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Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 10:58 pm
by _Polygamy Porter

I'd rather have a hollow space in my soul than have it full of someone else's cockamamie ideas.

OH MIKE! I just had a reveleration... for a tshirt and billboard

Instead of "You don't know Jack"

"You don't know Joe" right below this image(photoshop a s***-eating grin on him):


Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2006 11:51 pm
by _Southern Redneck
I would say yes. Most people have a wife, kid or kids, or other family members still in. It makes it almost impossible to just walk away. I know that the church will always have an effect on me.

Receiving a witness from God

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 2:27 am
by _Gazelam
I stand by the Mormon faith because God himself has told me it is his church.

And Nort, I hope the fact that your link is non-functioning means that you prayed and received an answer as to how wrong you are and you are now in a state of repentance. I would appreciate an invitation to your re-baptism.

All the best

Re: Receiving a witness from God

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 2:39 am
by _harmony
Gazelam wrote:I stand by the Mormon faith because God himself has told me it is his church.

And Nort, I hope the fact that your link is non-functioning means that you prayed and received an answer as to how wrong you are and you are now in a state of repentance. I would appreciate an invitation to your re-baptism.

All the best

Don't hold your breath.

Re: Receiving a witness from God

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2006 4:02 am
by _Nortinski
Gazelam wrote:I stand by the Mormon faith because God himself has told me it is his church.

And Nort, I hope the fact that your link is non-functioning means that you prayed and received an answer as to how wrong you are and you are now in a state of repentance. I would appreciate an invitation to your re-baptism.

All the best


that's funny. God has told me that the "Mormon faith" is a bag full of s***. Well, not in those exact words, but close to it. And, the link was non-functioning because it had a comma after it. Try and discover the truth. I would appreciate an invitation to your "court of love" (formerly known as a "church court") when you tell your Bishop that you're leaving the cult and you've sent a letter out to dozens of friends and family members telling them why. They threatened to excommunicate me AFTER I told them I wanted out just because of the contents of the following letter that I sent to 40 friends and family members:

By the way, I asked my Bishop and Stake President if there was anything in the letter that wasn't true. They admitted there was not.

Good luck. Hope you read it with an open heart and mind.


Joseph lied

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 12:40 am
by _Gazelam

I looked through your website, and I have seen nothing there al that new or innovative as far as tachings against the church are concerned. Many of these I have gone through with aggresive Born again christians who hammer away at me with these things. I find it hard to believe that after all your studies you are so uninformed as to how revelation is received, and how people spiritualy grow into Christ and his gospel. The same way people grow up into God, is how the church grew up.

I will take the time to go through a number of your problems you are having with church doctrine. In the meantime I would encourage you to pray to your Father in heaven in the name of Christ, and ask for the companionship of the Holy Ghost. I would also encourage you to read the scriptures (The Bible is of coarce fine), and also go through your home and remove anything in it that would be offensive to the spirit, this list should include movies that woudl be innappropriate to have in your Home if Christ himself were to pay you a visit, as well as any music that woudl be offensive. I don't think anything I have asked of you here is a strictly "Mormon" way of obtaining the spirit. Any other proper christian church would ask you the same things if you were striving to draw closer to God in a serious manner.

I'll start with the first vision accounts, and go down the list from there. I think each one may be worthy of an individual thread.

All the best,


Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 5:09 pm
by _Rank&File
Gazelam, Why are you here?

You are right Gazelam. There is nothing new about - These are the same old Anti-Mormon Claims that people have making and some of them are as old as Mormonism itself. But you know what the crazy thing is? They are true.

by the way, don't waste your time trying to argue the points unless it is something new or innovative to other sites out there that have already attempted this. For starters you may want to try just pointing Mike's Lost soul to places like.

But if you feel the desire to write the same old standard Mormon apologetics or have something new or innovative, please enlighten us.

And I have to ask you another question Gazelam. What are your motives for trying to "love bomb" mike with all your "You need to do this, and this, and this" to feel the spirit stuff. Do you really care about him or are you just trying to stir the pot here on the message board. If you are doing it out of love, you really need to go back to the MTC and the mission field and work on your skills.

I have to agree that Mike gets pretty angry at times but is there anything wrong with that? Christ himself walked into the temple and started flipping tables over because he was pissed as hell. I am still awaiting the video of mike walking into the temple, grabbing the cash register and start beating it with a crowbar. :) We don't see what Mike is like 24hrs a day and I am sure that he posts a lot of his frustration on this message board so we get a distorted view of what he really is like.

I went through my Angry stage and have pretty much moved on now except for times when my family members say stupid things to me. It has been said by others on this board "The Truth Will Set You Free, but at first it will piss you off". This is so true.

Gazelam, you may want to check out and listen to the "Stages of Faith" podcasts. I really don't know your background but if I had to guess I would say you are in stage 3. Right now I am in stage 4 going into stage 5.

As far as myself, I have moved on from Mormonism and I would like to thank God for showing me the way. If you would like to read my story, you can at

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 5:16 pm
by _Jersey Girl
Mike: They threatened to excommunicate me AFTER I told them I wanted out just because of the contents of the following letter that I sent to 40 friends and family members:

Jersey Girl: Can I ask what may seem like a stupid question? Would ex-communicating you have looked better on church records than your resignation? I'm just trying to understand what you're saying here.

Re: Joseph lied

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 10:35 pm
by _Nortinski
Gazelam wrote:In the meantime I would encourage you to pray to your Father in heaven in the name of Christ, and ask for the companionship of the Holy Ghost. I would also encourage you to read the scriptures (The Bible is of coarce fine)


you need to read my website again. Clearly you missed the part where I mentioned pouring my heart out to God and reading nothing but Church approved material upwards of 16 hours a day. God answered my prayers. I still believe in him to this very day. Does it upset you that God told me that your church is a cult? Cuz it sure broke my heart at the time. I've since gotten over the heartache.

Although my posts sometimes make me come across as an angry sonofabitch sometimes, rest assured, I'm not. Ask Dr. Shades. He knows me. We've met in person more than once. I'm don't come across as "angry" in person.

However, you should be warned, stupidity does frustrate me sometimes. ;-)


Re: Receiving a witness from God

Posted: Sat Oct 28, 2006 10:37 pm
by _Ray A
Nortinski wrote:

that's funny. God has told me that the "Mormon faith" is a bag full of s***. Well, not in those exact words, but close to it. And, the link was non-functioning because it had a comma after it. Try and discover the truth.
Good luck. Hope you read it with an open heart and mind.



I read your story twice, once a long time ago when I was first on MDB, and just a few minutes ago. I believe you were honest in your investigations, and I can understand why you drew the conclusions you did. It seems that your faith in God and Christ is still intact, but what I'd like to know is why you come across as being so angry? You really have some harsh words to say about the church. Is this because of the way you have been treated by Mormons? Do you hate the church?