender. Now your age is in wonder.
"...several generations of missionaries, bishops, and stake presidents..." Generation is generally thought of as 20 years... several 20's?? AND in leadership roles!

It must have been exciting to be in such a dynamic Mission. I had a young friend in an Oregon Mission in the 60s that was as you describe yours. The envy of me as a lowly Stake Missionary. Did you knowingly baptize Gays? How could they pass their interview? Thanks for your contribution...
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Re: How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

Post by _Eyepatch »

How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?:

A total, and complete waste of time. I was a rule-keeping sort of missionary, hence I feel cheated and abused by the leadership. I have come to realize that the leadership are simply flogging their missionaries as hard as they can so that THEY can advance in the giant Mormon multi-level marketing machine. They are all bucking for GA positions. I was just a tool to be worn out in the larger goal of their ass-kissing, upward leadership arc.

F*** them. They know that the "church" isn't true. They should be kinder to the VOLUNTEERS who come to their areas.
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