FAIR Mormon Adopts A New Name And A More Gentle Approach To Apologetics

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Re: FAIR Mormon Adopts A New Name And A More Gentle Approach To Apologetics

Post by Shulem »

Dr Exiled wrote:
Mon Mar 22, 2021 2:12 pm
In hindsight, the TITS videos had to come down. Christianity is supposed to be about turning the other cheek, or so goes the story. Attacking the supposed "attackers" and succumbing to the eye for an eye approach, while feeling good, goes too much against the narrative. The church gives money to FAIR and cannot be sullied by the amateurish attack pieces the TITS videos presented.

Indeed, and it was DOA and very explosive material. The Church can't touch that stuff with a ten foot pole and expect any kind of decent reception or response from nonmembers of the Church looking at such a vulgar display of Mormon hostility.

Could it be that the words "apologetic" and "apologist" is on the verge of being formally retired from the Mormon think tank? It seems there is a clear break and that Mormon apologetics is getting a make-over of some kind.

I noticed in Dan Vogel's new book, in chapter 1, he uses the word defender and defenders rather than apologists. Perhaps that's now a new buzz word. One thing seems to be clear, Mormon apologetics is beaten and down on the ground -- wounded and bleeding to death. They will have to come up with something new once they get out of the hospital, assuming they survive to tell more tales. lol
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Re: FAIR Mormon Adopts A New Name And A More Gentle Approach To Apologetics

Post by Moksha »

Will old snipers and heavy ordinance men be able to adapt to schoolmarm and Sunday service activities? Being considerate to all will be a huge strain that could break lesser apologists. Even that title seems problematic. How can one give out Fair Answers when so much former practice was devoted to misinformation and coverup. Some real soul searching for a new approach will have to commence, unless a wink, nod, and lie for the Lord is intended before engaging in the same old stuff.

Something new is required to refurbish FAIR.
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Re: FAIR Mormon Adopts A New Name And A More Gentle Approach To Apologetics

Post by Dr Exiled »

I heard there is a new clandestine service for certain BYU professors and patriots called TRUTH (Tits Relaxed Until Throwing Haymakers becomes fashionable again). Word has it that nothing has changed, just that the TRUTH movement is now underground, gathering intel, making lists, occasionally stalking certain "antis," while traveling the world.
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Faith only

Post by Shulem »


So, ONLY faithful answers need apply. Answers that don't promote faith can't be tendered because they only lead to more questions and sow doubt. Doubt your doubts!

Oh my, my, my, my. The Church has run itself up against a wall. FAIR might as well tell its readers to put their noses up against the wall and close their eyes and pretend that all is well. Faith in faith leads to more faith.

Just believe that there really is a King's name in Facsimile No. 3, because it's the faithful thing to believe in and besides, it's the right thing to do. Doubt your doubts that the world says otherwise. Prophet JOE has spoken and it's the translated word of God.
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sic 'em!

Post by Shulem »

Scott isn't turning his other cheek. This is war.


That look that says, "I'm gonna get ya!"
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She was just 14.

The angel with the sword made him do it. It's the angel's fault.
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Re: FAIR Mormon Adopts A New Name And A More Gentle Approach To Apologetics

Post by kamenraider »

Faithful Answers, Indoctrinated Response
A foolish faith in authority is the worst enemy of truth.
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Re: FAIR Mormon Adopts A New Name And A More Gentle Approach To Apologetics

Post by Dr Moore »

Wow, then this is a huge shift. I would love to have been a fly on the wall during the "hearings" on this matter.

It seems we have finally got some real leadership from SLC, condemning the "mean" polemics, a.k.a. Mopoologetics. Got knows, it's long overdue!

I wonder if someone will claim this shift was the result of revelation?

Undoubtedly the true story has everything to with surveys and analysis of the data, likely with an un-acknowledged assist by John Dehlin, concluding that indeed, FAIRMormon did vastly more to wreck testimonies than help. This seems a great opportunity regardless, for Nelson or perhaps Oaks to claim a revelation of the "eternal truth" that Jesus never won a single convert through sarcasm or cheap polemical book reviews.

Logically, "knock it off" was the only possible outcome that could rescue the brethren from their FARMSian Frankenstein, and all of its children. But what happens now?

I wonder who will dare break from this newly defined boundary on apologetics? Is the ground now completely fallow for Doctor Scratch's distinguished department? Or, to the contrary, will is this the beginning of an even more interesting landscape? I really do wonder how the new FAIR, Faithful Answers, Informed Response, will operate. With a fresh set of marching orders to be Christ-like, will FAIR embrace other attributes commonly associated with Jesus, such as honesty?
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Re: FAIR Mormon Adopts A New Name And A More Gentle Approach To Apologetics

Post by IHAQ »

Barely 3 months ago December 2020...
Recently FairMormon released a new set of videos titled “This is The Show” on our YouTube channel. These videos use comedy and caricature to address criticisms of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. They are intended for a youth and young adult audience as part of our efforts to provide accurate, well-documented answers to criticisms of the doctrine, practice and history of the Church.

In response to these videos, some individuals have made incorrect claims and accusations we wish to address.

First, some have claimed that other groups collaborated with FairMormon on these videos. This is false. FairMormon commissioned the production of “This is The Show” videos without prompting, input, suggestion or direction from any other entity or individual. No other group has contributed to the content, style, performance, production, or distribution of our videos. FairMormon alone is responsible for the content shared on the videos, and our websites.
https://www.fairlatterdaysaints.org/blo ... how-videos

March 2021...
At this time of name changing, we have also done some reflection and subsequent course adjustment. We are fact checkers and clarifiers. We want to provide fact checking and clear explanations that all parties can trust. We fully understand that not everyone will like our conclusions as we are believing members of the Church. However, we want everyone to be able to trust our review of the facts. This means avoiding personal attacks or derogatory language.
https://www.fairlatterdaysaints.org/blo ... more-27050

Scott Gordon has done a complete U-Turn in less than 3 months.
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Re: FAIR Mormon Adopts A New Name And A More Gentle Approach To Apologetics

Post by Philo Sofee »

Gordon has done a complete about face because someone higher up probably said hey those videos really are quite immature and have done nothing but bring mockery and mirth down upon our heads. There is no dignity here, let alone actual charity - love. We gotta change that.
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