Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

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Re: Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

Post by _Shulem »

Mormons love to tell how our bodies are sacred temples. All that talk about keeping our bodies sacred so the Spirit can dwell in it and there is a host of rules you have to abide by in order to keep your temple from being DEFILED. I recall vividly a general authority telling me to my face that homosexual relations is DIRT. You heard right, "DIRT".

Well, Mormonism has judged me. My temple is defiled. The Spirit has left me and I remain cursed in a state of dirt. Every time I break the so-called Word of Wisdom I've again defiled my temple. Well -- screw the Mormons!

It's time to defile their temple! It's time to give them a dose of their own medicine. Karma is a bitch.

Mormon TEMPLE PORN! Go Mike Norton! GO!!

_Jersey Girl
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Re: Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Shulem wrote:
Jersey Girl wrote:What about Savannah?

What about her? I don't know. She can choose her own friends -- she's a big girl. She's an amazing girl, for sure. I know that Mike Norton idolizes her. She is courageous and fearless. So is Norton.

He's compromising her.
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Re: Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

Post by _Shulem »

Jersey Girl wrote:He's compromising her.

Oh Fiddlesticks. She's not involved in his porn venture at all. I can easily imagine your mother hen mentality make her eyes roll.

Come on. Relax.
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Re: Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

Post by _Shulem »

double post -- trying to eat greasy chicken and post at the same time

_Jersey Girl
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Re: Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Shulem wrote:
Jersey Girl wrote:He's compromising her.

Oh Fiddlesticks. She's not involved in his porn venture at all. I can easily imagine your mother hen mentality make her eyes roll.

Come on. Relax.

Mother hen mentality? No, Paul, via my professional comittment I've served as child advocate for decades spanning most of my adult life.

You are apparently indifferent to the relationship that Norton has with Savannah, a minor child. Either that, or you don't understand how this move on his part has the ability to compromise her in significant ways. Not to mention other LGBTQ youth who have followed her story and how he intersected it.
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Re: Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

Post by _Shulem »

Jersey Girl wrote:Mother hen mentality? No, Paul, via my professional comittment I've served as child advocate for decades spanning most of my adult life.

You are apparently indifferent to the relationship that Norton has with Savannah, a minor child. Either that, or you don't understand how this move on his part has the ability to compromise her in significant ways. Not to mention other LGBTQ youth who have followed her story and how he intersected it.

Relationships and life's dynamics are multifaceted. She's going to be just fine. She is in charge of her life. She knows what she wants and has the power and strength to make it happen. Whatever ties or friendship she has with Norton are her business and are entirely up to her. Trust her! She's one strong girl that could move a mountain if she wanted to. She's a tough lesbian and I can personally say that I've met many lesbians and they can take care of themselves.
_Jersey Girl
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Re: Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Shulem wrote:
Jersey Girl wrote:Mother hen mentality? No, Paul, via my professional comittment I've served as child advocate for decades spanning most of my adult life.

You are apparently indifferent to the relationship that Norton has with Savannah, a minor child. Either that, or you don't understand how this move on his part has the ability to compromise her in significant ways. Not to mention other LGBTQ youth who have followed her story and how he intersected it.

Relationships and life's dynamics are multifaceted. She's going to be just fine. She is in charge of her life. She knows what she wants and has the power and strength to make it happen. Whatever ties or friendship she has with Norton are her business and are entirely up to her. Trust her! She's one strong girl that could move a mountain if she wanted to. She's a tough lesbian and I can personally say that I've met many lesbians and they can take care of themselves.

I have three lesbian friends, well, one I haven't actually met her girlfriend yet but have interacted with her plenty on Facebook. I do agree that the ladies I know are strong. Two are in what I would describe as "helping professions" and I admire them greatly for what they do in life.

They are adults, not minor developing children.
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Re: Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

Post by _Shulem »

Jersey Girl wrote:I have three lesbian friends, well, one I haven't actually met her girlfriend yet but have interacted with her plenty on Facebook. I do agree that the ladies I know are strong. Two are in what I would describe as "helping professions" and I admire them greatly for what they do in life.

