Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

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Re: Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

Post by _LittleNipper »

Jersey Girl wrote:
LittleNipper wrote:If she is/was a lesbian in the true sense of the word, may I ask if you were adopted?

Why do you need or want to know that?

Well, I guess it didn't make sense to me that a lesbian would have a child. I always felt that such a thing seems to totally undermine the ideology that homosexuals only want sex with the same sex because it is "natural" for them. Nature seems to reveal that women want to be mothers and have children. So if that is the case, they should desire a mate that would fulfill that need. And logically another of the same sex cannot do that little thing...
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Re: Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

Post by _LittleNipper »

Shulem wrote:
LittleNipper wrote:What exactly makes me evil and you not? :ugeek: I believe I'm a sinner. I'm not the one who thinks that sin is not sin, and wish others hurt because they fail to agree with my assessments.

Go drink Jesus blood.



I believe you are applying a very poor choice of words. You are certainly not building a case that supports your cause. In fact, I would have to say that it exposes your mindset for what it actually is ------------ a distortion and very disturbing at that.
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Re: Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

Post by _Shulem »

LittleNipper wrote:Well, I guess

You guessed wrong. Go drink Jesus blood.

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Re: Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

Post by _Shulem »

LittleNipper wrote:I believe you are applying a very poor choice of words. You are certainly not building a case that supports your cause. In fact, I would have to say that it exposes your mindset for what it actually is ------------ a distortion and very disturbing at that.

YOU are evil.

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Re: Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

Post by _LittleNipper »

Shulem wrote:
LittleNipper wrote:I believe you are applying a very poor choice of words. You are certainly not building a case that supports your cause. In fact, I would have to say that it exposes your mindset for what it actually is ------------ a distortion and very disturbing at that.

YOU are evil.


2 Timothy 3 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)

3 Moreover, understand this: in the last days will come trying times. 2 People will be self-loving, money-loving, proud, arrogant, insulting, disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy, 3 heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, uncontrolled, brutal, hateful of good, 4 traitorous, headstrong, swollen with conceit, loving pleasure rather than God, 5 as they retain the outer form of religion but deny its power.

Stay away from these people! 6 For some of them worm their way into homes and get control of weak-willed women who are heaped with sins and swayed by various impulses, 7 who are always learning but never able to come to full knowledge of the truth. 8 In the same way as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these people oppose the truth. They are people with corrupted minds, whose trust cannot pass the test. 9 However, they won’t get very far; because everyone will see how stupid they are, just as happened with those two.
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Re: Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

Post by _Shulem »

LittleNipper wrote:Stay away from these people!

You're a drunken Jesus drinker. Slurp it up.


_Fence Sitter
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Re: Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

Post by _Fence Sitter »

For some of them worm their way into homes and get control of weak-willed women who are heaped with sins and swayed by various impulses

Got to love all those little misogynistic gems found in God's book.
"Any over-ritualized religion since the dawn of time can make its priests say yes, we know, it is rotten, and hard luck, but just do as we say, keep at the ritual, stick it out, give us your money and you'll end up with the angels in heaven for evermore."
_Jersey Girl
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Re: Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

Post by _Jersey Girl »

LittleNipper wrote:
Jersey Girl wrote:If she is/was a lesbian in the true sense of the word, may I ask if you were adopted?

Why do you need or want to know that?

LittleNipper wrote:Well, I guess it didn't make sense to me that a lesbian would have a child. I always felt that such a thing seems to totally undermine the ideology that homosexuals only want sex with the same sex because it is "natural" for them. Nature seems to reveal that women want to be mothers and have children. So if that is the case, they should desire a mate that would fulfill that need. And logically another of the same sex cannot do that little thing...

Just sit tight there Little Nipper. There's a lot in your above that I think could be addressed.

Let me point out just this one little thing to you before I continue in another post.

I don't know if you read the exchanges here between Shulem and myself, they got a little tense. We could go at it like cats and dogs and in the next post, you could see me rise to his defense. While he is a stranger to you, he is not to many or most of us. And, just so you don't miss it, I'm rising to his defense right now. Read on...

Here, you have asked a person for information regarding their origins. I can think of a couple or three reasons why a person might not choose to answer your question.

