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Re: Congress inching closer to piping down criticism of reli

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 5:16 pm
by _honorentheos
I wish my congressperson was on that list.

Re: Congress inching closer to piping down criticism of reli

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 6:31 pm
by _maklelan
ldsfaqs wrote:What is even more retarded about all this is that according to FBI Statistics (which is reliable) most "hate" crime is actually occuring against JEWS. Muslims recieve a tiny percentage of the hate when it comes to religion.

There's a difference between liberal media focus, and reality, as well as discussion of serious issues in relation to Islam, calling such "hate" when it's not hate.

Man, you seriously swallowed the hook on the whole right wing lunatic rhetoric, didn't you? In suggesting anti-Muslims sentiment isn't a big deal because anti-Jewish sentiment is more common, you're appealing to a fallacy known as relative privation. The biggest problem with your unthinking rhetoric here, though, is that it ignores the vast range of incidents that qualify as "hate crimes" under the FBI's rubric. When you distinguish the types of hate crimes, something comes into very clear focus. There are not public businesses beginning to hang signs in their windows saying, "This Is a Jew Free Zone," nor are innocent non-Jewish folks being beaten in the streets for looking Jewish, nor are synagogues being burned to the ground, nor are presidential candidates actually suggesting we stop allowing Jewish people into the country, nor do a third of Democrats want it to be illegal to be Jewish in the United States. These are things that are happening to Muslims, and with your troglodyte-level rhetoric you're making it worse and your facilitating more and more serious anti-Muslim sentiments and actions. Grow up.

Re: Congress inching closer to piping down criticism of reli

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 6:46 pm
by _Quasimodo

27 Notwithstanding, lest we should offend them, go thou to the sea, and cast an hook, and take up the fish that first cometh up; and when thou hast opened his mouth, thou shalt find a piece of money: that take, and give unto them for me and thee.

Neat trick! So, all we need to do is make sure every Priest, Minister and Bishop has a fishing pole. All tithing problems solved.

Re: Congress inching closer to piping down criticism of reli

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2016 8:15 pm
by _honorentheos
To make it clear, I disagree rather strongly with the wording of the OP's title. There is a difference between Congress making a statement in reaction to a rise in intolerance of a certain group of people, in this case defined by their religion, and the US Congress "piping down" on criticism of religion. When one can substitute God belief in for another human being's personhood to excuse a personal prejudice, they're over a line I would gladly stand in defense of any day. That's not favoring religion. It's being a civilized human being.