They are adults, not minor developing children.

Glad to know you have lesbian friends. They are strong women. My mother was excommunicated from the church when I was 14 for coming out as a lesbian. Yep. I've met many lesbians over the course of my interesting little life.

Anyway, you need to allow this young lady to live and let live. She can take care of herself. She is no doubt surrounded by friends and family that have her best interest in mind. If she wants to be friends with Norton that is her concern and her right. There is nothing illegal or wrong with minors having friendships with adults. So, back off and relax. Quit worrying about it.
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Re: Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

Post by _Meadowchik »

Meadowchik wrote:
Shulem wrote:Yep, you nailed it.

It's hard to please a bigot. A bigot is a bigot.

Point A as a bigot versus Point B post-bigot: what are they in between A and B?

It's possible that most people are not completely at A or B, most people have the potential to change significantly. In this scenario I quoted it is an extended family group. What's the likelihood that one or more of them, especially the younger ones, are torn between hating their sexual orientations and seeking a life beyond the minfuck of the church? The inside can make the outside seem scary as hell. And this does not help and can damage that process of venturing out.
_Jersey Girl
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Re: Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Maksutov wrote:Dude. You think I couldn't find lesbian porn on the internet? Come on. Ain't nothin' about a self absorbed histrionic exMormon that gets me hot. :lol:

(I have a snappy come back to that, I'll stifle it)

FS says it well:

"Stuff like this makes it more difficult for those of us who are still looking for constructive dialogue with our TBM friends and family."

Yep. Some of us are seeking to coexist with Mormons.

I recently strongly disagreed with you in another forum about a thing, but just as strongly as I disagreed there I stronly agree with you on this.

And it's not just that some of you folks are seeing to coexist with Mormons. The impact of this divisive mentality is far greater and far reaching and you have only to look at what's going on politically to understand that.

That said, we have kids who are in despair on account of their sexual orientation or that of their parents. They are engaging in self harm and many have suicided on account of how society and religion treats them. They, like so many ex-LDS, have been distanced from and cut off by their own families.

They deserve a shot just like you or I or anyone else has had in this world. They deserve acceptance and understanding, our empathy and our compassion. They deserve our support vocal or practical or otherwise.

We have someone like Savannah, a young girl who bravely spoke her truth in her own church, was cut off and that very silence shot through our world because it spoke volumes and uniquely demonstrated (on video for all to see) how LGBTQ youth (and if we are aware, gay parents as well) are treated with disdain by their own church.

Then we have Norton who befriended her, created a trusted relationship with her and now the unholy “F” is planning to desecrate a house of worship using adult women (who are willing) to do it--yet again on video.

Where did Savannah and others like her, knowingly sign up for this crap?

She effectively put a face on advocacy for gay youth and their families. She herself is one who would have been victimized by the goddamn worthiness interviews that Sam Young has brought attention to.

And Norton via his association with Savannah, Sam, and the counter Mormon groups is going to “F” it up all to hell and back again because the press and the impact to victims of TFC is going to ratchet up the anti-anti-Mormon, LGBTQ youth and LGBTQ parents church rhetoric well beyond screaming level and set back advocacy for only god knows how long until this crap gets sorted out and overcome because yahoo Norton couldn't contain himself.

The writing is on the wall illuminated by flashing neon lights, strobes and alarms sounding and people are making light of this.

I maintain that the desecration of an alleged holy place is not the answer to these issues. It doesn't matter to me that this isn't my house of worship (I don't really have one to begin with) and whether or not one is believer or non, has no relevance. For god sakes, this is a horribly ill conceived and potentially dangerous move on Norton's part.

Religion is all too often used to promote hatred and condemnation of the other. I don't personally give a whack in hell if Norton shoots himself in the foot but this plan of his is going to at least temporarily “F” up several types of advocacy movements and will be used against the very people that most of us hope and try to support including the LGBTQ community, vulnerable youth and the relationships that some of you folks are trying to maintain with your own loved ones.
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