Dan Peterson libels mormondiscussions.com

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Re: Dan Peterson libels mormondiscussions.com

Post by _moksha »

Sounds more like some freshman at BYU struggling with English 101.

"weaker sicker weaker sicker gobble waddle gobble waddle."

Is this true because of the chiasmus-like quality of this message to Dr. Peterson?
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Re: Dan Peterson libels mormondiscussions.com

Post by _MsJack »

Doesn't sound like anyone who posts here. I guess he could be a reader who doesn't post, but then he isn't really a "representative" of the board, is he?

Could be Darrick Evenson or another former Mopologist-darling-turned-apostate.

Years ago, I read a Christian book that contained a flowery love story about a man who goes to meet his mystery penpal whom he is in love with. One of those chain e-mail stories from the late 90s / early aughts.

What surprised me was that the authors presented it as a true story that actually happened. I checked their footnote which said something like, "The source for this story is unknown, but the story is true."

Wait a second. How do you know the story is true if you don't know the source??

As it turns out, the story was 100% made-up, and had been published without attribution by several Christian authors (including Max Lucado):


This is reminding me of the yellow rose penpal story all over again.
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_I have a question
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Re: Dan Peterson libels mormondiscussions.com

Post by _I have a question »

This is most curious.

While listening to the multi-person presentation introducing ScripturePlus, I received an important anonymous communication from an avid reader of Dr. Shades’s Peterson Obsession Board:
disgusting dishonest creepy waddlin simp nigglin. betcha little granddaughter gonna be proud a her fatula
Plainly, the deliberations at the Obsession Board often inspire him to share his deepest thoughts with me. This was his twelfth note to me over the past ten days. Admittedly, not all of them have been so articulate or so family-friendly — though one of Monday’s communications came pretty close:

https://www.patheos.com/blogs/danpeters ... rence.html

So, instead of paying attention to the presentation he's attending, he's checking (constantly?) his phone/tablet/laptop for e mails. He's had 12 such offensive e mails in 10 days, but hasn't blocked the sender or simply deleted the e mails without reading them.

I conclude that Peterson is happy to receive such e mails, and wants to continue receiving them. Why else would someone not only continually allow such e mails into his inbox, but also advertise to the perpetrator that he's reading them, and interrupting other activities to do so? The lady doth protest too much, methinks...the emails (whether real or otherwise) are serving Peterson too well for him to consider taking the really simple actions necessary to put a stop to them. In fact, I feel I'm not setting Peterson a good example by paying attention to a thread about him in the first place. Perhaps I should be ignoring him and any threads about him. Food for thought. /$0.02
“When we are confronted with evidence that challenges our deeply held beliefs we are more likely to reframe the evidence than we are to alter our beliefs. We simply invent new reasons, new justifications, new explanations. Sometimes we ignore the evidence altogether.” (Mathew Syed 'Black Box Thinking')
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Re: Dan Peterson libels mormondiscussions.com

Post by _Shulem »

I have a question wrote:So, instead of paying attention to the presentation he's attending, he's checking (constantly?) his phone/tablet/laptop for e mails. He's had 12 such offensive e mails in 10 days, but hasn't blocked the sender or simply deleted the e mails without reading them.

I conclude that Peterson is happy to receive such e mails, and wants to continue receiving them. Why else would someone not only continually allow such e mails into his inbox, but also advertise to the perpetrator that he's reading them, and interrupting other activities to do so? The lady doth protest too much, methinks...the emails (whether real or otherwise) are serving Peterson too well for him to consider taking the really simple actions necessary to put a stop to them. In fact, I feel I'm not setting Peterson a good example by paying attention to a thread about him in the first place. Perhaps I should be ignoring him and any threads about him. Food for thought. /$0.02

First of all: He should not be publishing this information, that's a terrible mistake and poor judgment on his part. And he does this sober minded -- no drinking? Peterson is fueling his own fires and he continues to bring into existence that which he thinks about. What is happening to him is what he wants to happen. It's all his fault. He has nobody to blame but himself.

I'm afraid to say that it's only going to get worse for him and he is going to get exactly what he thinks about. As a man thinketh so is he.

So, let the spectacle continue.
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Re: Dan Peterson libels mormondiscussions.com

Post by _grindael »

disgusting dishonest creepy waddlin simp nigglin. betcha little granddaughter gonna be proud a her fatula


yer a pus filled boil spewin nutzo cultist propaganda fer lemming consumption ya nasty [obscenity deleted] livin the cult fantasy lie

Isn't this what Popeye says when he's talking under his breath to Bluto?


...Leave us not jump to seclusions.... A-gah-gah-gah-gah-gah-gah!
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