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Re: Poll: Should Stem stay or go?

Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 8:06 pm
by _Dwight Frye
I say stay. The more the merrier. Variety is the spice of life. Et cetera.

Just don't expect me to read or respond to anything you write. I've typically found it pretty worthless.

Re: Poll: Should Stem stay or go?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:35 am
by _ShadowFax
I didn't take the poll b/c my response wasn't listed.

It's your choice. If you want to stay and think there's a value for you -- stay. If you think there's no value for you -- go.
According to the board intro it's an open board and apparently all views are welcome. In that sense why does it matter what people think of yours. Follow the rhythm of your own music.

You've only joined the board recently - a month before me. It often takes a while for people to establish a bond on a board given to limitations of a board. Maybe people don't know you well enough to be bonded to you one way or the other??

I will say that I find the task of holding a conversation with you a challenge, most recently the exchange on the thread, 'Is Ray Gone?'. Although it started out rocky it ended well.
((I still have a hard time believing that you don't understand the concepts of the degrees of glory/temple while being a mopologist on a board that could essentially be thought of as an exmo board. I wouldn't have the guts to go on this same type of a Jehovahs witness board as an apologist if I didn't know the central doctrines, even if I were a J.with.))

That said, I have to remind myself constantly that even when we (as in people in general) don't agree, our opinions are our own unique journey and that individuality in itself can be respected if nothing else. There must be something in this board for you or it's highly unlikely you'd be invovled in it. If nothing else I can use the opportunity of this kind of board interaction to accept and embrace each persons journey and maybe even learn to celebrate your particular stand, even though it's one I don't personally want.

If I'm being "bad" on a topic then you could point it out and it could be room for both of us to move towards our goal of love. (that often difficult-to-define word.) If we both resond to each other with reminders then that could be a very good thing.
The thing is that I can understand you because I was like you.....well....maybe not like you exactly but I was a very strong believer who tried to defend my beliefs and went on a mission. You might have a little more difficult time understanding me, as it seems to me that you haven't lived life on the exmo side of the road. If I'm wrong in that summary I apologize and will change it where necessary.

Sorry for the long blurb, but to prevent misunderstandings I thought it important to be more specific.

On a side note: Our last chat about the degrees of Glory/temple is described in an apostimony on the 'IamAnExmormon' site link below. I think the woman does a good job of capturing some of the essence of my own feelings, thoughts and experience. You may (or may not) find it helpful as a follow up to our conversation. I share it with you only in the spirit of sharing/conveying understanding. I will understand if you don't have the same experience. Afterall, we are different people, even though our main goal in life may be the same. ... ex-mormon/

well, I'm off to enjoy my Saturday night.

Re: Poll: Should Stem stay or go?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 1:40 am
by _Wisdom Seeker
About six months ago I would have said GO! Not because of you personally, but just my general attitude about people I may disagree with. Now I would say, do and say what you feel, if I don't like it, I can always ignore it.

Re: Poll: Should Stem stay or go?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:00 am
by _zeezrom
Stay Stem!

Re: Poll: Should Stem stay or go?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:18 am
by _moksha
Stay and put up a good defense for the Church. This is the frontier for apologetics. MAD on the other hand is both the country club and the retirement villa for such apologetics.

Re: Poll: Should Stem stay or go?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:28 am
by _zeezrom
moksha wrote:Stay and put up a good defense for the Church. This is the frontier for apologetics. MAD on the other hand is both the country club and the retirement villa for such apologetics.

Just think Stem - If you can handle this place, you can handle any of your future questioning relatives as they begin to read and for the first time!

Re: Poll: Should Stem stay or go?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:30 am
by _zeezrom
I just realized something!

MDB is helping Mormon apologetics while MDD is just making it worse. What a great place this is!

Re: Poll: Should Stem stay or go?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 2:30 am
by _honorentheos
Stem -

I voted that you stay, but think that Shadowfax's post was spot on. Do what you feel is best for you.

Speaking of Shadowfax, you should read the quote below while keeping in mind that Stak was once a fan of Ayn Rand when he takes to passing judgement on you (the tie-in being Shadowfax is a horse in the LOTR) -

"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves hobbits."

Re: Poll: Should Stem stay or go?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 3:01 am
by _ShadowFax
honorentheos wrote:Stem -

Speaking of Shadowfax, you should read the quote below while keeping in mind that Stak was once a fan of Ayn Rand when he takes to passing judgement on you (the tie-in being Shadowfax is a horse in the LOTR) -

"There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves hobbits."

hahaha, so that's my excuse!!
I'm not familiar with Atlas Shrugged, but upon reading a little summary just now it doesn't seem like something I would have been drawn to as a teen; which likely explains my emotionally stunted adulthood.

I'm also not extremely up on Ayn Rand, except that she's noted for developing a philosophical system she called Objectivism. (wiki)
I imagine when people pre-Rand were objective they had absolutely no term for it. Either that or they weren't being properly objective until Ayn Rand came along and described how to go about it.
How does one living in the early-mid 1930's develop the philosophy of objectivism? I didn't realize the art of being objective was that nascent. just kidding, playing with the phrase "she developed the philosophy system of objectivism" sourced from wiki.

anyway... I must hand over my LOTR nerd crown to Consiglieri. I'm not really up on the movies and he knew the meaning of the name shadowfax from the movie, in my opinion kicking me off my self appointed LOTR nerd throne. All hail king consiglieri!

Re: Poll: Should Stem stay or go?

Posted: Sun Mar 27, 2011 4:36 am
by _Lucretia MacEvil
You've gotten some good advice so far. Surprise us all and internalize a little of it, why don't you?

Who can blame the posters who have blocked you? Some very intelligent people have wasted hours of their time trying to help you, but you continue on your oblivious and tunnel-visioned way.

I wouldn't block you (or probably anyone, ever) and would never ask you to leave. I'll be sorry if you do leave, as a matter of fact. I enjoy reading different personalities on the board, even the astoundingly unself-aware.

So, leave or stay according to the dictates of your conscience and not according to the results of a poll. There are plenty of lurkers here, no doubt, who should be taken into account as well as those who have made it a point to respond to you.

One more thing, though, is that you really should try to not make everything about yourself. You aren't here defending your faith, you are defending nothing but your own ego, and it's tedious.

Lucretia (wants to be a therapist in her next life) MacEvil