1. They didn't volunteer it because they see it as irrelevant or simply something they don't want to discuss because it not only involves their origins, it may lead to discussion of relationships and he doesn't wish to discuss the intimate details of himself or his mother or any of the relationships involved.

2. They know they were adopted and don't wish to discuss for all the above stated reasons.

3. They know they were adopted, discovered it through traumatic means, and it's painful to them.

I don't know the answer to your question regarding adoption.
I don't know anything about the mother.
I don't know precisely why it's not something Shulem wants to discuss.

The reason I don't know those things is because he is my friend and I would never ask him to discuss anything he hasn't already volunteered on this forum.

And there's your clue, buddy. If a person hasn't volunteered a certain thing, stay away from it.

It's private.

You should have asked me about my origins. There's a helluva story there.
Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up.
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_Jersey Girl
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Re: Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Moving right along...

LittleNipper wrote:
Jersey Girl wrote:If she is/was a lesbian in the true sense of the word, may I ask if you were adopted?

Why do you need or want to know that?

LittleNipper wrote:Well, I guess it didn't make sense to me that a lesbian would have a child. I always felt that such a thing seems to totally undermine the ideology that homosexuals only want sex with the same sex because it is "natural" for them. Nature seems to reveal that women want to be mothers and have children. So if that is the case, they should desire a mate that would fulfill that need. And logically another of the same sex cannot do that little thing...

I'm going to rearrange your comments for response.

1. Nature seems to reveal that women want to be mothers and have children.

Not always, but generally I agree. We're physically built to have babies. Not all of us are interested and that's okay.

2. So if that is the case, they should desire a mate that would fulfill that need.

Not always. Some women desire a mate and lose their mate. Some women never find a mate at all. Widowed, divorced and/or single mothers are well able to have and raise children.

So are women engaged in a same sex relationship. Social or marital status doesn't change a woman's ability to reproduce via traditional or medical means.

I met a mother whose children I taught. She was married to a member of the armed forces. They were a great couple, great parents. They still are. She is a lesbian, now divorced, who is raising her children primarily with her girlfriend though Dad is still involved. Her children are amazing human beings. They were when then were 3,4, and 5. They still are 15 years later. We've remained friends all these years. I'll admit it was a bit of a surprise (okay, it was a shock) to me when I realized that she is gay because I knew her in a different way and in a different relationship. She is happy, she is safe, she is loved and she is one the most outstanding parents I've ever had the pleasure to know. That we think highly of each other is why we're still friends. And of course, we both think highly of her babies, now becoming men.

3. Well, I guess it didn't make sense to me that a lesbian would have a child.

You are saying that you thought that who a woman chooses to have sex with would dictate whether or not she would have a child--adopted or bio or steps.

There are millions of women who are having sex with exactly no one, who have adopted, bio, and step children. Or want to have them.

4. I always felt that such a thing seems to totally undermine the ideology that homosexuals only want sex with the same sex because it is "natural" for them.

I suspect that hetero and homo sexuals both feel it's natural to have sex with whom they are attracted to. I don't see homosexuality as an ideology, but I'm okay with you using the term. In any case, like I said, why would who you want to have sex with or having sex with, dictate whether or not you want to raise a child of your own, adopted or step? If you are having sex with literally no one, you can still want to raise a child. A widowed grandmothers can still want to raise children. I've served such angels. Maternal instinct has nothing to do with who you are having sex with. I have a maternal instinct, have children and I'm unfortunately not having sex with Keith Richards or Johnny Depp. I still have children. (That probably didn't make sense, I don't care, I like both those guys.)

5. And logically another of the same sex cannot do that little thing...

Children are created via traditional means, artificial insemination and IVF. In the latter two methods, no sex or partner is needed at all.

I may have left something out. I blame Keith Richards and Johnny Depp.
Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up.
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_Jersey Girl
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Re: Mike Norton to sneak into temple to film porn?

Post by _Jersey Girl »

Public Facebook post yesterday on the live stream thread.

Sam Young · 23:42 Listening to feedback and then making course corrections is commendable. Good job Mike.
Failure is not falling down but refusing to get up.
Chinese Proverb
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